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Everything posted by Ollyumpus

  1. Ollyumpus

    I know I've already done an Intro, but I feel like you guys don't remember me because I haven't been here in a while. So here it is, another introduction for you all My IGN will always be known as "Ollyumpus" or "Olly", I've been around recently and I mainly play on the Invade & Annex server. While still causing mischief on the Altis Life server occasionally. I work as an IT Techo for "Acer Computers", I mainly deal with Tech for NSWPF (NSW Police) and Dept. of Defence (RAAF Williamtown for anyone wondering). While I work with these people I do NOT work for the Government as a Police Officer or as a ADF Member (Just want to make that clear). But I work with these people all the time. My other proceedings are with NSW RFS (Rural Fire Service) as a Firefighter. I enjoy what I do there even though it can be extremely traumatic for the people involved. I'm on callout 24/7 so at anytime my pager goes off I'm pretty much gone. I currently have training in BF (Bush Firefighting, this training covers anything from Small Bushfires/Grass fires to Large scale Bushfires like the 2003 Canberra Fires.), VF/BAO/CABER (Village Firefighting, this training is for Structure Fires, Car fires, and the use of Oxygen within a situation that would require me to go into a Structure that is on fire or other times that Oxygen may be required for safety. We also get a rundown of Car Crashes so we can attend those.). Although I'm yet to undertake AF (Advanced Firefighting, this would allow fight fires without direct supervision.). The last training qualifications I currently have are ART(Advanced Resuscitation Techniques) & FAA (First Aid Application), these are both mainly used for whenever I attend a Car Crash with people seriously injured. Needless to say though I do enjoy what I do. I might be moving to VIC (Currently within NSW) within 12 Months due to a potential Career in VICPOL (Victoria Police), so hopefully that works out for me) I hope to see you all around!
  2. Ollyumpus

    Hey there. Name's Olly. Found your servers online and figured I would register on here and get on the servers more often. Looking also to be apart of a new community. Been around to a few recently. Here's to hoping that I'll see you online, Ingame or TS :3 Have fun! c: