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Everything posted by diesel

  1. diesel

    haha nah i had mucked around with my controls. super sensitive and no dead zone was a bad idea, trying to find that sweet spot
  2. diesel

    lol unfortunatly i missed the ledge when i jumped out
  3. diesel

    have been doing a little bit, unfortunatly im having major issues streaming/ recording arma 3 due to pos computer lol. facepalm. i just realised i posted on this thread a while back, time to get some sleep
  4. diesel

    how?! ive got an amd system and can barly get 30fps on mp
  5. diesel

    some of casidy's nice flying tonight on i&a
  6. diesel

    well that failed. i did try putting on youtube but it was instabanned for copyright lol
  7. diesel

    this is why i should be playing games. i get bored and do this kind of crap sexywars1.mp4
  8. diesel

    or be an absolute prick and hit them with an rpg, enough to damage but not destroy. then wait till then attemp road side repairs and wam bam thank you maam. free tank. only ever pulled it off succesfully once lol
  9. diesel

    a bit late to the party but ive been meaning to do move vids for youtube, just hopless with the engagment.
  10. diesel

    unfortunatly i didnt think to take a pic as i did it and theres no way im removing it now lol
  11. diesel

    was kinda gutted i couldnt pick it up