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  1. battesyy

    Just a heads up, BEFORE the price increase - don't know if anything else was changed. A mortar can nearly hit the entire map from the center of stratis, due to the map being quite small, and they're extremely accurate when you have an artillery computer rather than using elevation etc to aim... not to mention you can't really miss if you fire 30 shots at a small area 8)
  2. battesyy

    @TooMuchWasabi ArmA III literally has an RNG effect on flares, there's a 1 in 5 chance, regardless if you maneuver and flare correctly, you will be hit (which is honestly the most stupid thing I have ever heard of, but it actually exists, I would get a link but I'm sure you can find it if you look) plus the fact that you don't even need to own the Airfield to take Blue or myself out since you can just sit on the hill 3km away from the AF and wire guide an AT missile into us while we rearm. There's so many ways to take us out, but you would rather waste the time to camp inside a gunstore furiously typing in global chat than do something about it...
  3. battesyy

    @Ya MumBut is it fair to ask someone to NOT do something they enjoy because others don't enjoy it? The people who get upset are the few (many) that would honestly rather type in global than to try and take him down - but in the end, it's more than possible to get, what like 7k out, buy some AA and force the jet to the Airfield, if not, to bail. Not to mention the fact that the OP accused Blue of "duping" jet ammo, and continued to "abuse" (throw banter) at Blue Eagle.
  4. @Ya Mum but how is it fair when a player who is unhappy, leaves the Independent team to join the winning team to troll - purely because he's upset? (Think about that next time.) "Take the hint" As we get meta-gamed by salty people on the losing team. "bullying" banter over the internet will never be considered bullying, and I wasn't bulled nor did I do a lot of bullying myself but nonetheless it's game and the internet, life will move on. Ofc it's harder to find people not in zones, but it's also not impossible - as with map knowledge people become predictable. @Vallenxand @stv The only slightly overpowered thing on the server is Air to Ground missiles, jets don't have many flares - you can tell me I'm wrong all you want but they simply do not. The only reason it seems like they have a lot is because we REARM and there's only one place on the entire map you can do that - the airfield. And before you go "but you just stack OPFOR so you always have control of the airfield" - we've taken it as inde before and had the same result but in the end, that is the solution to your problem TAKE THE AIRFIELD. I don't think it would be possible, without a great amount of coding to be able to limit the number of available aircraft, but not only would that be lame for jet users as they aren't really obtainable if you're shot out or "Crash land" as you would in a helicopter, but the damage models that currently stand on the server don't allow for vehicle recovery as such.
  5. I find it funny because you clearly have no idea what happened Ya Mum, as Blue Eagle has mentioned, the mines were from a TEAMMATE, which lead to TEAM KILLING - not to mention the fact that by swapping teams he is technically meta-gaming, which are 2 bannable offences. We were also not happy because we were also being rammed by teammates during this period... regardless, if they have to swap teams to take us out, then there's something wrong because taking jets out isn't too difficult if you actually try rather than just swap teams and troll - as most people do. On another note, this is yet ANOTHER post you've changed the subject on because you don't like how people play - technically gaming is "un-australian" tbh. Nothing stops other teams from strafing our gunstores but eh, that's just my 2 cents.
  6. battesyy

    I like both the ideas, and if the long range option is removable, then that's the true fix - that would work really well. In regards to the tracker, it wouldn't work for the majority of players, since they're always too busy typing in chat rather than finding the mortar - even if they know where it is, they won't go and track him down aha.
  7. battesyy

    An Altis map would be interesting, but it might be a little too big. Like MATTY said, Chernarus would be nice, but it's a little old. Possibly wait until the new map is out as it would be extremely refreshing.
  8. battesyy

    I'm confused to why you don't want to "get into an argument" but still continued to comment, yet again, something irrelevant to the topic. A lot of people killed me during the time that I used it, not that I cared, but they never attempted to stop what they claimed the issue to be. I never once "abused the players objecting", I threw some banter here and there, but calling abuse is a bit far. The only exception I would see, would be yourself, because you abused me for using it for a while, then when I stopped using it at 100 kills, which was enough for me, you then jumped on a mortar and used it on our gun store, which was extremely hypocritical, was it not? If you read the original post, you would understand that I mentioned the admin's ability to alter rearm may not allow that, so I gave alternate fixes, which if there's going to be people unwilling to attempt to kill someone using a mortar, then they will continue to be salty and leave the server, do you not agree?
  9. battesyy

    Explain how it's abusing a use, please. If there's an enemy, in a location which is known to me, why would I not use a mortar to remove the enemy? I didn't "make fun" of anyone, you were just extremely hypocritical in how you went about whining in global. I really enjoy how you believe to "outsmarted" me, when I clearly left my mortar once I reached 100 kills because I was rather bored and a majority of your team were requesting I stop. On another note, yet again, like Justice - you come here and post something completely irrelevant to my original post, the post isn't about myself, but rather some ways that the mortar could be tweaked so people don't leave the server because they're too busy whinging instead of killing me.
  10. battesyy

    When you say this, are you referring to the fact that they're not only easily countered and rather useless against teamwork or rather complaining that they suck because you died to one?
  11. battesyy

    I understand where you're coming from and all - But we had our reasons for being there, but that has nothing to do with the original post. I know what being on the receiving end is like, it has happened to my group a few times now, but I wouldn't be one to complain because of how much I've used it, and might continue to use it when I'm bored. It's in the game, it's not abusing a gun in any way and if i'm enjoying myself, then money well spent. Also, you do realise in most vehicles you don't see a weapon equipped, because I had the same set of gear most of the day, yet again, another point irrelevant to the topic. I don't see why setting up a gun store is an issue, I don't expect protection, nor did I get it as I died multiple times, yeah I got a few revives but it also gave my position away, so the enemy were able to go on the offense, which they did. I also defended myself whilst I was in the gun store on multiple occasions, nor would I have cared if all allies left the gun store - but regardless, I don't see why you bought that up.
  12. battesyy

    Okay, so I've been playing on the Wasteland server for around three days. After I got the hang of everything, I decided to find out what's OP. Before long I was met by a two to three mortar strikes and was intrigued - I went and bought myself one, disappointed by the lack of ammo, I put it away for awhile. A day goes by, and I discover you can purchase ammo/re-arm trucks and tested if they rearmed mortars, which they did... Now before I go any further, I don't want to come across a whinger, since this is quite the opposite. Today for example, I was able to achieve a score of 118 to 21 by simply spamming the mortar across the entire map. So I took the time to think of a way to fix the issue, now I don't know the exact permissions with ARMA and whatnot but if the ability to remove the rearm function on the mortar itself is not a viable option then I believe the one way to fix the issue, if it's possible (probably won't be) you could remove the medium and far distances so it can only shoot a short range. I believe if you can limit the range of the mortar the entire issue will be fixed as you will be close enough to your target that they can hear the shots whilst also limiting where on the map you can be hiding whilst mortaring. I've also seen a suggestion to remove the notifications on the map that show enemy locations at gun stores, I don't know if I'm alone, but I rather enjoy that aspect, I know a lot of people do not enjoy it, but when generally each team is generally camping the stores themselves, it's almost guaranteed action at those locations. I will not lie, using the mortar is rather enjoyable at times, it does get really dull really quickly, but I think I've had my fun after today. If the option to lower the maximum range of the mortar is unavailable, I believe they should be removed, as there will be no way to truly balance them otherwise. TL;DR: After destroying with the mortar for some time, the only ways I've come up with to fix the issue is either limit range or remove completely. Cheers for reading. Edit; I didn't proof-read, and it's like 5:11 AM - I'm sure you will understand what I meant