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About stv

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  1. Well, at least it seems we all agree on the main point here. @Vallenx Although I still don't believe areas such as gun stores should flash up immediately as someone enters, I can see where you're getting at with your comment. The immediateness of the zone flash is one of the main reasons behind the issue, at least from my perspective (Someone who roams with 1-2 friends between various hot spots). The jets / mortars with what seems like infinite ammo have a target straight away. I also feel as though some of your suggestions such as: Decrease the amount of flares the aircraft can deploy. Make the rocket launchers more obtainable. Spawns in vehicles or cheaper at the store. were quite good, although again, the spawns of launchers are sometimes random there still is quite a few weapons chests around the map. Not always accessible from spawns though. My only concern being not able to use any form of vehicle if spawn increases due to AT spam. Limiting the availability of aircraft could be something really cool. Forcing the users who want to buy and use one, to actually hunt down the existing ones themselves. Back to hoping the discussion brings light to those who can change these things for the better
  2. I cannot fault you there, you are not wrong. But, it also takes 1 second for that giant red circle on the map to show up when someone walks into any area. Which then gets bombarded by thousands of bullets and explosions... killing everyone inside. Being able to farm an entire team of people like that is just lame. And it seems to make a lot of newer players rage quit. This screenshot looks like you, doing just that. Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on you. You do you, that's why you bought the game. I just really don't know how you cannot see reason in what I am saying. I know asking for fairness and balance in an online game is a challenging task, but hey, someone's gotta do it.
  3. Following from the thread listed here: http://strayagaming.com.au/forums/index.php?/topic/726-removing-mortars-from-wasteland/ 80% of the time the server is amazing, community, people, all of it. The other 20% is filled with endless death to 'zone-killers' (neat name, i know). Obviously there are ways to counter this before you start hating. The point I am making here is, you cannot get AA / equipment necessary to deal with the issue, if the zone you need to enter will be instantly blown to bits by stepping inside it. Personally, I cannot believe the amount of people defending these types of players. Those who just sit way out in the middle of nowhere with mortars or flying around in jets hunting down zone circles. What I don't understand is the mindset and complete absurd excuse of 'It's in the game, it's not an exploit'. This is the silliest statement ever, as all exploits are obviously in the game(s). Fact is, you are abusing a mechanic. Opinions aside lets be honest here, the majority of the players who die to this will be 'fresh spawns', and new players to the server. Who by definition have just spawned in, have a pdw-hunk-o-shits, searching for gear and guns to actually play the game. Heck, even my friends and I get stuck in the white wash that is zone-killers. You see complaints in global all the time about it. Suggestions: Is it possible for you to remove the larger circle around zones or the notification after someone steps in the zone for 1 second? Or even better can you not just list the zone after it has been claimed for the full duration? If that is too crazy maybe even lower he cap time to 2 mins - This still allows people to still fly in jets and spam their bombs, thousands of bullets, and mortars... if they really feel the need to. hoping you can understand my suggestions and frustrations without sounding like too much of a cynical twat, as I have heard all of this way too many times, Steven.