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Everything posted by Red

  1. Red

    A Modded Takistan life server was actually being worked on for a period of time, but it fell through due to other game servers needing more work. Modded Altis Life popped up two or three times as projects in a sort of planning phase, but whoever was trying to lead them quickly lost interest. Currently we have no plans for any type of modded life server.
  2. Red

    If I&A Staff can show me that they are able to keep their existing server at a consistent population above 60, I would have no problem creating a new server for them. I don't see removing or shutting down Wasteland as being a good idea.
  3. Red

    I dont know what you are on about @WestOz no intro = real pro I don't give a shit about an intro, I know who you are. I came to watch your content, no the same intro 500 times.
  4. Red

    550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.RecipNotFound
  5. Red

    As far as staff goes, you were definitely up there with the more dedicated ones. Regarding recent events it's a bit painful to have you leaving us, but I certainly do wish you all the best in future endeavors. I'll make sure to watch over your boys and keep them in line for you.
  6. Red

    Just thought i'd throw this in since spawning 16 kits a day is not so bad. This is the usage of leader markers for each staff member that has ever used them. Leader markers are essentially a wallhack for the player that is acting as the 'leader' of each squad in-game. Keep in mind this is only going back to August 1st, and this feature has been in the mission file for much longer. I have also included my SQL query so you can see how I am getting these results.
  7. Red

    I am not sure where you got 3 years from, you have never had access to view the database. That's alright though, i'll include it here for you. The logging for this began 2017-07-31 20:49:12 With the first kit being spawned in by ALI, you can see this below. So taking that into account the actual usage is 15.89 kits per day, a very different story than what you believed it to be. I could pull up the archived logs before that date where I reset them but I don't think that is really necessary to get the point across.
  8. Recently there have been some staff members that have either been getting bored with the work they are doing, or are unable to work appropriately with other staff members. Some have retired, some have been removed from staff and one has even been community banned as a result. I would like to point out that I am targeting the ex-staff members and making it very clear that we will never tolerate this kind of behavior. Unfortunately, when it comes down to it, this is the sad reality of any online gaming community. There is no legal obligation for staff to perform and act correctly, they are all volunteers. We entrust a lot of power and authority in the staff team, intending for it to be used to benifet the community. Sadly some staff will decide that they are leaving, or bored of the community. Due to the nature of the internet and anonymity, they elect to destroy whatever they can in an attempt to bring everyone and everything down with them. Here is a brief overview of recent incidents: Wasteland Over the past few weeks and months, Lucky B33f and I have been discussing at lengths about issues with Wasteland Staff abusing the powers that we have given them, to quite severe extents. In a recent patch we removed 90% of the 'fun' admin tools, this is purely due to the fact that no appropriate resolution could be made between the wasteland staff after multiple interventions to reduce the abuse of power. As a result of this YaMum the Administrator was removed from staff, Baden retired, and Unit Retired. Lucky B33f and I both identified multiple players receiving abuse from YaMum while under an alias. Additionally YaMum was responsible for the introduction of over 350 admin kits to the game and the utilization of player markers to gain an unfair advantage more than 200 time. For a comparison of kits between other staff, see the below numbers. Admin kits allow staff to spawn in items for them to use on either event or for general gameplay, we normally allow this as staff are usually unable to spend the same amount of time playing the game and building up their arsenal due to staffing work. Please note these results were recorded on December 19th. Admin Kits since Dec 1st Yamum 48 Unit 12 James 1 Excel 0 Baden 10 Total 71 Admin Kits since forever Yamum 320 Unit 22 James 38 Excel 49 Total 487 Altis Life We have permanently banned Krypkii from the community due to multiple breaches of community guidelines after he retired. Krypkii, after deciding to retired has proceeded to remove all community members from the Discord server. Spawn in money on Altis Life with Moderator tools and abuse moderator functions to hunt and kill other players. In this image Krypkii altered his bank account to give himself $80m These are the logs for Krypkii using the free cam function to teleport around the map and kill players.
  9. Red

    This isn't the support centre. Try again here. https://www.strayagaming.com.au/support
  10. Red

    I think he fixed it now.
  11. Red

    Hi Potty :)
  12. Red

    I'm still no 100% sure what we will do, whether we will have a new server or remove AL as it is and replace it with StrayaLife. It's something that isn't really important for us to decide on currently and will take a lot more time before we can figure it out.
  13. Red

    @Jay StrayaLife is NOT a drop-in for altislife, it is a completely new system in literally every aspect. Because of this it is not feasible to try and convert the housing system, or any other system on Altis Life to something that would with StrayaLife. I put a few brief points over on Jack Fire's post.
  14. Red

    Update 3:30am: So it turns out some fears from another staff member that prompted this, were in fact correct. I've been watching remotely and the server is not able to boot correctly due to a hardware alarm. So unfortunately until we can get this sorted we will be operating at a limited capacity. Altis Life will be offline until further notice due to a few unfortunate complications. Invade and Annex has been moved to another node and should be back online shortly As always, data is secure and backed-up so there will not be anything lost from this. Update 4:00am: Invade and Annex is back online. Update 10:49am: Altis Life is back online.
  15. Hi All, I'll be restarting almost all services at 3am today, there will be some downtime (10-30 minutes) for everything except the website.
  16. My question here is, why are you metagaming? In roleplay, you have no idea how many officers are on-duty but just not on the server.
  17. You're not safe until you get back to the safezone.
  18. Red

    Changing the attitude of players in an online gaming community, you are requesting something that is almost impossible. As much as I wish it was, it's not something I can force down the throats of our players, they will just leave or ignore us until they are banned. Something important to remember about the internet is that the majority of gamers believe in their own sense of anonymity and god like status, so they act however they see fit. accompanied by this is the ability to act like a complete prick or ass without a care in the world. Having said that, If you have suggestions on how we can change staff policies please send a message to @Nevetos and include me on the message as well. I can suggest a few things for you regarding the server - Report the player that RDM'ed you, 9/10 times they will be dealt with correctly. (According to our community policies and staff policies) Please keep in mind that our staff do not just instantly ban someone the first time they do something wrong, if they are remorseful, understand what they have done wrong and are willing to change they will be let off with a warning. Obviously if they go and do the same thing again 5 minutes later, they clearly do not care for our rules and will be punished appropriately. - If you have a major issue with the police force and you believe that the senior command team is not reacting, teaching or behaving appropriately, please feel free to send me a message detailing everything that occurred. Before you do that, please speak with the command team first, I am the finaly point of contact for major police issues on AL.
  19. Red

    Yeah, as much as I would love to say yes, it won't turn out how you think it will. If you wanted to make something yourself, by all means, go for it. But it's not something we will support unless it's properly planned out and built. I definitely enjoyed my time playing when I used to play in a milsim unit.
  20. Red

    Hi All, I'm happy to say that we have moved the website off of the temporary server and onto a more permanent one, there are many advantages that I will explain shortly. If you or someone else is experiencing issues, please clear your browser cache. If problems persist contact a support team member on Teamspeak or Discord. Along with the new server I have done a performance audit on the website, there were a lot of improvements to be made to, reduce loading speeds, increase accessibility on different platforms and a few places to increase security. I won't go into depth as it would be quite boring, but simply put the website now loads 90+% faster and responds a lot better on different platforms like mobile.
  21. Red

    I've restored it and locked this post.
  22. Members with less than 10 content count will have newly posted content requiring approval. This has come about to stop spammers and other advertising that staff have been dealing with manually for now. If your content requires approval, don't panic forum staff will get notified and check it out when they can.
  23. Red

    @Carnifex In no way was Vitale banned or punished for "Nazi Imagery", his entire ban was for other reasons. Just clearing it up for you, it's not really important though. My post explicitly states that we will be removing racist and discriminatory content, and does not state black and white what is not acceptable. It will take time to figure out exactly how we should treat questionable content, and I don't see any reason for the content in Hell Let Loose to be censored or removed at this point in time. The entire ruling is subject to scrutiny and will be discussed internally among the management team over-time to smooth it out.
  24. Red
