No offence at all here, I have been apart of many many many communities in the past none with a unique rule set like this. Everyone is open to provide opinion and heck some of them will be great. Some people are always going to complain that a rule isn't in favour of them and thus it becomes impossible to amend the rules. In this instance the entire police force is going to be against this proposition and all rebels for it. Trying to change such a rule will please some but anger many. Yes I am a cop but im going to speak from an unbiased position and from experience. If the proposed rule restricted police officers from carrying a primary weapon the following implications would happen:
- Police officers would be restricted in protecting the lives of the innocent.
- Police officers would become largely ineffective in terms of time.
- Police officers cannot defend themselves in times of need without literally running back to their car.
- The vest and backpack capacity either just holds the primary or doesn't even fit, never-the-less if it did fit thered be no room for anything else.
- Police officers would be in a massively unfair advantage in comparison to other groups i.e. rebels etc.
- Many junior cops need many lessons to lock their cars which is literally easy access to the weapons and would create more crime and problems.
- If police chose a lethal over a non-lethal (pretty sure have to have one of each) the restrictions could get more people killed and anger more people where previously they would of just been tazed.
- It doesnt provide any less RP in an open carry then it doesn't holstered? By this i mean if the cop literally had it holstered or lowered in rp the civs should be more inclined to rp and not just use their lethal should they be caring one.
- From experience i notice the amount of fail decs that result in a gun fight are ridiculous and the cops would literally drop like flies and cause way too many more issues in help desk.\
- Rebels would be more inclined to come into Sydney without role-play reason
- Cops would become possibly easier to kill, and why some would like this overall theres less gunfight and less skill required etc.
- Most rebels are more interested in killing and enjoy killing in bank situations etc but in casual rp itd be silly lol
- Easier with vlr
- Increased rp as cops wouldn't be aiming lethals at our heads all the time.
overall in my opinion [as a cop] the very minor benefits to rebel outweigh massively on the cop side and would annoy many. This may have worked on ozzy but i believe and unnecessary amendment is only going to cause people to be annoyed for no reason.
Creating pros and cons / arguments either way either in support of this proposition is very and could be very lengthy for very small amendments. Such a change would be stupid.
HAHHA btw man not being aggressive just providing my opinion. @insanD