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Everything posted by Zorgain

  1. Zorgain

    They were bugged but they now work and I believe there is two parts of the boat one has the stuff one doesnt not sure though, Haven't done it in a while.
  2. Zorgain

    Wot? Also why the removal? ):
  3. Zorgain

    Was bad at the game And sick of the smurfers/hackers
  4. Zorgain

    Probably more than a million thanks to @Lono3107 The enjoyment of blowing other people's stuff up is amazing
  5. Zorgain

    Looks like it was a lot of fun sad my computer didn't like it though
  6. Zorgain

    I always just blamed it on how many people are on it takes a good dedi to have 120 people on it for a few hours at peak time, When the dedi isn't lagging though it's awesome.
  7. Zorgain

    We Love Mums -Snowwiiees choice O_O @Snowwiiee And I
  8. Zorgain

    Yeah, Cant wait That's if I dont get 1 fps in Sydney possible we can get another location?
  9. Zorgain

  10. Zorgain

  11. Zorgain

  12. Zorgain

    Still means free drug runs for people early in the morning like PNX cant go taxing because its classed as robbing, Also rebel gangs can rob people so there isn't any point of rebel gangs being on until peak hour even though it's our roleplay reason of a rebel gang?...
  13. Zorgain

    Goooooooooooooodbyee <3 Thanks for the hard work on the community! GLHF
  14. Zorgain

    Doesn't make sense because the cops won't respond to a robbery all the way out at weed field and most likely anywhere past there.
  15. Zorgain

    Wow.. Amazing landing lucky you got to land in time though.
  16. Zorgain

  17. Zorgain

    Knockdowns my friend.. Probably the most OP thing at there It's awesome for cop though
  18. Zorgain

    Could we get the info of how big and if a template we need to use, And need the PNG of Strayagaming logo/name
  19. Zorgain

    Truth hurts, Most people cant take it now. "Just Banter" doesnt help
  20. Zorgain

    That is soo sick would buy that if it comes out
  21. Zorgain

    This would have to be best idea I have seen on the forums for a while! Love it.
  22. Zorgain

    Count me in!
  23. Zorgain

    Also I was whitelisted to a gang base spawn in the middle of the sea? O_o
  24. Zorgain

    With Slingshot I currently get 1 up and 1 down but get Ultra VDSL next week and thats 100 up, 100 down
  25. Zorgain

    Pretty sure Bonez has this same problem it's got something to do with his player database in his files, I have 0 clue about arma files sadly.