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Posts posted by pkisbest

  1. Yeah the MLRS and any VLS system have been heavily abused in the past. In my own opinion, Grid square erasers aren’t generally very good for the style of gameplay that occurs on server.


    It would also make it incredibly easy for players to grief. Imagine an asshole with access to something that could nuke a whole AO.

  2. From a personal standpoint it could be implemented well. The downside is that people who don’t have it, will just see you yeet up a wall... Which for some people could be a break from their immersion (a very small number of people).


    I’m all for it as I know how useful a mod it is and what it adds.

    • Like 1

  3. Yeah it’s pretty much how it’s unofficially treated at the moment. Players who do the side mission get first claim to the reward. If there’s no dibs after a length of time, or if the players who did the side mission give permission to do so, players are allowed to grab them as they please.

  4. Events (as in Zeus events) only run Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Every other day is regular business as usual.


    Unless you count Maldon Monday’s and Tanoa Tuesdays/Thursday’s as events. In which case yeah there is kinda events every day.


    The main thing is that it is up to you whether you wanna play them or not.

    • Like 2

  5. As stated earlier, it’s on the cards for discussion. We trialled TFAR on Sunday. Unsure of its success as I missed most of the OP, but I’m sure both of those mods will be the topic of discussion in the next week or two amongst the Community Team Members (myself and Josh I believe) and the I&A staff. As well as the mission makers of course.

  6. 1 hour ago, Snowy said:

    You guys running advanced ace, wind and shit and is it 1st person? But zues ?? using a debug is 10 times better and having the mission all laid out before you start. This is just my experience with 1000s of hours mission making.

    This is basic missions that are meant to be fun, shortish and enjoyable. Hence why as it stands we aren’t using ACE at the moment. It’s on the cards for a potential use, but it would be basic.

    I want to specify that we very well may never use ACE due to constraints in people who aren’t familiar with the medical systems. Plus it is down to the higher ranking staff what mods are allowed on the server.


    The missions are layed out before the players start. No units are added to the mission in progress. This is usually done by the primary Zeus ( whoever is the mission creator).

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