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Everything posted by Zorgain

  1. Zorgain

    More than half the video is some random intro
  2. Zorgain

  3. Zorgain

    Let's have a talk at PD with that strider
  4. Zorgain

    Will donate an AAF boonie hat you can try sell...
  5. Zorgain

    If it is possible it would be a LOT of coding and time, Also with the 2km radius thing I believe there wouldn't be a possible way unless with mods.
  6. Zorgain

    In saying that there would be a lot of problems with "He didnt dec" "He RDM'd me" and all sorts, I would say leave the side chat decs. Whilst on topic it would be a good idea in my opinion to keep global for decs on cops easier and to tell medics not to revive that person or the man over there next to the bush.
  7. Zorgain

    When SRT smashes a fed and starts dancing. @Spectral , @Roger Purple , @Snowwiiee , @denis
  8. Zorgain

    Could've just turned names off on settings
  9. Zorgain

    "[K08W] Jake Reddington with 73.78 Hours @Jake Reddington NOTE: Would be a total of 141.1 without name change (73.78 + 44.88 + 22.83)" Hahaha! [S06W] Now
  10. Well done Snowe keep it up man!
  11. Zorgain

    I was just dancing so hard and fainted.
  12. Zorgain

    Dont worry I was sitting in there helping with an interview and I was peeing myself it's just the channel
  13. Zorgain

    I don't think SG will do it considering they want to stay unmodded so the map is kinda like a mod either buy it or don't play on the server it just doesnt make any sense for big communites to just transfer to a map that cost $40
  14. Zorgain

    Tanoa Life wouldn't be a good thing its a lot of bushes and trees but for anything else it would be awesome combat.
  15. Zorgain

    You kinda just recorded yourself RDMing...
  16. Zorgain

    They would never be able to do a fed if that's the case.
  17. Zorgain

    I didn't get on until it was over sadly but seemed it look liked a good fed for you guys, Well done SP.
  18. Zorgain

    Wait what?!
  19. Zorgain

    It kinda looks more like a wasteland load in screen, Background has 0 to do with altis life considering there is jets flying around and all sorts.
  20. Zorgain

    Im sure a civ will "Drop" Them
  21. Zorgain

    It's good to see another gang that like to fight some, Depends on the day though they killed all the cops the other fed they did and got 130 gold bars, Sadly this fed they didn't know how to play a waiting game and started rushing.
  22. Zorgain

    That was a really good fed well done to WH for lasting that long but we got them in the end. @TrueBlue Watch out for these guys