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Posts posted by dasweetdude

  1. The graphics l thought we nice they need to work a lot on the balance of empire and rebel but there were things l liked about and a few things l didn't.I know that it was always gunna be hard for EA to keep up with a lucas arts made battlefront 1 or 2.The GFX were nice.And it was fun to get in the ATST and ATAT even if they were abit op.I did like the originals better too but guess we'll have to see in the final release.It was pretty lagggy on pc never got to try the xbox one version.

  2. Hey guys after a few days testing on the dev server and the bug that seems to be ironed out now you can now use the JSRS 2.2 and CBA is now enabled for those that want to use these mods for invade and annex. The JSRS 2.2 Sound mod will enhance your sounds for arma from your choppers to most of the weapons in the arsenal.These are optional mods that you can now install and enable and play on our server.

    First up you will need to download the mods from http://jsrs-studios.com/index.php/downloads make sure you download the full version of JSRS 2.2.You can run the JSRS mod without CBA but you will encounter an error saying you are missing CBA on booting up Arma 3 so grab CBA from Armaholic here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 once you download the mods unzip CBA and JSRS2.2 and place the @‌CBA and @JSRS2.2 folders into your Arma 3 main directory.When you go to boot up Arma before you click play don't forget to open up the dialogue where your local user mods have been installed and add the mods to your Arma directory. This is located under mods for those who don't know.They will appear under your mod section if done correctly and tick the box for both of them and your good to go. If the are any problems please let us know thanks guys and enjoy.

    There is a installation guide on the CBA mod page which will help you install them just follow those guidelines and you should be set.

    Thanks to CBA Team for the community based addons mod & JSRS Studios for creating these mods.

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  3. They look awesome as Altis life skins l think that would make a good hunter to put into Altis Life. I&A medics don't always use vehicles if not at all l see mostly over the time l have been here.But l do like the skin.Even when l go medic class ,l get in a chopper and get inserted where the most amount of people are and keep them up or stick with the guys l got out of the chopper with.I try and stay with the soldiers as a medic usually does the symbol always comes up when someone's down that symbol works over 500m radius. I will run whatever distance on foot to get someone up if l know they are down,but in my time of seeing a lot of other medics they will pick the class but wont even run 250m to pick ya up if they don't feel like it, some wont even go out of there way over 100m which kinda defeats the purpose of going a medic l think.Players who pick players up or drag them to safety shouldn't have to carry them to the medic the medic usually comes to them.I do love the patches though they have been a talked about thing of putting in l know there are default ones in there too people can use.

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  4. The sounds for it are awesome sounds a lot more realistic than the standard sounds just got one more bug to test with it and will be good to go tested it this morning on the dev server when l got up at about 3am and works well. Just one bug to sort out but l'm not sure if its happening on my side if a few of you boys want to test it out later with me see if the bug happens to everyone else it will also help isolate the bug.

  5. I never suggested hijacking the server it is optional they are mods like JRS Sound pack which l tested before you don't even notice they are in there.There're used to be mods in the server and a lot of the people enjoyed them and have asked many times can they put back in.Its nothing like STOG.

    A realism unit and I&A are 2 different things bud.And its optional to use them and the people who don't use them wont even know they are in.STOG's mods and the mod that goes in to I&A once a month is a lot different too a weekly run realism unit like STOG.And with the whole coop player base l think its important to keep the daily run I&A players happy with things they want considering a lot of players in the past in SOG and STOG were taken from I&A in the first place.

    If people don't want mods in I&A they know they only gotta say so that's why its optional those who don't run them wont notice the difference, but mods that enhance the gameplay and tweaks are important.I do understand what you are saying though bro and preserving the player base for our realism unit is very important but in tern l feel I&A has been neglected and their are people who like mods but don't want to join a realism unit or are in another realism unit on our servers.It wouldn't be done on the same night as STOG which was something that wouldn't make sense to me but it also keeps STOG players happy who keep coming back and asking for ops and things when STOG can only be run once a week as well as giving the I&A players a more immerseful experience.

    Like zues been added when used properly as a great tool its great but when not used properly its not too good.I hope this gives abit more clearer understanding of what was being suggested and understanding that it wasn't just I&A that was considered in the original post but a whole player base of coop game play but focused on improving our I&A server. When l was talking about mods on I&A server l meant client side only mods not mods like Mas, USAF,ect weapons or vehicle mods for e.g where it would be seen by a player without the mod as the weapon is invisible these mods are the mods that are used in the realism unit these wouldn't be used in I&A if we decide to go ahead with it.

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  6. After speaking to a lot of the community members over the time l've been in I&A here at Straya l've heard a lot of people say I&A would be cool with mods!.So what l am thinking of putting in and going to trial very soon is events in I&A where the community can poll vote for certain mods that work well with I&A.l would like to put them in maybe say once a month and  you can run the mod for that weekend and if people really like this idea in I&A we will run these events on the weekends maybe more often if all goes well.There will only be a mod put in at a time and the best mods will maybe even go in a cycle in the future where you can vote them up again if that's what the community wants they wont be in all the time and l will post links when we run the event so everyone who is registered on the forums can easily keep up to date with what's going on.So spread the word around and start suggesting some mods that you would like to see and we can see what we can do to put them in.Of course if you want to play vanilla this will not effect your game play other than if we trial vehicle or gun mods they will be invisible to people who don't have the mods.The mods will have to be client based mods at the present time but l would like to here some feedback on this idea from the I&A players and community and some suggestions on this idea.Cheers Guys.

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  7. The skins and custom patches will come guys as for the markers maybe that maybe backwards compatiable but the medic can see you when your down within a 500m radius and its not your job when your dead or downed to find him its his job to get you back on your feet and fighting fit again l think that more people who are more capable of being a medic should be taking these roles.And custom gear will be available in the market place when we open its open for donators.and thanks fitz you might see that symbol somewhere in the future ;)

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  8. First off welcome to the community glad you joined the forums bro.Love the ideas definitely going have to put a few of these into play mate thanks for your input bro.Nice work.I'm not almighty brother just another guy who tries to give me all with a lot of passion and love for the game,staff and the community and l really love it when the community inputs.Thanks again mate for putting in some good ideas for some of the new zeus ops.

  9. I think the EMS need the missions put back as they used to be in the old Altis Life,put back in the ability to harvest organs so the medics have more to do.Earplugs script really needs to go in ASAP amount of complaints from not being able to hear people or a chopper overhead and everyone's trying to RP and cant hear anything at all.A overhaul of balance btw what's in the rebel store and what cops have should be a bit better adjusted.Some type of vest should be put into the civ gun store nothing worse than having a shootout and knowing our not just outgunned by the amount of players on the other side but your gear and weapons aren't as effective.Also a lot clearer rules need to be made so that everyone knows what they are doing a lot of times going medic we have been shot before for no reason or ran over.Better market system like the old Atlis Life.More things to do for the civs drugs illegal and legal things ect.Safe zones done in the areas that are safe zones e.g Rebel Areas that are safezones need to be implemented.Maybe make the hostpitals safe zones for medics completely. And ranks gotta be put back in for sure for EMS and Cops if they are not already.

  10. Hey FellGlint, Welcome to the community champ good to hear you got back into arma 3 and you found your way here hope you enjoy our servers and have alot of fun. See ya around champ.Nobody in our community bothers us bud we are very happy to have so many amazing community members playing on our servers.I hope everyone has as much fun playing on them as we enjoy helping out and working on them.

  11. Hey Nathan welcome to the community mate hope your having a great time on our altis life server the boys are working hard on it. We have some great arma 3 servers deffinatly worth checking our and l'm sure you will have a ball on.See ya round buddy.

  12. I talked to quick awhile back about making a rainbow 6 style terrortist hunt since l always been a rainbow 6 fan l will deffinatly be working on that project on the future.Speaking of Seige the beta is pretty cool l been enjoying it.

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