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Posts posted by Travesty

  1. As Kushieda would say:


    Travesty likes his callsigns

    He's right, and I didn't realise other players were curious about my callsigns until I was asked twice this weekend about them.
    There's nothing fancy about them, but I figured I'd state what they were (Most are commonly used anyway) if they help newer pilots get used to radio/TS comms.

    Aircraft Callsigns

    I use the model of the aircraft to denote what I am flying:

    • Ghost 1-1 (I use "Ghost" only, to avoid confusing Ghost Hawk with Mohawk)
    • Mohawk 1-1
    • Huron 1-1
    • Taru 1-1
    • Little Bird 1-1 (I've not heard anyone use Hummingbird, so stick to Little Bird also)
    • Buzzard 1-1
    • Neophoron 1-1
    • Blackfish 1-1

    Because there are three Ghost Hawk spawns, I use Ghost 1-1, Ghost 1-2, and Ghost 1-3.
    1-1 is closest pad to pilot spawn, 1-2 the middle pad, and Ghost 1-3 (My personal preference) is the camo Ghost Hawk next to the Huron spawn.
    The same for the Blackfish, the Infantry Transport is closest to pilot spawn so that's 1-1, the Vehicle Transport is 1-2.

    Why 1-1? Because if you have a couple of AA/CAS over AO, you can designate them as 2-1 and 2-2 to denote hostiles and use this to coordinate attacks.

    Helicopter Pad Callsigns

    Most pilots already do this, but there's been some confusion about which pad at base is 1 and which is 4.

    It's left to right, if you're facing infantry spawn. 
    E.g. 1 is closest to the heli repair pad, 4 is the closest to the AA tower.

    Use of callsigns

    Most pilots pick this up from listening to TS, but here are some examples I use when flying on the I&A server:


    Ghost 1-3 is RTB (Returning to base)


    Ghost 1-3 is approaching Base from North, landing Pad 3


    Huron 1-1 is re-tasking to FOB, 6 clicks (Kilometers) out


    Buzzard 1-1 is active over AO, engaging Kajman 2-1


    Like I said, there's nothing fancy about these callsigns. Just a bit of roleplay fun.

    If I've missed anything, please add it below. I'd love to expand to my callsigns!

    • Like 3

  2. I have only been a member of Straya Gaming for a few months, and having come from another community the most striking aspect that I like about this community is the respect and good humour the members generally treat each other with.

    Sure, sometimes there are dickheads on the servers, but generally speaking everyone here treats each other with humanity and respect.

    It's something that is missing from some communities and frankly it's a testament to the staff and members that it stands out to new members.


  3. Sing out if you need help getting that malware off your computer.

    Plenty of tools available to do this without a Backup, Format and Reinstall (Though this does help with housecleaning every now and then!).

    On 08/06/2016 at 9:22 PM, Fitz said:

    Pro tip: Stay off those weird hentai sites

    You say weird, I say waifu. Let's agree to disagree xD

  4. On 17/06/2016 at 3:48 PM, InfamousNova said:

    i know the pilots like to play music in their helis but not in the actual ts channel

    Some pilots do play music on their helicopter, I personally don't because I like to clearly hear what is said in vehicle or TS.

    I think the pilot should ask the passengers first before doing this, and if there are no objections then crank it up!

    As for TS, paste the link in chat if you want to share music. Don't force the whole channel to listen to it, especially when the channel is to coordinate pilot operations.

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