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Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

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Posts posted by Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

  1. On 11/9/2015 at 7:40 PM, Rogmantosh said:

    yeah the fact that CSAT gear has the same load and weight but more armour for the same uniform...

    << This guy may be wearing CSAt gear from now on


    CSAT gear looks better anyway imo throw pilot uniform on with elbv harness shemag and a hex Bergen and you will be the pimpest Pimp in town


    1 hour ago, InfamousNova said:

    lemme guess you were in the wipeout the entire time?

    http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/579074461713454047/B54516C513B24D2F940135E4F5B8E1B3298DEA50/ end game scoreboard of a 2 hour KotH game


    1 hour ago, InfamousNova said:

    lemme guess you were in the wipeout the entire time?

     2 MBT 52 Kumas 1 AMV-7 Marshall and a IFV-6A cheetah, keep in mind in King of the Hill there is a lot of blackfoots kajmans jets and tanks, I shot down 8 kajmans that game with my Kumas not to mention People that play KotH have a much higher understanding of how to use vehicles properly. It's why when I'm in a vehicle on Wasteland I know what I'm doing

  3. 10 hours ago, stv said:

    I cannot fault you there, you are not wrong. But, it also takes 1 second for that giant red circle on the map to show up when someone walks into any area. Which then gets bombarded by thousands of bullets and explosions... killing everyone inside. Being able to farm an entire team of people like that is just lame. And it seems to make a lot of newer players rage quit. This screenshot looks like you, doing just that.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on you. You do you, that's why you bought the game. I just really don't know how you cannot see reason in what I am saying.

    I know asking for fairness and balance in an online game is a challenging task, but hey, someone's gotta do it.


    I completely agree With the removal of the enemy entered the area but I also do not understand why people swarm inside 1 building when I complete my first strafe, as the 30mm rounds on the wipeout and neo penetrate every building in the game, as for that screenshot I remember that game and Opfor controlled every gun store almost all game so 40 of those kills would be from strafing gunstores and the rest killing tanks/helos/vehicles
