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Everything posted by FBI

  1. The drone was a beast, only used it a few times but it was fun.
  2. Lets hope they remove it in the jets dlc
  3. The real problem is no one realises how difficult jets are to use againist infrantry, the people that complain about jets being overpowered are the people with no vehicle experience or common sense. E.g oh look opfor has a jet better get in vehicles repeatedly and die then complain about how easy jets are to use. I've said this plenty of times but it only takes 2 aa missles to kill a jet regardless if they have flares or not, you just need half a brain and good postioning to kill one. 5 sets of flares is nothing vs 2or3 people with aa launchers, i believe the reason they where removed is because too many people where complaining and leaving the server due to the 4 people who actually know how to use jets. Moral of the story when vsing jets play smart dont enter gunstores or vehicles.
  4. Just add jets back at 100k and remove atgm misslles from them
  5. FBI

    As long as i get one
  6. FBI

    When opfor control the runway and you need somewhere else to land.