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Everything posted by Bonez

  1. Bonez

    After speaking with the CEO of Stepping Off The Streets they have said that the value of donations received is more then enough to achieve what they have set out to do and are requesting no more donations at this stage. Thank you all to those who donated to this great cause.
  2. Bonez

    Donations & Thanks Personal Sponsors - Red Gull: $500,000. PNX Yuri: $4,000,000. EMS Gotenks: $ 500,000. + 10 first aid kits. That Lucky SOB: $500,000. SP Zorgain: $1000,000. SRT Assistant Commissioner Bonez: $500,000. Commissioner Spectral: $500,000. Director Of Lifesaving Aidan: $100,000 + Job offers. Acquisitions Inc: $9,100,000 + Job offers + Housing + Trucks + Licenses + SUV's and other misc. Deputy Commisoner Roger Purple: $1,000,000. SP TheMagician: $3,000,000. + 50 Boonie Hats. SP TrueBlue: $2,000,000. SP Dean: $500,000. Denis: $1,000,000. Donation Total: $24,200,000 Thanks kindly to the people who have donated so far!! This will be a great life changing experience for the two chosen civilians and their families.
  3. Bonez

    Reaching out to the Pirate King @TrueBlue would be good if you could participate or a chosen SP representative and maybe SP could organize some beverages and music for the after party?
  4. Bonez

    Reaching out to AINC @[AI] STALKER is it possible with your business connections is it possible you could seek out someone to organize clothing, food and legal sidearms for two people at discounted rate?
  5. Bonez

    Wow these are some lucky civilians!! Should be life changing for them indeed. Look forward to the track @Spectral . I was able to secure a 500k sponsorship from Redgull so we can throw that on top if the kitty!
  6. Bonez

    Great to see the support coming in form the Altis citizens! @Yuri I'm sure we can find a second person in need! @Gotenks we will need to organize a medic and off-road for the event :-) @That Lucky SOB Better you drive then @denis :-p
  7. Bonez

    @Spectral @Roger Purple @Tiggati Could you guys do the honour of selecting a civilian in need?
  8. Bonez

    I agree that the combat logging is annoying and is getting worse, people on the server are keen to do the crimes but not do the time or take a hit in the pocket when they are caught. @Spectral@Roger Purple and myself encourage the use of non-lethals for the police force. The ticketing system is how the police earn their money in game and it becomes very frustrating when they make the effort to take someone down and bring them in for the role play and then on your way back to PD they combat log. It would be just as easy for SRT and Sydney 5 to roll heavy and KOS but being that heavy handed is just not fun for all parties involved, I have some pretty heavy weapons at my disposal but roll standard with the MX3GL which means i can can carry knockdowns and gas in addition to flash bangs and lethal clips used as a last resort. In some of the heaviest fire fights Sydney 5 have still used non-lethals and brought in the bad guys and had them combat log. It seems to be fun if they are killing the cops but not much fun when they face a consequence for their actions.
  9. Bonez

    This was pretty funny! Strange place to park a hunter!
  10. Bonez

    Was good fun indeed :-) would be good to see all rebel gangs and cartels put aside the banter for events like this and rally up and join in no matter what the event. Just think of the possibilities, the havoc, the mayham and the fun that can be had! Especially with @Spectral and Zeus it's pretty much endless.
  11. Bonez

    I like the events for many reasons but what I really enjoy most about the events is that it gives me the opportunity to get amongst the community and it's players. As someone who plays dedicated cop and only plays civ side occasionally the majority of the time I am a form of "opposition" for most players but at the events we can hang loose, have a laugh, some friendly banter, good RP. I would encourage more players to come along and get involved and get amongst it all @Spectral does a good job with the setup for these events.
  12. Bonez

    A sad day for the Altis Police Force Captain Masin 01/01/1985 - 15/05/2016 The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever. @Spectral@Roger Purple
  13. Woke up in the world of Altis today to find these headlines.... What is going on and who is causing it? http:// http://
  14. Bonez

    ***************************************** Couldn't agree more @Mr. Snow Leopard As Captain of the Altis Police Force I use more Non-Lethal force then i do lethal there are quite a few people who play as other factions that find themselves getting knocked down by myself more so then being killed. Unless we are already going into a fire fight or my back is up against a wall I don't switch to lethal rounds. There are a lot of players that enjoy the RP after being arrested @TrueBlue and His SP boys, @Alienware, @denis and the list goes on. There are a few players that i take into my interrogation chamber from time to time (Depending on the extent of their crimes and associations) and the RP goes a step further. KOS on rebels inside city limits is not always a bad thing but only for the reason that you don't know what their intentions are i.e they could come in and pick on civs just robbing them for cash kidneys and whatever else running around in gillies avoiding thermals picking people off with a sniper rifle and TWS doing this and rolling into ANY city IRL with such heavy gear reason or no reason will get you KOS no questions asked. However i do believe that they should they should be tazed/restrained when they can be caught off guard or if you are in a position to do so while VALUING YOUR OWN LIFE + The lives of the Altis citizens. People often forget that the Police have to protect their own lives + an average of 8-12 other officers and additional to that and average of 40-50 citizens. Even a simple police chase has many flip sides and scenarios depending on who the player is being chased - 1. The player will get out and RP, 2. The player will stop and dome every cop in sight, 3. Cops will be baited past a location and get lit up by associated parties the police then have to try and predict which of these things the player/players will do and act on it, 9/10 times scenario 2 and 3 happen. Also there is the balance of numbers with the exception of off peak times the police are always out numbered and most civs are armed in addition to rebel gangs and cartels. When they go up against 4 pub slots with tazers and are "winning" it's fun and games but then when situations get foiled and the win is not always one sided some people don't like it but as is with all battles not one side always wins. If police went to helpdesk every time someone broke a rule or failed RP players would be spending more time in helpdesk then in game. Instead they cop it on the chin, no comp and play on, bring on the RP from ALL FACTIONS including police side we all want it! that's why we are here. Police incentive is not to always kill because fines and arrests is how they make their money it is just unfortunate that they do not always get the chance to do this because of actions players CHOOSE to make. I feel for the rebels and civs that want to RP with the cops and may not always get the opportunity to do so on the other side also when the police want to RP with rebels they can not because of the never ending cycle mentioned. It's not about taking away lethals or weapons and not about continually changing rules it is about taking ownership for the actions and choices we make in game and understanding that every action has a re-action and results in a consequence of some kind.
  15. Bonez

    was one kick ass event well hosted by our Admins @Spectral @Roger Purple good RP by all involved :-)
  16. Bonez

    Put me down for this one mate!
  17. Bonez

    Whenever I take someone into the interrogation room and they hear that saw theme ;-p it's pretty funny they have no idea what's gonna happen :-)
  18. Bonez

    It was very effective :-) it took the focus off spectral and still allowed him to take down 1 of you in a room we were surrounded in
  19. Bonez

    Amen @Spectral I was hoping that my singing sounding like a cat being strangled would be tactical enough for their ear drums to bust haha! Had to drop the flash and go balls to the wall in house tactical and hope.
  20. Bonez

    Need a Lawyer? Give us a call on 1800-PUNISH!
  21. Hi All, In-game name is Masin, I look forward to bringing alot of RPG experience to the Straya Gaming server. I own 2 servers for other RPG games (Ark Survival and LIF: YO) so i am no stranger to the RPG community. I had played alot of Arma2 OA life previously and i understand the importance of RPG mechanics to help make the server a wonderful place for us all to enjoy . I defiantly look forward to spending some time in EMS/Police slots and joining the white lists and also having a crack at Bounty Hunter. If you see me around say hi, and hopefully i come across the more matured players who know how to RP, also if you have a group/gang/clan let me know as i would like to join in and contribute what i have to bring and always happy to learn more tricks of the trade that i may not have yet picked up on. Look forward to seeing you all in-game