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Everything posted by Coco

  1. Coco

    Thanks Guys for the comprehensive answers
  2. Coco

    Hey everyone, I thought I'd add to your topic from own experiences recently regarding MBT's and armour in general. I usually am a pilot and enjoy it so much that if I don't get a slot when I join, I just won't play on the server... BUT this week I thought heck, lets be an Engie and get in a tank. I fire up the M2A4 and ask anyone if they would like to gun, no reply in side chat. I ask the guys in TS3 if they would like to gun, "we're good". SO I take off on my own and rack up a few kills and get blown off the mountain top. Respawn and there is the MBT waiting for me. The AO is on the West coast and so I drive 12 clicks again only to arrive 2 clicks short as the AO is complete and the new AO respawns now in the far NE corner. So I drive 20 clicks and let me tell ya, averaging 50km it takes 15 minutes plus to get where I think is a good spot, only to arrive with the radio tower down, all enemy vehicles destroyed and a few EI in small groups. SO i gun down a few baddies with the 12.7 and the AO is complete. Now the AO is close to our base and at this point I'm thinking, man this is getting tedious, wish we could transport a MBT with the Huron or Blackfish. So I respawn not wanting to drive all the way back, run out to the parking lot and guess what... no armour to be found, the lot is empty. Now keep in mind I was not the only one chasing the AO's around in vehicles. There were other players in Marshals and even one guy with a drone and ammo crate on the back driving long distances. The points I make are, you don't always know why a player is in the tank by himself, chasing AO's in slow vehicles is not fun and there should be a way to transport a heavy MBT for we can transport everything else, so why restrict heavies and yes, adding another MBT to the mix would be a great addition... I'm sure it would not sit in the parking lot too long when the server is busy. Would the demand for MBT's to be transported be more of a necessity if they don't respawn if they are abandoned but only respawn if they are destroyed by the enemy? Another idea... is it possible to have an increase of MBT's added to the side mission gifts when completed successfully? And finally, would increasing the slots from 60 to 65 make an impact on the server?
  3. Coco


    Beeeeeen a longtime player here with strayagaming and before. Arma3 and Falcon BMS are my two gigs, work is something I do to pay for internet. Looking forward to beating SinerBuzz on the leader board!
  4. Coco

    Altis life is notorious for this kind of stuff. Played it for 6 months straight back in 2014. We mined salt and iron ore. 5 guys as a team, we made millions and bought choppers to get us around. Paid cops off and helped players who just started off with 50k gifts. But these %#$#heads who enjoy stealing and ripping off... instead of banning, they should be locked in a cage with farm animals so everyone can walk past and laugh. I've seen it done on I&A and it was a hoot to see at the airbase.
  5. Coco

    Felt like I was there. Great footage
  6. Coco


    Thanks Guys! Really enjoying gaming on the Invade&Annex Server.