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Everything posted by CeeFar

  1. CeeFar

    If you're going to trash talk me at least get my callsign right C02W
  2. CeeFar

    Or "The APD Learns that they are no longer allowed to PIT manouver, here we have footage of Jay taking out his anger at this new change"
  3. CeeFar

    @Leopard it's a bit hard to play it smart when you have 4 rebel gangs already in sydney... PMC, SP, Memes and usually 1 other random one are ALWAYS causing shit for us and we usually don't have enough resources to deal with it. It's kind of fun-ruining. Part of cop is about managing the team, but this is just a new level of hair-pulling. May I also add PMC is massive, memes has all of the devs, SP just swarms you and the random one is usually breaking rules.
  4. CeeFar

    @Greg is your signature a photo that you took?
  5. CeeFar

    Apart from the fact that it's SO hard for cops.
  6. CeeFar

    And maybe, ya know. Not sticking a bank 150M from a safezone? thanks <3
  7. CeeFar

    Me: *Places down 2 IED's by accident on cop while trying to buy gear at the shop* Me: *while trying to relog to lose the detonator for the IED's accidently throws a flashbang* Exile: "NCLEM STOP BEING ****ING NCLEM" OR this one, from cop "Is that the same ****ing troll in the hatchback? *Person proceeds to spray whole spar 16S mag into tyres of hatchback* NEXT TIME IT WILL BE YOUR HEAD" Yeah, shit gets heated when there's 100 people on the server, and 30 are trolls hhahahah
  8. CeeFar

    When you're chasing someone with the bank money in altis life...
  9. CeeFar

    ASIO now has a much more important role and it opens up new narratives and situations for civs/cartels/cops. I enjoy is as it is.
  10. In the last month or so, we have seen a decreased amount of police officers for Altis Life on, the max usually being six and we rarely saw a command team member on. There have been a few command team members that stayed around and took care of the show, but that was about it until the server was fixed. NOW THAT THE SERVER IS FIXED, We have a great new commissioner and leader @vizzN, Deputy Commissioner @martin and the assistant commissioners, @Anarchy (exile), @sirgeneralj and @TH3GamingBanana. We are re-building our command team, getting the flow of ranks and promotions happening again, and cleaning the show up and getting it to its former glory. You can also expect to see a few new things that might make your life as a police officer a little bit easier. I won't spoil them though, just wait and see! In saying this however, myself and the rest of the command team expect to see the best from every single police officer that plays. It's a two way street, we give to you guys, you give back by trying your hardest and doing your best. Just remember that if you have an issue, you can talk to ANYONE on the command team. If you're not sure who that is, it's on the front of the altis police force database under "your command team". Post any worries/questions you have below and myself and the command team will do our best to answer them! Thanks everyone. - Sydney GD Chief Inspector C02W nclem
  11. CeeFar

    @Gotenks noted.
  12. CeeFar

    All good! I understand the role of the PR team and that you're putting hard work into it. Like I said, I'm just getting the basic info and updates out there, and answering questions.
  13. CeeFar

    @BradB I know that. That is why I haven't gone into too much detail. I was getting asked multiple times and decided to answer most of the questions i'm getting and basically update people. Not trying to rob you of your job This is more of a Q and A for lower ranks.
  14. CeeFar

    @Yuri I'll sub for the cop side!
  15. CeeFar

    Granted, but It only plays Lol Limewire on VR For 24 hours. I wish for friends ;(
  16. CeeFar

    Welcome to straya lads! Hope to see you around!
  17. CeeFar

    @Bang1324 I heard there's this really cool guy called @nclem looking for a copy of GTA V
  18. CeeFar

    Police are also notified of house robberies (not sure if you need an alarm system for this)
  19. CeeFar

    @Aidanjr as far as I know the textures were added, but then deleted like a day after. No idea why.
  20. CeeFar

    Air/Gas/Bullet? What kind of rifle?
  21. CeeFar

    GTA pls bb
  22. CeeFar

    whats wrong with gender studies haha
  23. CeeFar

    @Saundo Granted | But it's actually frozen dog poop I wish for an instant high school diploma
  24. CeeFar

    Granted, it's a fake pepe. I wish for GTA V
  25. CeeFar

    Granted | but the cooling is actually cat piss I wish for a minifridge.