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Posts posted by voidy

  1. 6 minutes ago, Spectral said:

    2-3 guys, or more, shoot out, lethals.

    On GD/traffic stop, one guy with a gun, knockdowns 

    In a chase, knockdowns.

    At all times .45 ACP locked and loaded in the holster. 

    that is something we need to start doing 

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  2. its not a matter of making knock downs cheaper its just a matter there are some people out there who sometimes just say fuck il just kill the guy and be done with it another factor is that some people play to much and get pissed off easily so they dont want to RP. another factor there are a few people who love the RP and then you get the people who know the rules and dont care so they fail RP by combat logging or just trolling so its not a matter of fixing the cop force its a matter of finding more people who are willing to RP who dont care if they get killed or if they loose a rebel load out and shit like that
