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Everything posted by CeeFar

  1. CeeFar

    Hey mate. @Jon Ghost. If you want to join our teamspeak at ts.straya.life myself and some other members of the Police command team will be happy to investigate the situation My I ask what your in game name is? I'm a bit confused because you can't send someone for more than 60 minutes, it won't let you.
  2. CeeFar

    @Rory @Chadd Eggbert
  3. CeeFar

    It's Arma in general. Older Arma 3 players have moved away from Arma, and the demographic has switched from 20-35 year olds to 13-20 year olds, resulting in less mature players and more trolls. Secondly, the cop force (In my opinion) is not in the same shape it used to be, there was a time where our Police Force was used as an example for other servers, not anymore. As @Michael Steiner mentioned, there are currently no standout gangs, so the largest groups you're going to have are 2-3 people inside city limits, there's no real complaint there. It's easy to remember the good things that we had a couple years ago, but you're also forgetting a LOT of the negatives
  4. Hey there Ahmed. I was the officer sending those messages out, I try to get people to hand themselves in and if they do I give them a less harsh of a sentence - just prevents life loss on both ends as it's less of a risk There was another Ahmed on who I may have got you confused with.
  5. I think it should be allowed to an extent, I've handled it like this "Oh also officer I've killed 92 people" "Do you have any way to verify that?" "Nope" "Alright, well since I can't verify those claims but they are still very serious, i'll be charging you with an extra 3 counts of manslaughter" "Okay" 92 is just absurd.
  6. CeeFar

    what skins were deemed offensive?
  7. CeeFar

    As explained above, it was a missile drone, however just making you aware that it's possible to be shot at with no cracks. 1 - they're REALLY far away 2 - It's an ASP-1 Subsonic marksman rifle.
  8. CeeFar

    Again fair points and it makes sense to consider the newer population - HOWEVER. Also consider the current state of Sydney - and the original point of this thread, how little checkpoint 1 is used. The issue becomes striking a balance between fairness and fun. The only reason I proposed my location for checkpoint 1 + the other checkpoint was the fact that the weed run just got changed up again (And the relocation of drug dealer). If they hadn't have been relocated, I wouldn't have even dreamed suggesting it. If you take a look at this image, the closest part of the weed run is Drug Dealer, and even that is pretty far from Sydney. The proposed checkpoint changes do not intersect with the run whatsoever.
  9. CeeFar

    The only run this would feasibly impact is Weed, and even then you can just take the back road. No illegal runs intersect sydney Whatsoever and with the relocation of the Drug Dealer there's no reason that it would impact them at all.
  10. CeeFar

    All valid points, but what do you mean by the new players one? The goal is to keep a city safe, that might not be convenient sometimes (e.g having to stop for 3-4 minutes while you are searched). + if the RP is done well at the checkpoint it might give a better impression to new players. Right now the new player experience looks like this > Spawn in > Ask how to make money > Pull out vehicle to make it halfway to your goal and get decced on > Try again > Pass through an EMPTY checkpoint > Do whatever you need to do > Pass through the STILL EMPTY checkpoint > See a lot of killing and robbing in sydney. It doesn't look very good.
  11. CeeFar

    @Lotza we have some good suggestions alongside people who have created designs for you, thoughts?
  12. CeeFar

    This is really, really, really really really good. I'd like to at least see a boomgate on the other lane, that way it acts as a barrier for speeders/pursuits.
  13. CeeFar

    @Rory Really nice idea, encourages people to go through the checkpoint to access the gas station too.
  14. CeeFar

    @Lotza Before I say anything, I just want to explain what the checkpoint should do. It is a place for police to stop and search people and vehicles for any illegal contraband/weapons/items before they enter the city limits, and refuse entry to those who do not consent to a search. The city limits. From someone who has tried and tried to operate the checkpoint, failing almost every time, i can tell you why It isn't used. It is attacked by rebels every time. You'd expect we should be able to defend ourselves and continue operation, but there are 2 limiting factors with the location of Checkpoint 1 (I will be drawing some comparisons from other servers here). 1 - Design. Checkpoint 1 has very low walls and is located practically in a valley. You can see into the checkpoint from hills on all sides that are elevated up to 1.5k from over 2 kilometers away, if someone is sniping you with a suppressed weapon, it is almost impossible to determine the location of the shooter. 2 - Location. I understand this is the main point for this thread, but I'll touch on it anyways. The goal of a checkpoint is to stop rebel contraband from getting into the City limits, it makes absolutely no sense for the checkpoint not to hug the edge of the city limits. As is, checkpoint 1 is located HERE (The bend at 059148) As you can see via the topographic map, the checkpoint is surrounded ENTIRELY by large hills. Also, the city limits end Here. That leaves a gap of about 1k for rebels to just go through (if they snake behind the hills) I know people will say "But nclem they can just come from Neri/enter the city limits from the east". I have only maybe once or twice in my entire time playing cop seen people go through that route, as it is simply too inconvenient, + the main highway is the well, highway of the map. Conclusion - it makes no sense for the checkpoint to not sit against the city limits, and if it's not going to be moved at least consider a redesign with higher walls. While we're on the topic, it would make sense to introduce a smaller checkpoint (can be manned by 2-3 officers) at the intersection on Kavala loop, east of medical air HQ and south of copper mine (Should be able to reference from above screenshot), so that anyone coming from Gun Store/South east is also searched. This gives full coverage of the city limits.
  15. CeeFar

    It's not on steam.
  16. CeeFar

    Feliz Navid ad.
  17. CeeFar

    Count me in :)
  18. CeeFar

    What level are you? Also Bear or USEC?
  19. CeeFar

    I think you're forgetting the part where police are actually trying to Roleplay, and aren't up against 9.3's and other ridiculous things.
  20. Declaration of Application: - By placing this Application you are not guaranteed placement in the Academy. Your Application for Academy Officer in the APD may be Denied if you answers do not meet the minimum word limit, you lie in your answers, have an unsatisfactory history of Server Rule Breaches/ Protocol Breaches or fail to agree and acknowledge all statements and declarations in this Application. You Application may also be Denied after an Interview with a member of the Academy Officer. If you application is Denied a time frame will be placed after which you may reapply. Acknowledgement of Declaration: (Y/N) Y Basics: - Name on Database: nclem Callsign: S01E Rank: Senior Sergeant Age: 16 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department Academy (100 words min)?: Having spent almost 2 years working with many mixed batches of officers in an on the ground role, I'd like to step up into a more administrative role that involves the training, management and recruitment of future police officers, and the APD as a whole. My time actually spent at home being able to play has become limited, and I'm hoping to get into a more administrative position that will allow me to still interact and give back to the APD, while not directly playing as much as I used to (e.g managing complaints, queries through teamspeak on mobile etc etc). I also feel as If I would be a good fit for the role. What can you bring to the Academy? (50 words min)?: Plain and simple, experience. I have 2000+ hours (out of my 2357) playing as a police officer over two years (averages out to about 2 a day). I've done everything at this point; SRT, Detective, PolAir(Current) and I used to be in an administrative position (Chief inspector 1ish years ago). I am also (while not as much as before) very active, always available on TS and as I always say, empathetic. Do you wish to work in Enlistment or Training? Why? (50 words min)?: Wherever I'm needed, I'm happy to be shuffled around. Preferably training as it has a direct impact on the future skill and ability of the APD, and learned/gained skills help change public perception of the APD. When I first reached Sgt (about 18 ish months ago) I was put in charge of a lot of training of lower ranks and I still do training when requested. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: Already put forward 2k+ hours of my time, 2h+ a day and many more to come. Have you ever been the subject of Disciplinary Action within the APD? If so when and why? I am always someone who has worked towards having a clean record, and in the last 2-3 months this is not something I have done well, however after having a wakeup call I've worked hard to keep my record clean (which it has been). I've had a couple strikes, a few warnings and a reclassification, unfortunately I couldn't tell you the exact date of them but I'm sure they're retrievable. Have you read the Altis Police Department Protocols?: (Y/N) Y Have you read the Altis Police Department Academy Staff Guidelines?: (Y/N) Y Do you acknowledge that by partaking in illegal or 'Rebel' activities you do not have the right to apply for Speciality Divisions within the APD such as SRT, POLAIR, Detectives and The Police Academy: (Y/N) Y - Quick side note, I am already full time cop and do not partake in any rebel activities whatsoever. By placing this application you acknowledge that any work you do for the APD can be edited by the Command Team and other Academy Officers without your consent. Any work you do for the APD remains the property of the APD. Any "Code Black" information you are given is to remain unreleased into the Community. - Acknowledged.
  21. CeeFar

    The thing is, people saying they will play it and people ACTUALLY playing it are two different things.
  22. CeeFar

    The main few differences Darkside > Has written their own mission file from scratch > Revolves around a quest line Straya > Uses the Altis Life Template > Has a proper judicial system and you have rights. Obviously it's a public server so the RP isn't perfect but hey, unless you wanna pay for mods there you go.
  23. CeeFar

    It thickens even further??
  24. CeeFar

    @InfamousNova o shit busted.
  25. CeeFar

    There are scripts/modules that allow you to clip objects into each other, and let them become "one" object. So you can have Cessnas with 50 cal HMG's mounted on the wings, or the huge black Submarines that can actually function because they are clipped into a normal SDV. You also get monsterous shit like Blackfishes with Tigris's and Kumas in the wings, is pretty insane.