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Everything posted by CeeFar

  1. CeeFar

    not talking about I&A
  2. CeeFar

    The CUP Weapons mod adds a C-Ram. In Zeus/Editor go Units > BluFor > turrets > and you'll see CRAM
  3. CeeFar

    What'd be even cooler is if there was a bit for boats to dock underneath. NOW THAT WOULD BE SWEET. And now my brain is off on a tangent thinking about U-Boats and naval transport of ground vehicles. gah I seriously hope the naval side of arma gets an overhaul soon.
  4. CeeFar

    What are the advantages of linking your profile?
  5. CeeFar

    Holy shit tell me that it's not sped up. Is it really that fast?
  6. CeeFar

    Oh lord can we please forget about that.
  7. CeeFar

    @Jay what do you have to do to be classified as "original" ahaha.
  8. CeeFar

    Too bad that was in the safezone haha. "Uh, do you mind?" *knocks out*
  9. CeeFar

    If you have any in game issues feel free to join our ts at ts.straya.life ( @Leopard correct me if i'm wrong as it may have changed ) and hit up our friendly support staff in the Issues channels
  10. Not all heroes wear capes.
  11. CeeFar

    Would actually be quite interesting to see say, NTR and SP go up against each other in faction rivalries haha.
  12. CeeFar

    Rightio. @Envy
  13. CeeFar

    I have huge hands myself too and i LOVE the razer deathadder. I have a chroma and it's so good. Has done me well. Just look out for the cable though as apparently it breaks easily.
  14. CeeFar

    not the worlds greatest speedboat minigun gunner tho
  15. CeeFar

    @That Lucky SOB the old red gull ad made me crack up every time.
  16. CeeFar

    It's not a "choice" of buying gear. The gear I am REQUIRED to carry will set me back at least 125k.
  17. CeeFar

    @Gotenks Remove my post if you believe it's flame, Just putting in my 2 cents. Everyone has preferences, everyone has what they enjoy, and everyone believes what they believe, but your post is mostly just opinion, and mitches post is mostly fact. SRT is indeed NOT called every 10 minutes. Cops need the armour they have, purely because there is usually a 1:3 or a 1:4 ratio of civs to cops, the chance of you getting decced on/rdmd etc is actually huge as a cop. From my 10 months of experience as cop, I can confirm this. Cop and rebel are undergoing a huge change, and EMS is getting a touch up soon. I understand your point of view, of EMS being fun, but everyone has what tickles their fancy, be it cop, civ, rebel, cartel, whatever you want, and obviously people will be biased based on what they play, it's just a fact. Mitch is not sitting on his "mighty head". He added to a discussion in a reasonable and calm manner simply stating facts from his side of the fence. + If you play so much EMS, your real concern should be how fast people are dying, and where they are dying. Not how they are dying and who they are dying to. Also, my question to you is if cops should have cheaper gear, where should their main income source be? I've gone a day or two at a time without arresting someone, and the higher the rank you get, the more stuff will cost you. A full set of kit for me costs about 250k, and I'm usually down a mil or so after a day of play. Like I said just my two cents.
  18. CeeFar

    more weapon levels, and maybe in order too? e.g start with pistols end with rocket launcher or something
  19. CeeFar

    Best of luck links. Thanks for contributions to the community, you will be missed
  20. CeeFar

    That certainly is quite the profile and history. Do you have any proof of ANY of these servers?
  21. CeeFar

    A good thread if you're looking for clips is the "Wasteland Screenshots" thread. Might wanna ask the OP of the video for permission though.
  22. CeeFar

    I like this idea. Possibly with a police supervisor so they don't overstep the line between Patrolling the bank and Patrolling everything else?
  23. CeeFar

    Done them all, best of luck to all entrants