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Loopy AU-NZ

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Everything posted by Loopy AU-NZ

  1. Loopy AU-NZ

    Updated discord link: https://discord.gg/wJUDS3e
  2. Loopy AU-NZ

    Wolfpack Group What is the Wolf pack group? It is currently a group with 2 members looking to recruit people in and creating a strong team on wasteland. What are the requirements to join? You must have a mic and a clean ban record. Sounds interesting, where can I sign up? https://units.arma3.com/unit/wolfpackaunz Discord: https://discord.gg/huTVWt Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/wolfpackaunz Leaders Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/LoopyAUNZ/
  3. Loopy AU-NZ

    I mean it's a good idea but not really for wasteland. As said above it doesn't really fit the theme.
  4. Loopy AU-NZ

    Loopy? You disapeared on us D: Recently alot caughtup with me and life has been allover the place. But, I'm still alive. Here to make my return from a deep inactivity. Nice to see all the new staff. I hope to properly meet you all soon. But I just wanted to say, I'm still here. Just had and still have quite abit going on. But my slow return is here. Time to deal with some more helpdesk -Loopy
  5. Loopy AU-NZ

    Looking good sheepy.
  6. Loopy AU-NZ

    I was planning one of these until my un unexpected absense. To be honest I'm not even sure if I have any input anymore, seems like I've been left behind :P. But anyway, if I still have input. I do like this idea.
  7. Loopy AU-NZ

    Well. I haven't touched my gear house in months. There goes alot of money worth of guns.
  8. Loopy AU-NZ

    Giday Dude! Welcome to Strayagaming. Ive been studying to become a Pilot aswell. (First year Aviation Cadets) I decided to stay down south though, taking lessons in mot. But good to see another Kiwi! Anyway, what servers you played so far? All our servers are fun to play. If you like killing try Wasteland or Invade and Annex which and objectives and you shoot AI! or ofcorse if you like Roleplay. Try Tanoa or Altis Life! Welcome to SG, Loopy
  9. Loopy AU-NZ

    Hmm, well I'd have to double check, is it houses not touched in 3 months or person not logged in? @Roger Purple But I've gotta say! Some warning woukd have helped.
  10. Loopy AU-NZ

    rip... Some of mine might've got wiped because I've been unable to get on.
  11. Loopy AU-NZ

    Alright time for some slight development input I guess. It's something we Probably won't remove. As it can be very usefull (Preventing FailRP and can also increase RP) I'll talk to b33f and Jack Fire about possibly Trialing a message. If the message dosen't work we would look at our options.
  12. Loopy AU-NZ

  13. Loopy AU-NZ

  14. Loopy AU-NZ

    Happy birthday dude!
  15. Loopy AU-NZ

    damn looking nice. I might have to get some stickers to decorate my already heavily stickered computer.
  16. Loopy AU-NZ

    I'm on the forums on my good old phone @Spectral @sirgeneralj I'm liking the idea of the responding which is doable, to an extent. I'll note some things down.
  17. Loopy AU-NZ

    Hmmm. Some interesting ideas here. I'll write down some things for the "stuff" being worked on.
  18. Loopy AU-NZ

  19. Loopy AU-NZ

    Hey dude! Welcome to Strayagaming Hope your enjoying your time so far on Altis Life! If you ever need help feel free to talk to me or any of the other Altis Life anyway. Hope you enjoy your time -Robert/Loopy
  20. Loopy AU-NZ

    Giday mate! Welcome to SG Ever tried RP? Come and try our Altis Life! Always something to do on there! But I&A is really fun, if you like shooting you should try wasteland aswell!
  21. Loopy AU-NZ

    Hey dude! Welcome to Strayagaming Feel free to jump on teamspeak and have a chat and I'm sure people will gladly help out! Or feel free to message me if you see me around I'm always free to give a hand. Welcome to SG!
  22. Loopy AU-NZ

    Rip PNX Atleast I won't get destroyed trying to rob fed or bank anymore
  23. Loopy AU-NZ

    It'd be better if fishing was fixed then that'd work Wouldn't it @LuckyB33f
  24. Loopy AU-NZ

    We can't? rip
  25. Loopy AU-NZ

    Hmm. This sounds pretty good. I'll definitely come to Friday.