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Everything posted by Red

  1. Red

    We are not going to introduce this gunstore into the game, I will list the reasons below for you. - There is already plenty of equipment available at the rebel store. - Players are so stingy about losing 100k, there is no way it would be actively patrolled. - Players will only log on during low population to buy their equipment and never return. - This is just another way to bypass crafting, it will only worsen the economy and not help it. I am still discussing with staff on an alternate idea that is not a gunstore.
  2. Red

    Goodbye my love.
  3. Red

    This has been cancelled as the provider was unable to perform the migration in an appropriate manner.
  4. Red

    Hi All, As we grow larger the requirement for hosting our services increases, we need more powerful equipment to keep everything up and running. In following with this, we will be moving our website and forums over to a new provider. The change is exciting for us and should be for you also, we will be able to accommodate for faster growth and a larger community; The community will see an improvement in overall performance of the website and services associated with it. There will be a period of about 2-4 hours tonight where the website may be inaccessible, if you find yourself in this situation don't panic it is just the migration process. If you are experiencing issues for a longer period than I have specified, I would suggest flushing your DNS cache as your cached records may be pointing to the old host. To do this, open command prompt as an admin and type in without the quotes "ipconfig /flushdns" Any further updates will be supplied as a new message on this thread.
  5. Resolution - We had some domestic DDOS via Google DNS that impacted our providers Equnix SY4 POP. Google have been contacted requesting an explanation for the attack coming from their network.
  6. Feb 3, 3:20pm Notice - A border gateway within equinix SYD stopped responding and all services dropped out. Pending reply from upstream provider on the cause.
  7. Feb 2, 9:14 AEDT Investigating - An issue with teamspeak and multiple game servers experiencing brief sporadic dropouts was identified. Feb 2, 9:26 AEDT Update - We have raised a ticket with our upstream provider regarding the issue and it is currently being investigated. Feb 2, 10:19 AEDT Update - Our provider has acknowledged the cause of the issue and are working to resolve it. Feb 2, 10:40 AEDT Resolved - Our provider has advised of an issue with their network that was causing the brief dropouts.
  8. Red

    I wouldn't say that donations are what we are aiming for here, but instead something enjoyable that our current player base is wanting and can enjoy. My only issue with Factions and PvP in general is the salt and frustration that comes with it.
  9. Red

    If there was a minecraft server, what type would you want? i.e survival, pvp, creative, modded?
  10. Red

    I love this, my god
  11. The Altislife players table was restored today at 8:44pm, back to a backup from 10am due to irreversible data corruption on the table. No other tables were effected.
  12. Red

    I restored from a backup from 10am as the 12pm backup had some data corruption in it. Everything has been rolled back to there for the players table only. So your money and gear has been rolled back.
  13. Red

    In general, if there is something new in the works we won't reveal it until we are satisfied that there will be a release.
  14. Red

    I ran an event on another server similar to the schoolyard bullrush game. A lot of people enjoyed it.
  15. Red

    I only have 3100 hours. @Connor. How many hours have you got on Arma3?
  16. Red

    The same as it is on here. I ran half the joint until I gave it to Freeo and resigned.
  17. Red

    I will be honest, when I jumped on here and heard Dredd for the first time, I asked him if he had ever played with SOCOMD and called him griffin.
  18. Red

    Does anyone still Play Payday2? I downloaded it again, but it was all different... Could not be bothered spending the time to work out the 100% stealth run through. I couldn't even find out how to leave the new safehouse
  19. Red

    Just to make this 100% clear, I will never allow storage for civilian that cannot be stolen from, it is completely pointless. Currently the economy is very very dead, allowing players to use money to buy everything they want would spoil the fun. Players would start complaining even more. "x gang has so much money that they don't need to worry about dying". The top 30 players own 2.4billion with the total balance being 5.6billion. This is why crafting exists, and this is why it will not be removed or modified at the moment. Regarding the fed and overall combat between civilians and police... This is a huge balancing act, and is very difficult to get right for extended periods of time. Fixing your one problem doesn't necessarily result in a perfect server for everyone, down the line there will be something that ruins it again. As an example introducing bigger guns for cop may fix a single problem with fed, but it will open up a world of problems with something else. We can't just give a faction a tank/mortar/jet/attack heli and slam restrictions on it, like. Only use the tank/mortar/jet/attack heli during fed if the rebels have a helicopter that has fired no less than 10 rockets within a 50m radius of the fed. The same can be said for weapons. For me, currently the fed should be almost impossible for rebels to complete if a 10 man squad raid it against 10 police officers. However, this all comes down to tactics and gameplay. The more skilled group will win 9/10 times. We will look into small changes that can be made in the future, but please keep in mind that not everything we do will work to benefit you or your group/faction.
  20. Red

    To answer OP, base building is not something we are currently considering.
  21. Red

    Our arma3 server uses 4 cores (8 Logical Processors) over multiple threads. You can see the different Thread ID's below. http://puu.sh/taqZj/bf93e38d19.png
  22. Red

    We are not Asylum, I can guarantee that almost everything about our server that would effect those settings is different. Different missions, hardware, software react differently to these settings.
  23. Red

    Not understanding that ping kicks are put in place so that 100 people dont get kicked at once due to the terrible networking that arma3 uses.
  24. Red

    Tanoa life has been cut for now, there is currently no plan on working on it. We have other projects that we are focussing on in the new year. I haven't removed the channels because it's going to be re-purposed, so until then I was planning on just leaving it. However, I'll alter the channels to avoid confusion in the future.
  25. What are you buying though?