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Everything posted by pkisbest

  1. pkisbest

    I can’t be bothered doing things like apps and stuff. Just show up after the 6pm Restart and I will be on. Haven’t run it as of yet, but I plan to.
  2. pkisbest

    Massive Turnout tonight for Tanoa Tuesday with the server at some points having more members than the Altis Server (Which was like....25 against like 19 or so). Also: The Authentic Tanoan Experience
  3. pkisbest

    The reason I believe we are running Tanoa Tuesday is to try and populate the server. If enough people hear about it, more will start playing. Eventually it could evolve into a full sub-server of Straya IA (I would imagine), as even with just 25 people it was hilariously fun. Baby steps. If one of the mods/admins want to correct me on its purpose, feel free to :).
  4. pkisbest

    Rule 0.5 of Strayagamings I&A: Blame Quik Alternatively refer to rule 1.0: Blame @Fitz
  5. pkisbest

    Literally as Nova said. We get as many people as we can to transition over to the Tanoa IA server. We usually do it just after the 6pm restart. Its in attempts to populate the server. Also because Tanoa can be hella fun in the right scenarios.
  6. pkisbest

    Tanoa really only get people on during Tanoa Tuesdays.
  7. pkisbest

    Not everyone wants to deal with mods. I know quite a Few people who only want to play Vanilla and can’t be bothered with the whole mod situation. While sure, you may gain a few people, the overall loss is higher.
  8. pkisbest

    I mean, instead of adding more infantry to the ao, just have more in buildings. Similar to what it was pre-Apex edition.
  9. pkisbest

    Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it.
  10. pkisbest

    I believe using a Radar Nyx allows it to work with these others...don’t quote me on it. Tis what I think I’ve been hearing on the grape vine.
  11. pkisbest

    I would be willing to try it out.
  12. pkisbest

    But speaking on Balance, I personally believe the amount of Verona AT Gunners needs to be decreased exponentially. Despite tanks being the theme of the dlc, as soon as you get into an AO, a single Verona kills ya after firing a few shots. @Fitz
  13. pkisbest

    Yeah I’m more of a “transport points for Jet person”. So when a Yian shows up, I just turn my engine off :P
  14. pkisbest

    Although I highly recommend using the sound mod and the blastcore mod mentioned above. Blastcore makes all kinds of different effects (like fire, smoke and explosions) looking absolutely amazing. While JSRS changes the whole dynamic of hearing stuff. Changes the sound of the default weapons to sound much higher quality. on a side note: be sure to have no other mods loaded except these ones (eg don’t have CUP loaded).
  15. pkisbest

    Well I mean, Taco got some Karma. One of the more recent posts is me getting glitched in a tank, flying 400m and crushing Taco before rolling back over.
  16. pkisbest

    Taco i apologise in advance.
  17. pkisbest

    I’m sorry...who were you again? :P
  18. pkisbest

    That I did not know... eh
  19. pkisbest

    Yeah but with OBS you have to manually start recording don’t you? It doesn’t have a feature like Shadowplay (where it’s constantly recording but deletes old shit after a few minutes).
  20. pkisbest

    It truly was. Nothing quite this spectacular will ever occur again...Lucky I’ve been keeping GeForce updated so Shadowplay was running. Ive had a few less interesting things that I didn’t get to shadowplay because of outdated drivers.
  21. pkisbest

    I also had an issue where there was a HVT sub-mission in the main AO. Killed all his guards and went to capture him but he started walking. Him walking constantly cancelled the capture.
  22. pkisbest

    Sweet as. Just seems more convienient. It also makes it easier on server staff. If someone is 1 day late on payments the staff would remove the person, just to have to put them back on when they donate again the next day. But the overall decision is up to you, our benevolent gods.
  23. pkisbest

    So quick question, will we have to make manual donations each month, or will it be set on an auto payment until cancelled?
  24. pkisbest

    I prefer the M2A1...even if it’s rare as ****. Although Kuma > Varsuk > M2A4.
  25. pkisbest

    To be fair your probably the best tanker on server, and you had the best tank :P.