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Everything posted by Unit_3397

  1. Unit_3397

    Hey community, We wanted to see what some of you thought of central stratis, back when it had access to all stores. The idea behind central was to encourage mass group/ teams to fight over it (in mainly an infantry only environment) while also providing an "no fly zone" of sorts around the center of the map The purpose of the poll is to basically fill in some voids by answering these few questions Who here liked or disliked it? Do you want it or something similar added back? Who actually uses central now? Who wants it removed?
  2. Unit_3397

    Patch 10.2 In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes Development Added - 2 New skins "Skulls" ; "Strayagaming" Added - Ghost platform/ stairs as purchasable objects Tweak - updated message panel Tweak - Reduced damage models for tanks & Infantry fighting vehicles Tweak - Added in props to prevent utilization of particular glitches
  3. Unit_3397

    I was a pilot think @FBI is better than me now... yeah significantly better considering that last k/d ratio with dat jet (think were getting a tad off topic XD)
  4. Unit_3397

    mmm... i question that... i question if they are people at all -_(^.^)_- infact, i question life :}
  5. Unit_3397

  6. Unit_3397

    what if we replace all buildings with the "unfinished complex" building? marina might have a bit of clipping
  7. Unit_3397

    Patch 10.1 In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes Development Added - much needed server restart warnings Added - New vehicles to logistics (a few new vehicles now have storage capacity) Added - scaffolding & Concrete Block as purchasable objects Added - some missing/ needed gear back in (light tier backpacks/ clothing, etc...) Added - Return of two questionable skins Tweak - updated message pannel Tweak - wasteland veterans diary entry & update log
  8. Unit_3397

    Server restart messages have finally been re implemented. 10 and 5 minutes before server restart.
  9. Unit_3397

    Never looked into stuff relating to spotting before, so im unsure at this time
  10. Unit_3397

    Greetings Community Just interested in finding out what is your preferred viewing distance; Near, medium or far? Do you use custom view distance frequently? For what purpose?
  11. Unit_3397

    Update 9 In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes Development Added - Sniper Nest Mission Added - Extra buildings to Jay Cove Added - Auscam texture Added - New reward crate Tweak - Corpse removal* Tweak - Various dialogs Tweak - Various diary entries Tweak - Main configuration* Moved - Various ATM's Moved - north cove buildings Moved - Various objects in central Stratis Moved - Central vehicle store back to air-station mike Moved - Central gunstore to kamino bay Moved - Kamino Bay vehicle Store into compound near lighthouse Deleted - Numerous entities around map Extra Details Corpse removal timer In previous builds, bodies of the dead hung around for around 30 minutes before being automatically deleted. This setting has now been modified down to a mere 6 minutes. While this will help the effort to combat one of many FPS issues, it also means that you have an extra reason to plan your attacks and defences. Reason being, if you die, your now less likely to get back to your gear in time. Main Configuration Just as a warning, we will be testing a new configuration file. If successful, the server will go on as normal, else we will manually shut the server down while we roll back to the old file. PS The jets and helicopters that were removed will be put back into the game early march
  12. Unit_3397

    Cheers invictiis :3 looks boss
  13. Unit_3397

    ... I disapprove :C *puppy eyes* come back please? :3
  14. Wasteland due for a bank wipeout Yes you have read right. Its a new year, February will be a new month, and your wasteland team has deemed it necessary to start anew. F&Q What does this mean?! SPEND!!!! Spend like you've never spent before! For any money you have left over after the wipe is forever gone. What date is the wipeout to occur? The date the bank wipe will occur is to be decided at a later date/ later this month What if a player hasn't been on the forums or ingame for the past month to see this/ the warnings? We are afraid that is just too bad. (Should be more active to see these things ) Please note. any comp request in relation to this wipe will be denied. What if i withdraw and hold onto my money? Think again, we will have a unfortunate surprise in store for you. Whats this about a cap reduce? Along with the wipe, our bank accounts will be set to hold a maximum of 2.5 million instead of the current massive 8 million. We will be monitoring this change to see how it affects the overall server experience for both long term/ Veterans & new comers. Why?! Because ^.^ If you have any enquiries in relation to this announcement, please feel free to contact a member of our wasteland team. @Links @Ya Mum @Dak Commstar @Salt @Unit_3397
  15. Unit_3397

    // Topic Locked
  16. Unit_3397

    Getting back to the question at hand, our wasteland team have decided against the motion to remove the bushes from the airbase at this stage.
  17. Unit_3397

    Hi invictiis, We are inclined to agree with you there. So in one of the upcoming patches or updates, we will be moving the south gunstore ATM either just south east of camp Maxwell or in the town by the south lighthouse.
  18. Unit_3397

    Insert a game logic into area (airfield in this instance) and put this in its init: { _x hideObjectGlobal true } foreach (nearestTerrainObjects [this,[],50]) Clears all static objects within 50m. (this also includes buildings that have not been added in via us developers...
  19. Unit_3397

    "game logic", already using the function to remove a tree at camp maxwell
  20. Unit_3397

    Being a player that favours jet supremacy alot, this would only make my life easier; and that is precisely why i think its a good idea to keep the bushes in play. Thanks to the removal of briefcases, and the delay in the re-spawn timer for vehicles to re-spawn, its pretty easy to take off / taxi & land as it is. (Especially if you have your team supporting you via the gunstore.) Opfor seems to hold the airfield the majority of the time, and as they favour air supremacy, i'd think Blufor and Indie properly dont want us to make their life even easier. For new people wanting to start flying jets, i would suggest make good use of the Eden editor. Taxi around the airport, learn which bushes you can run over/ ram at what speed and survive, the appropriate speeds to take off and land (dont trust auto-land lads, if theres a random spawned car on the airstrip, your not gonna be happy) I'll have a talk to other wasteland staff on this and ill post the decision that we come too as a group, but my honest opinion, the bushes will remain.
  21. Unit_3397

    I haven't been on for the last couple of day, so its pretty rad to hear people are loving the server I suppose if the population keeps up to around the 70's mark during peak hours, the wasteland server may indeed need white-list slots again. Unfortunately i've never worked with whitelisting and have no clue how to setup the system, but im sure Connor would be able to do the whole thing help out Keep us updated on this mate
  22. Unit_3397

    RIP, your A-164 and Neo flying skills will be missed
  23. Unit_3397

    Patch 8.2 In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes Development Added - Various Buildings Moved - Various Stores Moved - Various buildings Tweak - Bury body script timer
  24. Unit_3397

    Update 8 Wasteland Staff are pleased to present you with another Official update for our server. In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes Development Added - Diary Log: Top Ten Players Added - Patch 7.2 and update 8 notes to diary log ingame. Added - Water Barrels, food sacks, supply boxes* Added - Sunken Treasure boat now includes diving gear like sunken supplies mission Moved - Various Stores Tweak - Diary Logs* Tweak - Various dialogs Tweak - missions* Tweak - added/ deleted various skins Tweak - Server Restarts every 4 hours instead of 6 Tweak - LMGs/ rockets/ Charges / Mine Pricing* Tweak - Rogain spawn radius Tweak - Starting loadout* Tweak - Central stratis* Tweak - Weather* Deleted - Duplicate Rust Skin Deleted - Airfield gunstore spawn radius Added - From 7.2: waiting time for re-spawning in towns (again, keeps reverting back) Deleted - From 7.2: ATM Tax Transfer (again, keeps reverting back) Extra Details Starting Loadout Added a silencer for the .45 pistol, and removed 1 magazine, because why not :3 You will no longer spawn with a repair briefcase, food or water, meaning you will be required to utilise general stores more frequently. Also meaning not as many items will be littering the ground when people die; (i mean, most of us die at one point or a rather before we need to drink or eat) Water barrel/ Food sacks/ supply box Now that you no longer spawn with food & water, we thought it best to re-introduce these items back into the game Food sacks and water barrels have an inventory of between 30 to 60 x items, it can be loaded into a vehicle inventory like base parts and is a alternative for players needing to go and purchase food and water from a general store Diary Logs edited some logs Added rules changed top ten/ vets to server side (allowing either wasteland developer/ manager to make changes per restart) Tweaks to guns/ rockets/ charges/ mines Increased the Pricing for a mk200 and mx lmg's. Increased pricing for AT and AP rockets in an effort to control/ reduce rocket spam across map against infantry Increased price for select mines Central Straits Wasteland staff have pondered on the idea of having an area on the map that has access to all facilities. So, as of this update, central stratis is our test for this concept. DO NOT spawn a helicopter if there is already one on the heli pad. Comps related to this topic may not be accepted. Base Parts that are brought at the general store do not spawn outside the store, they spawn on a hillside with a massive white X on it. (near the crane) Items like mortars or turrets that are purchased from the gun-store will spawn directly to its left (when exiting the store) Work in progress ||||| Notify a member of our wasteland team if you find any issues, bugs or suggestions ||||| Weather Its been the most requested change from you players, and now, we think we have the solution. Day and Night cycles stay the same, but from here on out, clear sky's ahead. No overcast, rain or fog. Work in progress ||||| Notify a member of our wasteland team if you notice fog or rain occurring on the server ||||| Missions Sunken supplies One of the 2 reward create contents have been changed. Among the new contents, there is now a 50% chance that the edited create will contain a viper helmet. (AKA, "The totally OP helm" valued at 70k in general stores) This is now the third only way to obtain this helmet. Purchasing from general store Looting it from a corpse Reward for doing the sunken supply mission Abandoned Jet added back the air to ground missiles. Finding any Issues or bugs? Report your findings to our wasteland staff. The best method to get me looking for solutions is via PM'ing me.
  25. Unit_3397

    I feel you are right to question