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Posts posted by Porter

  1. Hi all,

    I am writing this post to express my concern with roleplay between cops, rebels and civs in general. As we all know the cop force has been drastically changed via ranks etc. Myself and command team have been cracking down on those who don't wanna RP or are just plain bad at cop and removing them from the force until they get their act together. We are trying to roleplay and cooperate with everyone. We are trying to really work on how we deal with the civ and rebel population. I want some feedback as to if there has been improvement and or no improvement in RP. I don't want just "he is bad" or "Can't RP for shit" i need to find out what needs to change and some suggestions as to how to change it. We are trying to improve, we really really are but can't do so without rebels/ civs improving their RP also. These are some of the things that I personally noticed when i played on rebel as co-leader of SP.

    - Random retrains without any RP or the good ol "You're getting restrained for your safety and mine" 

    - Pub slots tasering you without even talking to you. On a side note I always wanna talk to people but because everyone is so hostile towards police it makes it hard to do so.  

    - Random searches of vehicles when you were getting pulled over for "speeding" 

    - Accusing you of a crime they weren't even there to deal with from the start.

    - Lack of RP when it comes to hostage situations. Now this is what we are trying to greatly improve on but we can't do it without rebels and civs helping also! 

    - Lack of just general RP when it comes to talking to people 

    - Cops being so focused on your gear/ fining you that they scapegoat RP, especially when processing. 

    Now these are just a few things that I noticed wayyyy back, but were still prevalent before the wipe. I personally have been going around and assessing officers of all ranks on their RP and general situational control and assisting to promote/ demote those who should not be within the APD.

    I'd love some feedback as to how we are going, cheers. 

    On a side note i am loving people coming to have a chat to me or my other officers in PD to express their concerns etc.



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  2. Hi all,

    Whilst i understand rebels are not currently enjoying banks etc due to limitations and faulty animations whilst robbing teller you must understand that the copforce at this point in time is currently trying to improve and give rank to those who deserve it. I get that it's a pain in the ass getting dropped first time whilst on bank, i personally have been trying to get officers to avoid it bc it takes away the validity of the situation. My suggestion would be that the tell window become impermeable to gunfire and or fix the rebels non-ability to re-position themselves whilst robbing. The recent banks that have been conducted i have found to be more interesting when the teller is not taken out so quickly. I'd love to see a bit more roleplay from the rebels when it comes to bank. We in the copforce are trying to improve RP and would love a few more situations to express that. 

    As to the ranks atm we are trying to promote those who are quality officers that know how to play, RP and deal with lethal situations. In my opinion it is Quality over quantity to some degree and i have been witnessing this recently with the stricter RP. 

    As to the weapons most police officers are carrying 6.5mm and are completing the task at hand just fine. There is no need to go higher and or lower at this point in time. However it is noted that the cops that are using striders etc are needing to do so as rebels only possess those vehicles anyway. 

    I am open to have a chat so please feel free. 



  3. You wanna sit there and bitch and complain about cops failing RP sure, they do fair enough. What i don't get is the fact that its always up to the cops and never civs or rebels to set up their RP game either. I am so sick and ****ing tired of every RP encounter ending with a gunfight and/ or a dec/RDM. Straya gaming RP is a ****ing joke and always has been. You wanna take measures to "deal" with the situation but never have you really taken any steps before hand to deal with it. The issues portrayed in the video have been a frequent occurrence over basically the entire year and 6months of playing this server. It's not a bad server but the RP is a joke. 

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  4. Personally i want to see some RP between the cops and any faction such as a PMC. I would like to see something cool that the rebels could get their hands on and make the server really enjoy/ profit from the event. The ideas for the event include: 

    - A weapon shipment from stratis to altis via boat, helicopter or even planes landing on the airfields. It will be transported throughout the map via armed convoy including that of the PMC/ cartel and the Police (No crazy cop bs vehicles tho). It will then be secured and the negotiations with the buyer will be undertaken whilst the convoy is secured giving the chance for rebels to come try and take it over, but preferably not snipe it from ****ing 2km away. From there the weapons are in the hands of the buyer and they can transport them themselves. This will not be a KOS event but rather an event where the cops and PMC/ cartel members will need to say entice the rebels to back off if they are given some of the scraps. The event will have multiple locations and thus more opportunities for buyers.

    - A highly profitable money shipment from westpac bank to that of a vault located at Neri or a location of choosing. The event can have say an armored car transport the money with armed escort. This will not be a KOS event. 

    - A rebel town that was located (ghost hotel or something similar) where their stashes and other items are located as well as a HVT which has answers to multiple other locations, if he dies so do the other locations and thus leaving only one of say the two stashes. This event will be for Rebels and cartels alike, although a spy within the ranks of the gang may call his insider within the cop force and require a full response from the police and special forces alike. This will be KOS although HVT and the SPY will be wearing different uniforms and must be secured and or eliminated quickly, but remember if the HVT dies so do the locations of the other stashes. 


    These were just a few suggestions and there are plenty more i have in mind. Cheers guys. 

  5. May SP R.I.P in all its glory it has earned through blood, sweats and tears. I was a member of SP since december 2015 and saw the gang grow into a powerhouse that was not to be messed with. SP has earned the servers respect and my respect alike. Thanks to all the boys for one hell of a ride!! 

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  6. @Spectral

    From my perspective Cops should not be allowed to join a situation if they are just logging on if the Rebels can't do this also. The problem with this thread i see is that it is very one sided towards restricting the gameplay of rebels. SP are one of the longest lasting gangs on the server and for good reason, we try to hit hard to state a point. But from what i am seeing the police are getting quiet annoyed with SP getting too powerful. Now i understand the logic behind this discussion but if it is classed as "Metagaming" if a member logs on and is notified of a situation then the cops should also be held accountable for this also. From my experience of playing Cop and Rebel this hotfix to this rule is utter rubbish.  

  7. With the release of the new rules. An issue came to light regarding the need for 6 cops to be present on the server to rob a player at any given time or location. I have started a poll to see how many people approve of this new rule. 

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