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Posts posted by Randall

  1. Closest topic I could find for this.

    Bunch of guys (including RDM'ers) were on last night between midnight-5am, sent them to jail and they just kept getting broken out. This was when I got sick of it so got someone else to process while I waited in the tower. He even saw me go up so got his mate to clear it which is what you see when the video starts, runs past the door to the roof and gives the all clear. If you look at his name-tag he actually fell off the roof and died LOL, I ran around once I heard the hummingbird disabled to find him on the roof because I didn't see the message that he died. Then the helicopter landed in the prison and killed the guy in there haha.


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  2. Hey all, 


    So with the update last night I just wanted to start discussion on how this changes the game.

    As an only cop player i'll start and say I don't like it but will give it time to see how it changes. Practically everyone on the server has rebel licenses thus cannot spawn in any of the cities, I myself had a rebel license but only rolled with pdw/civilian clothing and spent most of my time spawning in cities.


    Now playing cop, last night I believe there was about the usual playerbase in peak-time, 80+ players. We had quite a lot of cops online so we rolled out as an SRT group of 6 in 2 striders from Sydney to Melbourne going through drug fields/processing/drug dealer on the way. Sydney was completely vacant, Melbourne (usually a hub for rebels) was completely vacant, in the 1 hour we spent driving around all we found was 1 strider around Melbourne and 2 guys in Melbourne. I'm not sure if the goal of the update was to make the police split between all of the cities but that seems like what is going to happen because last night in Sydney and Melbourne was a ghost town.


    If the update is going to stay as is then there needs to be outposts that rebels can spawn at just outside the major cities and the rebel outposts need to not give you everything you need (lets say as an example, no toolkits or medkits or item shops so rebels need to come into the cities reguarly for food/water/toolkits/fak's).

    Just from the short time playing it, it has killed a lot of activity for police because no-one can spawn in the cities, what's the point for police if there's no-one to actually police? I don't think it was ever a problem with rebels spawning in the major cities because they knew the consequences if they spawned in rebel gear or vehicles. At this current point in time there is no interaction between rebels and cops unless they want to come into the bank in Sydney. I think it was already in a good spot, I think it may still work in the current system but no in it's current state, absolutely not. They spawn at the rebel outposts, get what they need and go into the world without ever even touching a major city leaving the cops to drive around asking each other where the hell everyone is.


    As I said it hasn't been long but i'd like to see it reverted until a more complete system is implemented (rebel outposts that are just a garage + spawnpoint just outside major cities which are basically spawnpoints for people wanting to head into major cities to pick up supplies).

    • Like 1

  3. Haha yeah I heard the Mar-10 so I went to where it sounded like and found the car, I remember rolling up on it (I came from the west) and thinking you could be up there and looking (but obviously not actually climbing up) and when I heard no shots I figured you had moved somewhere. 

    But yeah the pole probably obstructed most of your body anyway but I definitely looked at the water tower, just unfortunate you didn't fire off any shots because you didn't know we were down there haha. I think I was focused on the gas station as that's where everyone involved was dying/robbing the gas station, funny nonetheless but we had to leave because of something else otherwise I would've probably gone up onto broken house hill for a look at the guys at gas station. Excelleing timing by yourself to climb down while I was probably zoomed in on gas station trying to figure out what was going on. Funny none the less.

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  4. On 6/1/2016 at 6:31 PM, Spectral said:

    Your speeding. We hit you with radar. Your fined/chased. Complete psychos take it as a dec and shoot at us.

    Just to add to this it's also a license plate scanner and shows all the registered owners, have pulled over a couple of vehicles so far with registered owners on the wanted list and confirmed identities of the occupants.

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  5. Yeah last nights fed was interesting, we only had 8 cops online (2 of which weren't on TS) so we weren't sure to respond or not because technically it never should of started (cops in the wrong for not getting them kicked off before fed kicked off but they did get kicked off a couple of minutes into it).

    Then we got to fed and told PNX to hold off because we thought it was going to get stopped and it didn't so then the vault had already been broken by this point so we were pretty much fucked, we just sat behind hospital (within 50m of the safe zone in/around our vehicles talking to PNX to let them know what was going on) a couple of people got gunned down.

    Just indecision from Highest officers/admins on whether we should be responding or not, probably lost 3 of the cop force standing around hospital/trying to figure out whether to respond or not inside vehicles.

  6. Do you think there is a chance at gang/cartel restricted skins? Would be good for cartels (Finding a phoenix logo isn't that bad but from afar can be a little tedious). Obviously tied to a donation from the gang or does the code base restrict the amount of rank/gang affiliation locked skins.
