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Everything posted by Zorgain

  1. Zorgain

    You played on stretched or something? jk
  2. Zorgain

    Confused on if this is a shot at the police force or generally salty
  3. Zorgain

    Nah just give it to me and 40GB god damn won't take me long but wow
  4. Zorgain

    ): Mine was just ugly
  5. Zorgain

    Good to see its going places
  6. Zorgain

    Try your local PC shop
  7. Zorgain

    I don't understand how 1 minute you can be in SRT loving it then the next you're making memes about it and saying their shit. It really triggers me tbh
  8. Zorgain

    Whats the point in removing it, If people use it like they are supposed to then it would be awesome you're getting intel from ground and taking nearly no risk of dying.
  9. Zorgain

    Mines a bit more like this *To loud in SRT channel whilst in combat* *Move out and move other person in combat with me* *Brodiee joins yelling* *I tell him to f#&k off* *Reports me* Was great meme
  10. Zorgain

    Have fun with some armored cars well done..
  11. Zorgain

    Depends if cops can come ?
  12. Zorgain

    When you get to the lowest of lows
  13. Zorgain

    Minecraft JK
  14. Zorgain

    I don't see a problem as long as you have a helmet , a suit and not drive them at night. Could be a bit more roleplay if go karts were illegal but they are fun so why not
  15. Zorgain

    Minecraft account got deleted ): This would clearly come out as a meme though no point
  16. Zorgain

    Doesnt really make sense why its a "Rule" Should be a "Police Thing" but it has always been like this just not a rule
  17. Zorgain

    Thats the whole fun of buying a plane then crashing as soon as you try take off or if not 60% of the time you get AA'd
  18. Zorgain

    Take a screenshot of the kicked message and the heli and make comp Not really your fault your ping spikes
  19. Zorgain

    Thanks for the headache
  20. Zorgain

    Is a good joining song but no really loud that half of the people join throw their headset off
  21. Zorgain

    Ill take you off the database for now and remove your whitelisting but if you wanna come back then Im sure we can work something out
  22. Zorgain

    Yeah, There will be people saying no coz randoms will steal the name but it really doesnt matter what you name it as long as your all in it.
  23. Zorgain

    Selling for 100mil
  24. Zorgain

    Oh yeah nice year
  25. Zorgain

    Enabled Body Looting!