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Everything posted by Mozkelby

  1. Mozkelby

    Might as well chuck it in there while we're at it, not much point getting it in the current one if it's going to soon be entirely changed anyway. I will also be modifying and removing a few of the buttons on the new tablet to make way for some new features / options, including this one.
  2. Greetings, It seems to go without saying, the current wasteland tablet is fairly outdated, so today we've been working on a new Player Menu tablet we'll- if all going well -be including in the next Wasteland Update. Nothing major, or secretive, so with consent I've included a wee time lapse for the extra curious >;). This isn't the absolute final design, and quite a few changes are expected to be made before it's installed.
  3. Mozkelby

    @Mark Lyons and I have spent some good time together on our Wasteland Server as well. I can say that he is undoubtedly one of the most compassionate and genuinely kind people I've ever met within our community. Looking forward to doing some more dangerously-low Cessna fly-bys and strider-squishing soon.
  4. Mozkelby

    Not yet mate, but we'll have it all up and going as soon as we possibly can.
  5. Mozkelby

    Roughly the same story here @Leopard Usually when it gets messy like this, I select everything, and just dump it all in that folder called 'Files' in the top right-hand corner. Then, sort out all the Texture Development stuff into a dedicated folder. And *wam*, perfecto.
  6. Mozkelby

    Someone's been a little bit naughty... Looks like it's coal for Christmas this year.
  7. Mozkelby

    You both have contributed hugely to how amazing our community has become, and we truly can't thank you enough. You may have left management, but hey, you'll always be apart of 'our team'. I look forward to seeing you both around sometime.
  8. Mozkelby

    A tiny but good idea mate. You have myself and unit's support.
  9. Mozkelby

    2 Degrees Broadband (A.K.A Snap Internet NZ) Does a really good job. We've never had any issues with them. We pay for 100mbps up and that's what we get. 10/10 would recommend.
  10. Mozkelby

    This guy ^
  11. Mozkelby

    I was actually having this issue today, and all it took to fix it was a game restart, oddly enough.
  12. Mozkelby

    As Charlie has mentioned, we are prepping for a future update which will hopefully fix a bunch of bugs, including the kill feed. As for adding new modded weapons (excluding Apex), that will not be happening. We plan on keeping our Wasteland Server free of item mods for ease of access to the public.
  13. Mozkelby

    Here you go mate. These are the highest resolutions we have available.
  14. Mozkelby

    @Unit_3397 Oh, and this:
  15. Mozkelby

    I don't really play Altis Life, but hell, I know how fps-brutal weather can be. I feel for ya'll.
  16. Mozkelby

    Gidday lads. Unfortunately, our database went slightly AWOL again. But there's no need to worry, your money will be returned. We plan on rolling back the server's data by a few days. You might loose some of the most recent cash you've earned, however this sum shouldn't be too large for most people and even nothing for some others. You will not get to keep the money in your bank now, it will be reset back to the original sum of the time we roll the server back to. This could be a few days worth. Just have some patience though, John Paul is working on quite a few things at the moment. Sorry for that inconvenience folks, fingers crossed it doesn't happen again.
  17. Mozkelby

    For about 6 - 7 years, my favorite movie has remained unchanged:
  18. Mozkelby

    Ahem. Tanoa Wasteland.
  19. Mozkelby

    Hey! Welcome mate. If you have any queries at all just flick any our staff members a message on Teamspeak or the Forums and we'd be delighted to help out.
  20. Mozkelby

  21. Mozkelby

    From what I've heard, I do believe we will be setting up a Tanoa server. Remember, Tanoa hasn't even been released yet, and even after it is there would need to be a ton of scripting and modifying to give it whatever purpose it's been assigned (I&A, Wasteland, Tanoa Life, etc.) Meaning if we do have a Tanoa server, it wouldn't be out for quite a while. But I haven't heard this officially, just from rumors, so I wouldn't count on it.
  22. Mozkelby

    Welcome mate! Any issues / queries at all just poke one of our staff members on Teamspeak and we'd be delighted to help out.
  23. Mozkelby

    I'm not from Australia, but I've been to Queensland. So Queensland. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯