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Everything posted by pkisbest

  1. pkisbest

    Its a 265mm Spud Gun. Can destroy buildings in 3 shots
  2. pkisbest

    Fallujah. Give everyone PTSD
  3. pkisbest

    Some things that would need to be addressed before it would be implemented would by how the Commander slot would be whitelisted. My initial recommendation would be for veterans to have access to this slot. Another thing would be the Commanders not only being biased towards their friends in terms of assets. But again, you would hope veterans could be trusted enough to not be like this.
  4. pkisbest

    E.g. Completing the Prisoner Mission (arguably the hardest) + 25 points. Whereas something more simple like the radar or the AA mission would be like 10 points. For things like the secure caches i suppose you could do like 5 points per cache. Then we can give a value of like 50 points for things like Blackfoot's or kajmans, like 75 for an Armed BF. Then lower amounts for things like Shitty tech's, bush pig, Orca and the like.
  5. pkisbest

    Any trolls or players that are causing a major disturbance should be reported immediately. To get a staff member, either jump into TS and into the Invade and Annex support channel, or type admin ingame (this will ping a staff member. If no response, go to TeamSpeak).
  6. pkisbest

    You a map dev or something Kerry? Or do you just google this shit?
  7. pkisbest

    It has been an honour and pleasure to serve as a server moderator for this server.
  8. pkisbest

    When James successfully overthrows Overlord Red.
  9. pkisbest

    To keep it in theme with the north section, somewhere around Orekastro would be my recommendation. However there is already a FOB that spawns in that area (and is responsible for that area).
  10. pkisbest

    Hey I don’t kill that many civi’s. Most are accidental.
  11. pkisbest

    Webbie you seem to be talking to yourself...are you ok?
  12. pkisbest

    I think it should be the I&A helpers for that should be doing the teaching @Big Kev :P.
  13. pkisbest

    And the AH-9...
  14. pkisbest

    Pilots do currently have a restriction before your allowed to fly. It's 2 hours.
  15. pkisbest

    Pk’s Cave of chill 1859-pkisbest
  16. pkisbest

    We lose M9 but get Yeet... Can we do the opposite? ? Welcome back Yeet ?
  17. pkisbest

    God damnit M9. Whos gunna be my bitch in Management now. On a serious note, hope all goes well for ya brother.
  18. pkisbest

    The vehicle likely didn’t have space for it. In future I would use the Cargo Van, as it can fit something like 20 tubes in it.
  19. pkisbest

    If it becomes server side does it not become an essential mod? As in to play the server it’s required in order to play?
  20. pkisbest

    Honestly I think a modded I&A would be fun, but from a monetary point of view, I don’t think it would be worth the manpower and time required to do it. It’d be a weekly event at best, as I can’t see a modded I&A server being overly successful.
  21. pkisbest

    The pop up server still uses the I&A file, so adding any mods like RHS would require some what I can imagine to be extensive changing to it.
  22. pkisbest

    I mean, this could all be avoided if Wastelund and Altis Leaf just surrendered.
  23. pkisbest

    As the name suggests: should a hardcore rotation be added to one of the I&A servers for a single 6 hour block each week.
  24. pkisbest

    This poll is now closed. Thank you everyone for voting.
  25. pkisbest

    “Guns for Texas”