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Posts posted by Red

  1. Just to make this 100% clear, I will never allow storage for civilian that cannot be stolen from, it is completely pointless.

    Currently the economy is very very dead, allowing players to use money to buy everything they want would spoil the fun. Players would start complaining even more. "x gang has so much money that they don't need to worry about dying". The top 30 players own 2.4billion with the total balance being 5.6billion. This is why crafting exists, and this is why it will not be removed or modified at the moment.


    Regarding the fed and overall combat between civilians and police... This is a huge balancing act, and is very difficult to get right for extended periods of time. Fixing your one problem doesn't necessarily result in a perfect server for everyone, down the line there will be something that ruins it again. As an example introducing bigger guns for cop may fix a single problem with fed, but it will open up a world of problems with something else. We can't just give a faction a tank/mortar/jet/attack heli and slam restrictions on it, like. Only use the tank/mortar/jet/attack heli during fed if the rebels have a helicopter that has fired no less than 10 rockets within a 50m radius of the fed. The same can be said for weapons.
    For me, currently the fed should be almost impossible for rebels to complete if a 10 man squad raid it against 10 police officers. However, this all comes down to tactics and gameplay. The more skilled group will win 9/10 times.

    We will look into small changes that can be made in the future, but please keep in mind that not everything we do will work to benefit you or your group/faction.

    • Like 2

  2. 12 minutes ago, Subnoize said:

    @Connor Those settings are near exact of what Asylum is using and they have 5 servers with max pop of 100, full almost 24/7. I cant provide any further details.

    We are not Asylum, I can guarantee that almost everything about our server that would effect those settings is different. Different missions, hardware, software react differently to these settings.

  3. Tanoa life has been cut for now, there is currently no plan on working on it. We have other projects that we are focussing on in the new year.

    I haven't removed the channels because it's going to be re-purposed, so until then I was planning on just leaving it. However, I'll alter the channels to avoid confusion in the future.

    • Like 2

  4. 1 hour ago, Rat66 said:

    Confirmed Crafting is still not working even with the use of a vehicle. Whatever material is in the vehicle is not registered as yours and it comes up as not enough material to craft that item.

    This will be fixed in the next update at midnight.


    10 hours ago, Alex Raxter said:

    There any update on the skins for some vehicles such as EMS being pure blue?

    Yes, they are included in the next update

  5. In this update we have added a bunch of new and awesome textures and skins for Donators, Medic and Police. The Dynamic Market will be included in this update, however it is still being configured by the Altis Life staffing team to suit the server properly. 

    Read on for more details!


    • Donator shop and skins have been added back in to the server.
    • Some Police skins
    • Almost all Medic skins have been added
    • We added a Battleye filter for a few hack menus that were recently released.
    • Blacklisting for medic
    • Zeus slots for future events
    • Dynamic Market
      • This is virtual market system that changes the prices of various items based on what is sold, this has been put in place to prevent players farming a single resource for easy and fast money.
    • The Casino has been added in this update.


    • Nothing!


    • Renamed the mission file to prevent possible conflicts with other altis life server mission files. This usually forces players to restart their game before they can join the server after an update
    • Updated battleye filters to filter out some of our scripts from detection
    • Players on spawn island are now hidden
    • Fixed the random deaths some players were having
    • Disabled gear sync for administrators while wearing their admin suit
    • The Admin menu was updated visually
    • Fixed the bug that set players bank balance to 5000 under specific conditions
    • Various NPC's have been swapped for static objects, which will reduce a large amount desync/lag
    • Changed some objects to be simple objects
    • The Admin suit on the Blufor side has been fixed
    • Lots of various EMS fixed
    • Large amount of bugs have been fixed
    • Fixed crafting not checking the players vehicle for crafting items
    • Resized the intro text
    • Changed the mission name and server name

    If there are any questions about the changelog you can ask them below.

    • Like 4

  6. Hi All,

    We have released an extra update since all the work that was due is finished.

    In the release, there is a new Bug Report feature added to the player menu, please use this for submitting any bug reports you have. It will be saved to a database and then exported to a list that we can easily read and tick off.

    This update will be live from the 6pm restart



    • Bug Reporting Feature
    • New Battleye filters
    • Full screen night-vision helmet for the police
    • Drug shipment
    • Added push-ups with shift + 4


    • South Rebel Spawn, currently one does not exist
    • Grass, yes we removed some grass
    • SHA shortcode from the version number on the website


    • Battleye filters
    • Lowered the processing requirements for cotton
    • Updated various crafting times and materials needed
    • Shortened the crafting time
    • Updated dialog for broadcasts
    • Invisible admins no longer have name tags visible
    • Fixed multiple duplication techniques
    • Like 7

  7. Currently storing guns in vehicles will not be reintroduced, it just creates an easy way to store gear without worrying about it being stolen.
    Houses are where it's at. I would suggest thinking of some features to include for the current housing system instead.

    edit: We are considering adding a police locker, this will allow the police to store equipment for later use. Much smaller than house storage though.

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