Basics: -
General Alias: Matt Ronaldo
In-Game Role Play Name: Matt Ronaldo
TeamSpeak Name: Ronaldo
Age (minimum 15): 19
Hours Played as Pub Slot: 16
Steam 64 ID/Player ID: 76561198106091652
Link to Steam Profile:
Questionnaire: -
Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department (100 words min)?:
I would like to join personally to better the police force, the police force is at a standard where it can be made very successful with just little changes can and will make it great, i have played on multiple rp servers in aus, and i personally believe i can better the police force, and help make the server look better with more serious roleplay and tactical prowess, i see the potential so far in the server, and i see it going up and above and believe it'll become even better then it is currently.
If you are successful; where do you see yourself in 3 months in the APD (50 words min)?:
I currently believe that i will sky rocket through the ranks, i've done it on ROT, OzzyGaming because people understand that i've always had the tactical mind and experience and know how to deal with all situations, Have played ARMA 2 in multiple MSO squads and have trained teams in SERT Teams, i personally want to join the SRT Squad and help make the squad a better team.
What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department (50 words min)?:
Multiple years of experience in ARMA 2 MSO Groups and ARMA 3 MSO Squads, have been on every AUS RP server and have always been a consistent threat to rebels and a great help to teams who want to improve as a team, have been a high rank/police trainer on ROT and OzzyGaming, aswell as a pilot trainer.
Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols?: yes
How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: alot of time
If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): wasn't demoted, was inactive and had no prior knowledge of losing rank from not playing