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Everything posted by Schafer

  1. Schafer

    When was the last time you saw someone in public with a gun that isn't a cop. Personally, i haven't seen anyone. Does that mean we should remove every gun from every civ. There is a limit to how realistic this can get
  2. Schafer

    nuh sounds bad
  3. Schafer

    Decided to tow a car Thanks for letting me use the ramp at Hospital John Doe and the Cops for not arresting me
  4. Schafer

    I wont be paying if it blows up @Pope Yuri and ye I think so @Shrood
  5. Schafer

    Drove it up on that ledge and just simply drove it on the back Got find quite a bit for wreck less driving but it was so much fun.
  6. Schafer

    Money I Like the Money
  7. Schafer

    Im in
  8. Schafer

    Your Welcome