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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Byron

    It's a sad day for the APS boys. sad reacts only pls ?
  2. Byron

    Wish i could get some frags like that ?
  3. Byron

    Later mate, thanks for helping me when i was support team. xx
  4. Byron

    If only the Manger would listen ayeeee
  5. Byron

    Role-playing on Straya be like...
  6. Byron

    Hello and welcome Thought i'd make a third because having an even number is to mainstream these days, Probably the last meme video boys.
  7. Byron

    Hello and welcome As you can tell from the title, BattleRoyal.. It's a game mode consisting of 40-64 players to start the round, players are greeted with their transport plane struck by lighting while flying across the map of Altis. Everyone jumps out with a parachute and fights to survive! Players must find loot, gear, weapons and ammo. Anything they can to defeat all other players and be the last person standing at the end of the game. But it's not that easy when you are restricted to a certain area of the map! I'm sure the majority of you have played and or watched BattleRoyal, I've seen a few people from Altis Life jump on into the servers before. I for one am pretty into it thus why i made this post. I would like to see what the community thinks about having a StrayaGaming BattleRoyal server. Pros - Only AU server that offers BattleRoyal service. - Being the only AU server you'll get a lot of traffic. - Opens up a bigger player-base. Cons - Modded game mode
  8. Byron

    I myself have some knowledge in configuring Minecraft server plugins. I've owned three server in which i configured myself to my liking, all three fell though as i just lost interest in Minecraft. Jail, Factions and SMP. I'd love to jump on and take a look around
  9. Byron

    Enough with the meme comments boys, lets be mature about this. Realistically speaking, If we were to get a Minecraft server implemented there would be a few things that would effect Straya as a whole. - An Entire new game to work with and develop, Not from scratch of course there are thousands of plugins that cover most basic needs of a server, You can tweak them to you're liking. - With every server you'll need staff, depending on the amount of traffic coming though the server you'll need at least 5. Head-Admin, Senior Admin, Admin, Moderator and if you wanted to have a Helper that has no permissions and just moderates chat you could have that aswell. - With every Minecraft server comes a build team, I'm sure we have many people in the community that have experience in building a spawn/server shop ECT. - Money. Now i understand money isn't Straya's first priority here, But having a decent player-base on you're server will bring in some revenue. You'll need to setup BuyCraft for this though (Simple & Easy) allowing players to buy some packages in-game would bring money to pay for the server so that wouldn't be an issue. Servers include: Factions, PVP, OPPVP, MiniGames, Survival, Hunger games, UHC and a lot more, The most popular would be Factions. If you'd like to hear more information your free to message me.
  10. Byron

    Ahhh, i see
  11. Byron

    @Red, either way you look at things from a Minecraft perspective there will always be salt in the community... its minecraft..
  12. Byron

    Factions, KitPvP, OPPvP. just a few that aren't hard to grasp plugin wise.
  13. Byron

    Without a doubt my friend.
  14. Byron

    Hello and welcome Seeing as though my other meme video was taken down thought i'd make another video but this time it's not going to offend many people.
  15. Byron

    Hello and welcome There has been some speculation that a Exile Strayagaming server is in the making, I'd like to clear this up and have an official answer if there is one being developed. @Connor. @LuckyB33f @Red
  16. Byron

    It's cringe worthy.. @Salt
  17. Byron

    It's still an inconvenience for players to have to join the gang every restart. If you're prepared to allow access to certain names for SteamID's then that's fine. But it would take the same time as adding someone into a gang though the DB. When i created Phoenix again it cost me 30K i think. I meant people will still be in help desk because the amount of name stealing. But if your prepared to get steam ID's and go though that then help desk may have a decrees in traffic.
  18. Byron

    Why don't we use this suggestion temporarily, If @Connor. has the mind set to " fix the gangs " then he can focus on that while we use this as a temporary solution. But i don't see why people would want to pay 30K every 6 hours to create another gang. Right now the way Phoenix has done it was by the suggestion of @Gotenks, Spam the "Leave gang" button about 10-20 times. Then sync data. Fully log out of the server and reconnect. This has worked for a few members. I personally wouldn't like to see the gangs changed, I know Admins have better things to do but if we change the Gang system to this permanently i think you'll have people in help desk for others stealing the gang names. either way, your screwed. Just keep it as is now until you've found a permanent solution that works with the gangs. After all it is Admins job to do these things but it has become a big problem recently, something obviously needs to be done. Pros - Gangs Fixed Cons - People stealing names - Gang members having to join constantly after every restart - Gang leaders having to pay 30K each restart to create the gang - Inconvenient - People still in help desk
  19. Byron

    Again, Do you mind editing the post to notify the fine players on the new mission file?
  20. Byron

    Any update/news on when Skills will be added and or fixed?
  21. Byron

    Nope, played it on Xbox once and didn't like it, play a real game like R6S or GTA
  22. Byron

    WTF is Planet Side 2 I suggest making a list of a few games and get people to have a Poll on what game they wanna play. P.S PUT GTA IN THE LIST!
  23. Byron

    If you would like to become a white-listed Police officer you'll need to have two referrals from a Sergeant or above and then once you've obtained said referrals you will then proceed to make a white list application which can be found Here, If accepted you will have to undergo a interview with two inspectors or above. Again, if successful you will then be promoted to Prob. Constable. Hope this explained things.
  24. Byron

    New mission file needed to be downloaded, what did you guys change/add? mind editing the post so we can see please
  25. Byron

    Good and detailed tutorial, I already had the launch options all sorted. just wanted to make sure that i had everything correct