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Everything posted by pkisbest

  1. pkisbest

    On a serious note: I believe I&A has a system at the moment where the commander cannot he killed by someone outside a specific range of then HQ. The point of this is to prevent people from just murdering him at long range. Im assuming it’s the commander your shooting. The video I’m watching is from my phone in 3G internet and thus is terrible quality so I cannot see properly. Also @Mann you spent way too long writing that...Kudos to you my friend.
  2. pkisbest

    Well the more people that know how to do the development, the faster shit gets done. However, I also mentioned that none of the devs from AL would stop developing AL unless they personally wanted to. My assumption is that Webbie will be doing the majority for Exile, with a little bit of help from other devs in the community.
  3. pkisbest

    The devs do work for the server they want to do work for. Just because we start up a new server doesn’t mean we are taking Devs from the AL server. Calm your tits. If your so worried about “your server missing out”, learn how to do shit yourself. As related to the point of this topic -have never played Exile and would love to give it a try.
  4. pkisbest

    With the recent release of Battlefield V, is anyone else around Strayagaming playing in? Looking for some people to play with.
  5. pkisbest

    One of my plans was to start getting Tanoa Tuesday back up as a regular event when I have the time free to do so (not until the start of December). But hey, if you can get public interest up go for it man. Tanoa is a great map.
  6. pkisbest

    The most needed guide out of all of them...
  7. pkisbest

    Well as i mentioned above - the game is rated at 17 plus in Offline play. So she shouldnt be playing standard (but lets face it, those laws are never enforced). But it's risky having someone as young as her online. Mature as she may be.
  8. This guide is here for all the newbies playing on the Strayagaming Invade and Annex Server/s. This is the 2nd part in a multi-part Guide on the Strayagaming Invade and Annex Servers - The Infantry. The Infantry is the basic Unit that the majority of the players on the Invade and Annex Server (Will be shortened to IA for the rest of this guide) will be playing. Being an infantry is not so basic as just clicking a role and playing. Each role has some kind of responsibility on the Battlefield. This guild will go through each Role and how they play on the IA Servers. Some weapons are also restricted to specific roles. The Squad Leader This Class has an ability that is shared with the JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller). This ability involves the marking up of High Value Targets for all members of NATO to see. This ability is used by equipping some kind of Binocular device. Whether it be Binoculars, Laser Designators or Rangefinders. From here, target a vehicle and you will see a "Report Target" option appear. Use that option and keep targetting the vehicle until the progress bar is complete. Once it is complete, the vehicle will become mark on the map as a target. This target counts as a call out for CAS (Close Air Support) and Artillery, so they can engage at will. You do not have to lead people as the Squad Leader Role, but it is a good role to pick, should you feel the need to boss around the lower ranking Plebians. The Auto-riflemen (AR) The Autoriflemen is a class that has the ability to use some of the largest and more powerful weapons available as an infantry. These weapons are primarily LMG's or MMG's (Light Machine Gun or Medium Machine Gun). The primary duty of this role is to act as a support and suppressing unit for your allies. Your larger Boxes of ammunition are perfect for keeping the enemies pinned, or shredding them if they move. This role has access to some of the restricted LMG/MMG's like the SPMG and the Navid. The Engineer/Demolition Specialist The Engineer has varying abilities across the battlefield. The first involves being able to use a tool kit to repair friendly vehicles across the battlefield. Your role is the only one who can do this without the external assistance of a Repair Vehicle or Repair Crate. The second involves the defusal of Mines or IED's that players may encounter across the battlefield. Your toolkit is once again useful in this event, but a secondary tool you will need is the Mine Detector. The Mine Detector can be used by using the Right Panel buttons to cycle through until you find the Mine Detector. Unidentified mines will show up as red filled in Circles. Looking at these and pressing T (Default) will "spot" the mines and identify them. They would be UXO's (Un-exploded Ordnance), simple tripmines, anti-vehicle mines or even IED's (Improved Explosive Device) To disarm/defuse these mines you need to go prone and move slowly towards the mine. Once your close enough you will get a scroll menu option to disarm the mine. Make sure to have a toolkit otherwise this will not work. It is also advised you wear one of the EOD or Explosive Resistant vests, as well as an explosive resistant helmet, in the event the mine does go off. The third involves the placing and detonating of explosive devices. While this can be done by anyone with an explosive charge, it primarily falls to the Engineer/Demo Specialist to destroy objects with explosives. Your primary duty will be destroying Radiotowers in the AO (Area of Operations). The Radiotower can be used to call enemy reinforcements, so it's imperative that it is taken out. These towers often have minefields around them. The Combat Life Saver (CLS/Paramedic)/Medic The CLS has one of the more basic roles of the battlefield, but by far one of the most important. Your job as a CLS is to find injured/incapacitated players and revive them. To achieve this you must have both a Medkit and a First Aid Kit (FAK). You need only carry 1 Medkit, but carry as many FAK's as your storage space permits. As every time you heal/revive a player you will consume 1 FAK. To revive a player, first look either on your map or your ingame screen for orange markers. On the map the players marker will appear orange rather then Blue if they are incapacitated (Image 1 Showing a Dead Player and a vehicle with a dead player inside, Image 2 showing an alive player). On your HUD you will see a flashing symbol with their name . Once you have identified a downed friendly, make your way to their position. It's recommended to use smoke to cover your approach. Once you have reached the player, simply scroll menu and hit revive. NOTE: If you are prone when you revive someone, it will take double the time. Your job is to also Heal any players you may find on the battlefield. The CLS is the only role that can heal a player up to 100/100 health. A standard player using a FAK will only heal up to 75% Health. Signs of an injured player can include limping (if severely injured) or blood on clothing. Simple walk up to the player and press Treat "Rolename" from the Scroll Menu. E.g. Treat Squad Leader. The Anti-Tank Missile Specialist/Anti-Tank Gunner/Anti-Air Specialist The AT Gunner has a very simple role. Use whatever ordnance you can muster to eliminate any enemy vehicle presence in the AO. This role gets access to the larger and more powerful Anti-Tank and Anti-Air missile launchers. This includes the Verona and the Titan Compact/Titan MPRL. This role is not specifically designated to just vehicles either. Clearing of buildings/Walls/Objects and large groups of Infantry can also be undertaken by this role. The AT Gunner Roles also have Access to the Anti-Air (AA) Launcher available - the Titan MPRL. This launcher has, funnily enough the capability to fire rounds at enemy aircraft in an attempt to destroy them. It is recommended that AT/AA Gunners make use of the Carryall (Non-DLC) or Bergen (Apex DLC) Backpack's as they carry the most space. The Grenadier The Grenadier has no specific abilities as per say. However, the role comes with responsibility that you are going to use a Grenade Launcher to inflict pain and devastation upon the enemy. Alternatively, you can be a great support player and use either Smoke Rounds to provide cover, or Flare Rounds to illuminate the night. There are 2 primary variants of Grenade Launchers. Single Role Launchers (Found on various weapons like the Spar or AK's), or the 3GL Variant found exclusively on the MX 3GL Assault Rifle. The only difference is that one of these fires a single round before reloading, and the other can fire 3 before having to Reload. It's important to note that most Grenade Launchers become more difficult to zero for range at about 400-450m distance. The Marksman/Designated Marksman The Marksman/Designated Marksman has no specific Abilities as per say However the role is more designed for a player who wants to be engaging targets at 500+ Metres with DMR's (Designated Marksman Rifles). These rifles often carry relatively powerful ammunition that can kill some targets in as little as one hit. The Role is also used as a Recon Role. Your job can be one where you sit on a hill engaging targets, but also calling those targets out for Friendly Units to engage, or informing those Units of enemy Positions that you may lack the firepower to destroy. The Sniper This role has access to the single most power infantry-infantry weapons that are accessible to a player. This being the .50 Cal Sniper Rifles, the M320 and the GM6 Lynx. Whether your prefer a more accurate weapon with a higher round speed and longer engagement range of the M320, or the Stopping Power of Anti Material APDS Rounds that can be equipped on the GM6 Lynx. Your Role is Twofold. Your first role to act as Long Range Support for your infantry on the ground. Spotting and taking out enemy units that may be flanking or engaging Friendly Units. Your second role is to act as a recon unit. Spotting and calling out Infantry Groups, Objectives or Vehicles for your friendly Units to be wary of and/or take out. Your expected to be sitting on a hill provide support, and provide counter-sniper fire on the enemy snipers. The JTAC The JTAC role has the same ability as the Squad Leader role. Being able to target enemy vehicles for CAS/Artillery Strikes. The whole purpose of this role is to be a communicator between your support units (which will be outlined in another guide) and your ground infantry forces.
  9. This guide is here for all the newbies playing on the Strayagaming Invade and Annex Server/s. This is the 1st part in a multi-part Guide on the Strayagaming Invade and Annex Servers - The Infantry. The overall objective of Invade and Annex is that the opposing forces are attempting to seize control of the map your playing on, and it's your job to stop this from happening. You complete this task by moving into one of two objective styles. Either AO's (Area of Operations) or Side Missions. I will go into further detail on these later on. As you complete objectives, new ones will spawn in and you are to move and strike. This process repeats in procedurally generated missions. In Strayagaming the maps your most likely to fight on is Altis, although we have variations on both Malden and Tanoa. The Primary Objective Area of Operations (AO) The 1st style of objective that you will encounter is the AO. This is a zone that is marked on the map and is under control by enemy forces. It is your job to move to the objective through any means necessary (Via Air, Sea or Land) and destroy sub-objectives in the AO, as well as eliminate all enemy presence in the zone. This zone will contain many enemy foot patrols including, Sniper Teams, Anti-Tank Strike Teams, Standard Fireteams and Squads and the Occasional Viper Squad that is dropped in as reinforcements. There may also be static MG's, Light Armoured Vehicles, Armed Cars, IFV's and MBT's, as well as Anti-Air emplacements in the AO. It is often the case that enemy Air Support in the form of either a MI-48 Kajman, PO-30 Orca or a WY-55 Hellcat. Enemy Jets are also known to frequent AO's, supported by UAV's. Destroying these vehicles will help greatly in thinning the enemies resistance in the AO's. Sub-Objectives Inside the AO there are a number of Side Objectives that can Spawn. I will go into detail with these below Headquarters (HQ) The HQ is one of the Sub-objectives that has a 100% chance to appear in the AO. It will be manned by a Squad Strength element and Contains the Commander of the AO. Removing him will help demoralize the enemy Units. The HQ also comes stocked with various crates of ammunition, and on the odd occasion Vehicle ammunition. To capture the HQ simply remove all inhabitants and either kill or capture the commander. Radiotower The Radiotower is the other Sub-objective that has a 100% chance to appear in the AO. It will have up to 2 squad strength elements within the immediate vicinity, and is often protected by a mine field. The minefield is shown by a Barbed wire fence surrounding the Tower (If no wire is present, a minefield is not present). The Radiotower is crucial to the enemy operations as it allows them to call in reinforcement squads and ground vehicles. If this tower is destroyed, no air support, reinforcement squads or vehicles will show up to the AO. To destroy the Radiotower units must make their way to the base of the tower and plant numerous explosives they have brought with them. Generally speaking 2 Explosive Charges does the job, or 1 Satchel Charge. Data Link The Datalink is a sub-objective that doesn't always appear in AO's, but is in the majority of them. It's often located in small forested areas and consists of a single metal structure. It tends to have a Fire team (2-4 man) compliment inside the building, and a squad sized element surrounding it. The Datalink is crucial to the enemy operations as it increases cohesian between the enemy supporting elements, like CAS, UAV and Mortar Support. It also allows the enemies to locate you faster as they are able to communicate between each other. To destroy the Datalink you simply have to interact with the computer device on the inside to disable it. The Supply Depot The Supply Depot is a sub-objective that doesn't always appear in AO's, but is in the majority of them. They consist of a H-Barrier rectangle shape with many crates of ammo within it. It will be guarded by a Squad Size compliment on the inside, and potential teams on the outside. The Supply Depot doesn't provide to major a role in the enemy operations, but capturing it means the potential resupply of friendly units. To Capture the depot, simply interact with the Hex-coloured pod in the middle (Preferably after removing the enemy presence). The GPS Jammer The GPS Jammer is a sub-objective that doesn't always appear in AO's, and appears to be the least frequent of all of them. It consists of a Hex-coloured pod that has several antennae protruding out of it. It's role serves to blackout a specific section of the AO. In how it appears to players - a large black mark will appear over the map, making the accurate marking of anything within the circle impossible. To destroy the GPS Jammer, all it takes a single rocket or placed explosive to blow it up. The Medivac The Medivac is an objective that has a chance of appearing upon an AO spawning, or during an AO. Once it has spawned, friendly units has 60 Minutes to retrieve a wounded soldier and return him to the Medivac tent at BASE. Doing this will award the Player who initially retrieved the soldier and the one who placed him in the medivac tent with points. The HVT The HVT (High Value Target) is a mission that can appear during or at the start of an AO. It involves a High Value Target appearing in the AO. It is imperative that this HVT is captured. He will likely be holed up in a building with a bodyguard detail. Once captured he is to be taken to the GITMO at BASE. Unmarked Sub-Objectives Inside the AO there are a number of sub-objectives that are not marked on the map explicitly. Mortar Pits - These pits contain 3x Mortars that are all manned, as well as 2-3 guarding infantry. Upon a UAV or Spotter identifying a threat, red smoke will deploy on the target. This indicates that the mortar pit is about to fire several shells into the marked location. Be wary however, as Red Smoke can also indicate a CAS strike. Simply kill the occupants of the pit in order to destroy the pit. Anti-Air emplacements - These emplacements will consist of either Tigris' or Cheetah's. These vehicles have a large volume of Anti-Air Missiles as well as 30mm HE Cannons used to destroy aircraft, light vehicles and infantry. Simply destroying these vehicles is sufficient to have them destroyed. Prisoner Extract - While these missions are marked on the map, they are only done so after a friendly unit has "Captured" an enemy personal or commander. This mission involves the friendly units protecting and escorting the prisoner to the GITMO at BASE. They can be extracted from the AO either by Air, Sea or Ground. The HQ DEFENCE This has a chance of occurring once an AO has been cleared. The CSAT forces manage to muster up a force of aircraft, vehicles and infantry to attempt to retake the HQ you captured from them during the assault. You will have 2-3 minutes to get to the HQ and prepare before various enemy units will continuously appear for 20+ minutes. Hold out as long as you can. Side Missions Side Missions are a smaller, but equally as important objective as the AO. They usually involve smaller AO's where the primary objective is to either capture or destroy enemy Radars, Vehicles, Artillery or Intel. These Missions, when completed Successfully will give the BLUFOR units a reward vehicle of some kind. From Strider GMG's, to attack helicopters, to armed V44X Blackfish Gunships. The Anti-Air Battery The Anti-Air Battery is a side Objective that spawns 2 anti-air emplacements in a relatively close proximity to main base. These Battery's have an unlimited range, and are only limited by the range of the missiles they carry (up to 5km). These will wreak havoc on any friendly aircraft that are approaching or leaving base. They will be guarded by various squads of infantry and Light to Heavy Vehicles, and even other AA Units. To complete this mission Units must destroy these enemy AA Vehicles. The Artillery Battery The Artillery Battery is a side objective that spawns various Artillery units which has the capability to wreak havoc on the AO's from great distances. They will be guarded by squads of infantry and light-heavy vehicles. To complete this mission you must destroy the Artillery vehicles. The Regenerator One of the most difficult missions to win. This mission involves CSAT deploying VIPER Troops with regenerating health and extract armour to a specified area in order to lock it down. As squads are wiped out, they respawn after a short delay at the Regenerator itself. Your objective is simple. Destroy the Regenerator. The Intel Missions This mission can come in 1 of 3 forms. Either a Secure Officer Mission, Secure Vehicle Mission, or Secure UAV Mission. The Secure Officer Mission involves friendly units moving towards and apprehending an enemy officer who has crucial intelligence on enemy movements. He must not be killed. The Secure Vehicle Missions involves friendly units identifying and disabling a vehicle of important as it is carrying crucial intel on the enemy. This vehicle must be disabled and captured. It must NOT be destroyed. The Secure UAV Mission requires a little bit of Swimming. A UAV has Crashed landed in the Ocean off the coast. It is your job to suit up and secure the UAV. You have been given a device that will periodically give you a read out with how strong the signal is to the UAV. Use this to triangulate it's position. Once found, secure it. All these missions will contain enemy infantry units and light vehicles, and boats (In the UAV Mission) The Truck Escort This mission involves friendly units Escorting a truck of supplies to a specified location in Altis. It is no easy feat however, as you will face enemy units, as well as potentially landmines. Simply escort the truck to location in order to complete this mission. The Smuggled Explosives Insurgents are attempting to smuggle in explosives along the coastline. Your objective is to gather a team and move to secure the explosives, before they get into enemy hands. This is done by locating the structure they are in on the coast, and secure them for detonating. Warning - You will only have 15 seconds to run before the explosives go off. There will be enemy Infantry and Vehicles at this Objective. The Secure Radar This Objective involves the Securing of an Enemy Radar station that has popped up. It is guarded by infantry and vehicles. Your objective is to reach the facility - and destroy it. Warning - Once the charges are set, you will have 15 seconds to get away before it explodes. The POW This mission involves finding and securing Friendly asset code named "Kerry". He has been captured by enemy units and is due to be executed soon. Your job is to remain as quiet as possible, asking civilians for information in order to ascertain his exact location. As soon as the enemies discover you, a countdown will begin until his execution (usually 10-15 minutes). Once you have located "Kerry", disarm the explosives on him and evacuate him to the MEDIVAC tent located at BASE. He is very wounded and will not last forever. Once you have retrieved him, a countdown will begin. This Objective will contain a lot of enemy infantry units.
  10. pkisbest

    You raise a valid point
  11. pkisbest

    If anyone is harassing anyone on server relegate it to a Mod or Admin at the time. Asking on the forums - post incident is not going to help, as the perpetrators may not even be registered here. But also on Wex’s point - The game is rated M 17+ On the ESRB, and even more so if Playing online. So at least Supervise your sister if your able to. From personal experience anyone younger then 13 shouldn’t really be playing online without someone older being/playing with them as people that young don’t tend to be able to react well to these kinds of incidents.
  12. pkisbest

    Kat are you ok?? You seem needlessly confused.
  13. pkisbest

    Potentially remove the buzzards from both CAS and Fighter once you reach a specific amount of transport points. It’s kind of annoying to get a buzzard when you have 30+ points
  14. pkisbest

    Ah right. That work's in a different manner then i thought it did. Thanks for the Explanation Fitz ?
  15. pkisbest

    Cheers for the response. If I may inquire, what is in each pool and how many points is required to reach each pool?
  16. pkisbest

    Arma doesnt have the greatest blast damage either. The only solution i know is something like ACE which overhauls it. But thats a massive change for such an insignificant issue. Just chuck like 3-4 nades into the building.
  17. pkisbest

    Will elements of Light CAS be available?
  18. pkisbest

    Hmmm...a queue for specific roles. We kinda already have that system for pilot, but that is fairly hard to enforce when people don't just in TS first. An in-game queue for something like Pilot/Fighter pilot feel could be good. Maybe a queue for Sniper also and maybe the MK6 gunner. Every other role has plenty of slots so a queue wouldn't really be warranted for something like that. If that could be implemented so you could change Role in-game rather then having to lobby out it would be great, but not overly necessary.
  19. pkisbest

    Yeah I&A isn't some kind of milsim-related server. I think the squad system is fine as it is now. One huge group normally contains...everyone so assuming cancer isnt filling the halls, communication can occur. Smaller more coordinated squads break-off into their owns squad from there. In terms of the subject at hand: I think the role system is fine as it is currently. Having a method to change without lobbying would be handy, but the current system only adds a few seconds, so it'd be something that i don't think should take priority. The more restrictive we are on classes - the more people are likely to complain unfortunately. Even now people complain they can't carry an SPMG with a Verona while wearing a ghillie suit while playing medic with a Special Forces Viper Helmet on (This one isnt restricted, but it what most players use). Insert shameless self-promotion here :P.
  20. Got a reward Hellcat from a side mission reward. Travelled to pickup dudes from the Special Kavala (Georgetown) Mission (and thus lost all ammo and flares, as is programmed with the mission) Returned to base and serviced the vehicle to find only the DAR's had rearmed. Neither the Flares nor Miniguns rearmed. Tried rearming at the Ammo crates - same story, only the DAR's.
  21. pkisbest

    Reward helicopters exploding

    There seems to be one of the reward vehicle spots that intersects with the bunkers for the AA emplacement. This causes any reward vehicle (seemingly always the helicopters) to glitch in and explode immediately.
  22. pkisbest

    Gotta kickem while they are down. Please note that the somewhat poor editing was due tk me doing this on Movie maker.
  23. Multiple pilots have reported today (and i witnessed visually) that most pilots were not gaining Transport points, despite transporting correcting and/or resupplying the FOB. Fitz is aware of this issue, but i've put it up here as a formality.
  24. pkisbest

    I mean. On this kind of server, would it not make more sense if the “laws” reflected the server rules? If I read your post right in some events they do. The only thing I will say about the rule interpretation by staff is that it has always been an issue on servers will big staff teams. Even when I played regularly 2 years ago. It’s very hard to get a large team of staff to all enforce rules in the exact same manner.
  25. pkisbest

    Not that i’m An AL player... but why is it anymore complicated than what James said?? Like legit - if it can be bought from a legal civilian weapon shop, it’s legal. Anything else is contraband/illegal. Only exceptions are those with permits and/or law enforcement. Keep is Simple.