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Everything posted by DinosaurBurrito

  1. DinosaurBurrito

    Agreed with Mann, I vote to have the timer dropped a tad bit. It's especially frustrating with HVT/Officer capture missions. Some guys like to run those missions solo, and it is difficult boxing the NPC in. Maybe a further suggestion to allow a capture of a target who maybe moving but within a certain 'arms length' distance. OR Implementing a Taser mod... It'd be chaos knowing how some of us play but there is the potential to limit to a certain underused class, maybe grenadier or SL.
  2. DinosaurBurrito

    No fancy colored text!??? What an outrage! Nar kidding mate, cheers for the welcome! I'll definitely checkout the other servers! (And give the rules a read as I am a law abiding gamer)
  3. DinosaurBurrito

    G'day StrayaGaming! I've been playing your Annex & Invade server for a bit and I'm loving every bit of it! Awesome job on all the improvements you've made to it recently. Anyways thought I'd swing by the forums and introduce myself. I look forward to trying out your Altis Life and Wasteland Servers as well as having a good chat over TS. Cheers! DinosaurBurrito