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Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

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Posts posted by Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

  1. And as for as people saying it's an excuse to RDM, the person placing the hit must provide a valid Reason for his hit ie because he was robbed/shot at/ got a kidney stolen from the person he/she is placing a hit on

    • Like 1

  2. On 2/9/2016 at 3:56 PM, Mitchell69 said:

    you can use AA missiles as TOW also ;) 

    No you cannot,


    On 2/9/2016 at 3:56 PM, Mitchell69 said:

    tbh the explosion given off by the AT rocket is mildly over the top considering its blast radius. 


    to kill a man with AT (or Armour Piercing tank rounds) you have to hit them directly. Why? Because thats how AP/AT rounds work. 

    You'll find AP titan rockets will generally be able to take out a 4-5 man team in a small radius (around 10m or so) 

    AT has an Explosive element to it and has around a 3-5 meter kill radius 

  3. On 9/20/2015 at 11:52 PM, SecroNiTE said:

     A player controlled Neophron is far superior to a Wipeout when it comes to dogfights and the buzzard won't stand a chance) 

    I agree with everything you have said except this, unless the pilot of the NEO is extremely skilled with it the wipeout is far superior in comparison to the NEO EG a NEO won't win a fight unless they win whilst the wipeout is flying straight. If you are turning in a neo to evade a wipeout you will lose every time

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  4. 26 minutes ago, Rebitaay said:

    Sure, I doubt anyone could dodge 5 missiles in quick succession. But who would fire 5 missiles at a time? Maybe two or three at most.

    Just don't fly over high traffic areas where there are likely to be infantry with AA. And if you have to, fly where there's cover.

    Exactly, best method of attacking gunstores is a nice high fast approach with the engine off 30mm spray the GS itself then pop a HE shriekr in the courtyard and GG

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Rebitaay said:

    It's not RNG. An experienced pilot can easily dodge missiles. Sure, you can't always dodge due to circumstances such as being too close or flying too slow, but it's not RNG.

    I've heard the cries of many frustrated pilots claiming shit like this. Typically, the infantry with the AA launcher waited for the perfect moment to fire the missile, therefor making it impossile to dodge. But, again, this is not RNG.


    Now, there is a difference if you're in a lower grade helicopter (such as an AH-9) where there is not an actual radar. For the most part, if you can't see the missile, you just have to use your judgement and dodge when you think the moment is right.


    In a vehicle such as a jet, Ghosthawk, or AH-99 Blackfoot where you have an actual radar, wait for the "M" of the missile to reach the edge of the inner-circle. As soon as it hits that inner-circle, pop flares and make a sharp turn. Pitch slightly downwards if there's altitude to spare, so you can get more speed to get away from the AA before more missiles come after you.


    Using this method, I've achieved a personal record of 7 dodges in a row with a Ghosthawk, having the 8th disable me after I lost too much speed after a dive.

    Hope this helps any new pilots out there. Good luck!

    I believe he is quoting the fact that if 5 missiles are fired I. Succession the 5th always hits, that's the RNG I think he means

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  6. 21 hours ago, TooMuchWasabi said:


    I understand that you love it being op, but come on, for the rest of us it sucks.

    It's only "OP" if you use it to its full potential. Since you always go on about it's rockets on side chat here ya go, it has 1000 30mm rounds that fire in bursts of 20, 2 Falchion-22 srange AA 6 Macer AGMs, 7 HE shrieker rocket pods unguided, 7 AP shrieker Rocket pods unuided and 4 Laser guided GBU-12 Bombs which can be used without a designator if you use it properly. You act as if jets are easy to fly, and you are right they are easy to FLY but nearly everyone I have seen get one can't hit the broadside of a barn with the 30mm Gattling Cannons


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