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Everything posted by Tiggati

  1. Tiggati

    The whole server is strict with role play. Those who do not follow role play, including staff, will be kicked, and if continued, will be banned for failed role play. Yes you have a gun, no you cannot use it to shoot down cops with your own free will. Role play the situation, same goes with the cops and medics. I was on the other night and was processing weed, now yes, the cops can "assume" I was processing weed, but who were they to know I was? Maybe I like to hang out near that area. Or I was just taking a drive around in my truck. I was pulling out of an intersection and met up with a cop car. They put thier lights and sirens on as soon as they saw me, stopped their vehicle and about 5 of them jumped out and started to shoot me down in my truck, I pulled up near a house and killed two cops and my mate killed one, and the other two cops fled the scene.. Good cop practice; let the criminals go while impounding all the weed in my truck that was worth 300k. Nothing was said on the cops behalf, failed role play in my opinion. I then went to the police channel to talk about the situation and one of the cops that aren't even staff was so rude to me to the point it pissed me off, he's lucky he's not banned. Sounds to me they just raid, get their money, and leave. At least stay and try and fight it out if you want to raid someone. Not just find a truck pulling out, not say anything, mo them down and then impound their drugs and run with the money.. Who is the rebel? the actual rebels or the cops? My point is, EVERYONE needs to role play. No excuses. If you see a rebel, don't just shoot them down, chase them, tell them that if they don't stop running you'll be forced to open fire. Fair enough if the person with the weapon shoots at the cops, go ahead, shoot back. But you still have a duty of care to follow, just because someone has a gun, doesn't mean you can kill them. Same goes with rebels. Follow the freakin rules everyone..
  2. Tiggati

    Yeah you can spend half an hour trying to track down a mortar spammer with a $1,000 UAV, or you could log off and go to another server that isn't riddled with map bombing. I don't care if it's an army simulator, I'm concerned about our players leaving because all people do now is just mortar spam. This is a game, and as a community, we want our players to be happy. Most of the ones that will vote the mortar in are the ones who can't shoot a gun and hide away to look good on the score board. I'm all about tactics and having fun. Being blown up and not being able to enter a gunstore or make a base because it'll be constantly bombed is not fun. We want our servers to be fun, not "Real Life". We make it real life as possible with everything in there yes, but if people start to leave our servers because of this, then I want to hear you say you don't care. It's not just a few people, it's a lot of people that say mortars are stupid and they should be removed. It is really frustrating trying to PLAY A GAME when you just get spammed with bombs from a noob that sits in a corner. So please don't go all real life on this suggestion, yes have your say, but at the end of the day, this is a game, and a community wanting the best for our players. You're all forgetting we removed a few things from the server to make it a better place for our players. For example, the Scorcher and also we tried to remove grass so it would improve FPS, real life has grass.. Please write something constructive, not a smart arse comment. Leave suggestions as people have, not just "It's a real life military simulator."
  3. Military would be awesome fun to be apart of and also take down. Yes them being over powered is one thing to consider. But. If the cops are having too much of a hard time trying to control the cities or towns, or have a huuuuge team of players robbing the bank, call in the army as defence. The army could drive around with their HMG Hunters and Striders, with a truck or two, carrying heaps of valuable stuff. And not to mention, maybe army vehicles can be stolen and kept by anyone except cops and stored in their garage. If that's possible to add in with the scripts. Military can have access to the most powerful weapons on arma, excluding vehicles.. GMG's would be too crazy. And a blackfoot etc would be way too over powered for Altis Life. So we could limit them to a pawnee with some rockets and the LMG on the sides. And maybe have a blackhawk with two guns mounted on the sides. They'll also have access to all the military uniforms, like Ghillie suits etc. You could make them KOS, because the rebels will see them as a threat and also want their vehicles etc. But the military won't be allowed to attack unless being attacked. Also, the military will be allowed to enter the rebels area. Just to clear out the area and have a bit of fun. All while their vehicles can be stolen and kept. Might also make a black market trading for military vehicles/weapons. Make a sub-forum for the Altis Life Black Market, and have just the traders post their goods to sell, and then have it in secret where to meet up. This will also make it fun for the police to raid and track down illigal black market trades. (Trades cannot be made in the rebel area (Red Zone)) This will also make a trust game fun, and have snipers etc looking on the location of the illigal trade, because nothing say's you can't make an unfair trade. If you're more powerful and quick enough to get a gun out to kill the seller, the item is yours. Having military bases on the map would be fun to raid too, maybe make it like the bank, but when you break in and get the goods, it could be like thermal scopes, good weapons and ammo or stuff that normal civ's/rebels cannot get access to. Not gold, or drugs or anything that can be sold to NPC's, but something that can be used and traded to players. Maybe have a Strider HMG locked away as a reward or something. A reward such as fire power will make people go rob it. Not to mention, maybe make it that you cannot rob the military unless their are 6+ army officers online. Same rule as the bank and 6+ cops. Also, the military will have their own medics as a slot to join in with. And the rest will be a normal slot. Anyway, got a bit too carried away, but that's my thoughts
  4. Tiggati

    There has been suggestions of making them so you cannot rearm them. There was another with saying only limit the round you have in them when you buy them and cannot rearm too. Or make it so you can't fire over the whole map and only have it so they can fire within a certain radius.
  5. Tiggati

    Woohoo! Now you can drive and visit every single one of us! Me fiiiiirst!!#!$$%@!
  6. Tiggati

    Oh, my vote is $0.00.
  7. Tiggati

    Just need to advertise our forums and TeamSpeak [TS] in-game more. Everytime you look at Rcon or go to spectate a player, send out a global message. In wasteland you can send a global warning to everyone. I always put reminders up there about the mag repack and other things. Sometimes the chat goes too quick. So when you use the warn system it's in your face and you read it regardless if it's important or not. With I&A, maybe make the load-in video with our forum and TS advertisement. With Altis Life, maybe send a text message to everyone on the server advertising our forums and TS. Rewarding someone money just for being in our TS seems a bit desperate. I mean when you look at rewards just to join a communities TS or forums, it normally shows the community is going down hill and that they're desperate for players. And we're not, we're moving more up hill more than anything with our servers. The only other thing we can do is just have direct chat in-game and get people to join TS if they want a group or talk to more people at once. But some people cannot use TS because of their computer. So that'll be unfair. My other option is to have it like Invade and Annex. Our pilots have to be in TS if they're a pilot. Maybe if it's possible to force that rule into Wasteland and Altis Life. But the down side of that is that people will start leaving because they don't like or cannot get TeamSpeak.
  8. Tiggati

    Welcome mate! Nice work on the firefighting I've got a few mates that volunteer too. Glad to see you're enjoying our Wasteland server. Our staff have worked long and hard to get it where it is today, and feedback is awesome See you around on Wasteland my friend!
  9. Tiggati

    G'day mate! Welcome aboard our community!
  10. Tiggati

    I have posted your video on our StrayaGaming Facebook Page
  11. Tiggati

    Welcome mate! It's good to see more and more people joining our servers, TeamSpeak and forums Hope you enjoy our servers! See you around mate!
  12. Tiggati

    Welcome buddy! Hope you enjoy our servers! All the best with your apprenticeship! See you around in TeamSpeak :)
  13. Tiggati

    Hey mate! Welcome aboard StrayaGaming! All our ataff are friendly, so if you have any questions, feel free to chat to one of us Hope you're enjoying our servers! See you around on TeamSpeak matey!
  14. Tiggati

    K9, I'm assuming those vehicles were put in place there as an example. Because in the other photos, you cannot see any civilian vehicles parked in the car park spots.
  15. Tiggati

    Nice work mate, looking good. I would love to see this in our Altis Life server There's not really anything to suggest seeing as though it's well thought out, but maybe on the last photo, see how you have the other room where the elevator is? Maybe have some waiting chairs there? If it's too hard, it's no stress, just to give it a bit more of a hospital waiting area look
  16. Tiggati

    I played ARK when it first came out and it was actually quite addictive It's good fun once you start to get a base up and going.
  17. Tiggati

    I'm into literally everything Most of the time I listen to Indie rock. My teen years was rock-heavy metal. I'm a DJ IRL and I play a lot of house/electro music. I listen to a lot of 50's-present music. Not a big rap or hip-hop person, but I'll still listen to it and enjoy the music. Music is love. Music is life.
  18. Tiggati

    // Moved to the correct forum
  19. Tiggati

    This is great haha. I like it
  20. Tiggati

    G'day mate! If you ever see me in Wasteland, send me a group invite
  21. Tiggati

    This is a good idea! I have pinned this so it stays at the top of the forum. Always good to have a bit of training with role play.
  22. Tiggati

    Cannonball RulesThis race will be held last on the day, Ground vehicles only, you can drive what ever you likePolice can pull you over for speeding, as it will be a "normal day"No markings will be placed for this track up to you to know the cannonball run.Rubbing is racing.Winner takes all of the prize pool. Maybe make this a non track one and make it the first person to get from kavala to sofia first wins. Because having a track that passes itself will give people the advantage to cheat. Also, I would like to suggest seeing as someone asked about the hatchbacks. Maybe have a runway drag race at the end? We can set up cop cars with flashing lights to make the finish line look fancy
  23. Tiggati

  24. Tiggati

    They look a bit too bright to be apart of a military ground They're more Altis Life skins. But you'll want something that'll stand out as a medic vehicle.
  25. Tiggati
