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Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

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Posts posted by Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

  1. 12 minutes ago, Ya Mum said:

    Blue, can I ask you a question, why do you get defensive when people in game ask you to stop? Why the attitude? Don't get me wrong I'd like to be able to fly the jet like you but I run out of money too quickly when I crash them.

    I just think that clearly you're upsetting people with the jet and maybe is it worth taking a look a having a break from it? Blind freddy can see you're pissing people off and wrecking it for people.

    not having a go.....jus saying

    I get defensive because I myself struggle to understand why people think it's so Damn hard to kill a jet. Eg a few weeks back I was on Indy with 2 mates and a jet killed all 3 of us at Rogain so I went to Kamino got 27500 dollars out and got an AMV-7 Marshall and shot it down in little more then 5min. Another reason I always buy jets is I am Capped for money and it's the only way I can spend money without making it back instantly in the process. If the ATM had no maximum I would likely buy pawnees and other Helos a lot more

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, TooMuchWasabi said:

    Its surprising to see so many players defending the jet. You say its not fun for them to be removed, yet its no fun for the players on the ground getting decimated by a completely overpowered jet.

    Of course the people who use it will defend it vigorously, but its honestly way OP for such a small map. 

    Its the very small minority that can keep it in the air and not get shot down and thats great for that 1%, but for everyone else it just makes you hate the community. 

    In every other game when something is really easy to get kills they do a thing called a "nerf" on the object in question. The jet should either be removed completely or heavily nerfed so it has no flares and its ammo is halfed. 



    No flares? Lol as if vehicles have not already been dumbed down enough, just look at then Pawnee, Orca and many more helos blowing up from 1 MANPAD when normally with unchanged damage models it just disables them. Same goes for tanks like the IFV-6A Cheetah the Panther and a few others dying to 1 Titan AT to any side of the vehicle when it normally would take 2 AT rockets with the exception of it hitting the rear. I will settle for the removal of the Macers if it comes to that as I am used to using the 30mm Gatling Cannon as I play a lot of KotH.

    • Like 1

  3. 13 hours ago, TooMuchWasabi said:

    They both ended up getting 90+ kills and about 6 deaths. If it was Altis Wasteland it would be fine having jets, but not on Stratis.

    If it were altis you would HAVE to shoot me down whilst I am airborne because I PROMISE 
     You even if you had someone at every airfield I would still land my wipeout on a road somewhere instead
    + less mountains means easier use of radar which means that if you were on a vehicle you would have no where to hide

    • Like 1

  4. 11 hours ago, TooMuchWasabi said:

    Considering that its extremely hard to buy titans because, well, they cost 5k... Jets have flares so even if you're lucky to get a titan, you're still at a massive disadvantage. 

    Only reason you argue the point is because you love seeing the players in the enemy store and bombarding the store. Just like you did tonight. 
    Admins please remove jets and the notification that someone is in a gun store. 


    I have not onced said that I agree with the notification, if you read this post properly like a normal person I clearly state that I agree with the removal.


    I'm going to go dupe some more jet ammo because it's clearly a physical object in the game making it dupable

    • Like 1

  5. 1 minute ago, Ya Mum said:

    My personal favorite what when someone spam mined the airfield and they couldn't land or take off and these "Pilots" had a massive bitch fit over it

    I remember this and the reason we had a "Bitch" over it is because it was someone who intentionally swapped from independent to opfor to do it, is breaking server rules funny to you? Because what I am quoting leads me to think that

  6. The AMV-7 Marshall should also be increased from $27500 to $35000 to break the gap between the AFV-4 Gorgon and the BTR-K Kamysh

    And also feel that unless damage models for helicopters and tanks is reverted to default that MANPADS  and Titan AT should be greatly increased in price, the amount of times a Titan hits my Pawnee or orca and 1 hits it when it normally would not can be frustrating because I know that I would have been able to auto rotate, it takes a huge aspect of aviation out of the game not being able to auto rotate after taking a titan, 

  7. 2 hours ago, Nolan said:

    Depends you have the Private Sector Contract and then you have the MP's but MP's only Become Active on checkpoint if the Alert Status is above Safe base Charlie  Thats if you are within Australias Borders... 


    I have no idea tho i dislike the Russian Navy Wannabes they cant do anything right.

    Russian Military CoC is bad in general lol, they rely on there officers for every order and cannot function if there officer is KIA wounded unlike other militaries like Australia's where someone takes control in such an event

  8. 1 minute ago, InfamousNova said:

    yeah but the problem was is that even when we landed the wipeout would still wreck us

    If vehicles are you problem With KotH Hostile Takeover hosts light armour and infantry only servers, King of the Hill is not an easy game mode due to the huge skill gap with vehicles.

  9. 5 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    not always i played with a team of randoms and everytime we went to go in we'd get shot down by a wipeout and we couldnt parachute we couldnt land. we landed once but then armor destroyed us


    There is countermusures to to this issue for transport fly lower then 5m in a hummingbird and he can't locko and as for tanks another tank deals with that

    Take the T100 for  example if you use it to its full potential you can kill wipouts gunships and tanks 

  10. 4 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    jesus i dont play king of the hill coz all the high levels stack one team and destroy everyone else

    I always join the undermanned team then bad players stack that team, the problem is a lot of high level players leveled up together and because of that stick together, skill will always beat levels and equiptment in ArmA3

  11. On 1/11/2016 at 8:26 PM, Jacko said:

    Hey guys,

    So I jumped onto arma 3 tonight for some I&A when I found myself being bombared with pop-ups related to playing arma 3 for the first time, prompting me to do the bootcamp missions even though they were already completed. So I checked my profile and found everything had been set to default :(

    Even worse, when I jumped on I&A I found that all my loadouts were gone!

    Anyone know a fix for this??



    On 1/11/2016 at 9:09 PM, InfamousNova said:

    did you make a new profile within the game? did you install arma on a new computer? if so you might not have moved your profile. i also once lost my whole arsenal for no reason. and i have no idea why


    On 1/11/2016 at 9:48 PM, Delta 2-5 said:

    arma has done it to me twice it comes under the getting armaed tab



    On 1/12/2016 at 0:29 PM, Mark said:

    it happens when your PC makes your profile read-only meaning Arma 3 can't actually read and write it, so it classifies it as corrupt and makes a new one. Prompting bootcamp etc. 


    Its a pain because you have to remap all your keys too.. (if you have custom ones) 

    This is one of those kind of things thats just like. Well shit happens. 


    This is the solution of preventing it from ever happening again -  courtesy of my good friends SA-Matra and BobbyDigital
