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Posts posted by chutneykiwi

  1. Thanks mate

    I have sync the TS and its come up with the Premium member little icon thingee which is awesome

    so next time I'm on TS again Ill hit you up for the registered user and VIP level tag 




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  2. @James32 just looking at the donation perks can we not donate to Teamspeak anymore?? and how do we get changed on Strayagaming to registered user (or something similar to those words?) I was playing earlier today and was in a group with Gazza, Yowie and Nunny and they had different icons on their TS name such as registered user, VIP level 2 etc etc

    Any advice or pointed in the right direction would be appreciated

    Thanks mate

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  3. well place some military buildings half in the water...and line the top with enemy static ATGM and Static AA launchers, these keep friendly aircraft and boats away....divers can go almost all the way up before they have to pop out of the water to plant the explosives on the half that is out of the water.. then they dive off to a stand off distance before setting the explaosives off

    Just dont put many enemy ground troops around these buildings....just spitballing ideas here

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  4. On 3/22/2017 at 7:40 PM, Noordo said:

    I really enjoyed the last zues mission and was wondering if anyone had any ideas for some that the i & a staff could run!



    Perhaps some off shore/water based scenario?

    a bit of throwback days where perhaps start off with initially some divers having to infil in to either plant some explosives on some stationary gunboats protecting a couple of beaches or harbours and then the rest can either fly in or jump in on boats to land on beaches

    No CAS until the gunboats are down and some troops have actually landed on the beaches? that way CAS don't just fly in and kill the boats....

    Then have 5 - 10 mins to setup for a defense of the island

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  5. On 2/14/2017 at 2:04 PM, Fitz said:


    I have downloaded this soundmod but when I try and launch the game from launcher it says JSRS SOUNDMOD not allowed on this server..I still go to join and then it boots me off

    The mag repack mod works fine

    Can you provide some advice on what I may be doing wrong please??

  6. On 2/7/2017 at 0:14 PM, FBI said:


    As you all my well know jets can completely destroy a stratis wasteland server in the hands of a good pilot, which leads to complaining and whining for the removal of jets etc. But anyone who actually flys a jet knows how hard it can be to actually avoid aa's being fired at you as jets only get 5 sets of flares, which isnt much compared to a blackfoot which gets 10 sets. Any really good jet pilot will have to use the mountains and fly very low of the ground to avoid aa fire which i've seen only 4 pilots do on the entire time i have been playing on the server, others will be shot down after they lose all their flares and wouldn't of done much to impact the server. Jets are a high risk high reward item so lets keep them like that by adding them back in but making them 100k rather than 80k so you show on the map as a HVT, another thing that can balance jets out is the removal of atgm missles throughout the jet line up. These missles are ridiculously op and can kill any kind of enemy armor in one shot from over 5km's away without them knowing. An example of this is a enemy buying aa tank just for them to have it blown up right after being purchased by a jet, with the removal of atgm missles from jets it will give aa tanks a fighting chance as the pilot will have to use the 30mm cannon to kill the aa tank from a fairly close range. The removal of atgms from jets and the price hike i feel will help balance the server out abit more in jet gameplay aswell as tank gameplay. 

    Attack Helicopters (Kajman & Blackfoot)

    Currently the kajman is one of the weakest air vehicles in the game as it is outclassed completely by the Xi'an VTOL i have no suggestions to balance the kajman as it already a weak vehicle and the price should stay the same. The blackfoot on other hand, oh boy the vehicle that is known for sniping fresh spawns from 4km away and overall a rage inducing vehicle when used in that way, you can't fix the players methods in this manner but you can increase the price to 80k aswell as another vehicle balance i will be explaining below which will rid the blackfoot users that sit 3km away and 2km up out of render distance recking the entire server with no counterplay. Overall these two vehicles are probably the easiest to shoot down as they are large and heavy and have a difficult time dodging aa missles from short range aswell as long range if the pilot is inexperienced. To counter auto hoverers use AT'S. 


    These are usually the most useless vehicles on a wasteland server as one missle and the vehicle will usually explode, people tend to stay away from these as they have short life spans and are harder to use at long ranges. When a missle is fired at a tank there is usualy no counterplay it usually means you will die once the missle hits. What i suggest is a countermeasure to at rockets, dagrs etc.. By making the smoke screen of these vehicles deter guided missles whilst the vehicle is inside the smokescreen, this way it dosent make the tanks too op but also gives them a fighting chance, so if a missle has been fired at you use smoke and work out your next move, this gives tanks some counterplay rather then them being in the state they are now. Moving on to the blackfoot from before these are usually the main killer of tanks from long distances, when someone is using a aa tank againist a blackfoot, the blackfoot usually wins as it only requires two dagrs to destroy and the aa tank cannot do anything to avoid it, by adding the countermeasures to deter guided missles tanks can stand a chance againist blackfoots and other guided rockets. But any good blackfoot users will just fly close range and kill the aa tank as they have no time to react and pop smoke, making the blackfoot alot risker to use as it is vulnerable to aa fire close range and can easily be shot down by the aa tank. This countermeasure feature is also on King of the hill and anyone who plays it knows that is somewhat balances all vehicles and allows everyone a fighting chance. 


    Another simple fix is to ban FBI from flying at all!!

    Went from 6 Player kills and 0 deaths after about 10 mins of play last night to 6 player kills and 7 deaths because I got owned by FBI in his damn white chopper!!! LOL

    Im relatively new to the game but this has been one of the very few times that I have had been owned by someone in an aircraft (helo or Jet) and to be fair apart from transporting players around I haven't seen a lot of "dominance" of aircraft doing CAS on the server. Whether this is because of the points raised above or on this thread or there just isn't alot of skilled pilots playing to command such respect.

    However when I do see aircraft going hard is generally around the gunshops when it shows up on the map that there are enemies in there. I think I have seen it either on this thread or somewhere else perhaps as a short term fix the indication that enemies are in the store gets removed or its shows up after perhaps 60 seconds. So you have 60 seconds to get in buy your stuff and leave before the indication comes up? I'm only spitballing a suggestion.

    Whatever the fix is Im sure you legends will work it out but until last night I wasn't overly concerned with aircraft. FBI opened my eyes. Next time I log on I will def check if he's playing and hide under any piece of bush when I hear aircraft and arm up with AA's.


  7. Well I joined middle of 2016 but got bored with the game as I joined stink servers so left for other games

    Thought I would come back and found the strayagaming wasteland server which is go go go go

    Friendly advice and great gameplay from every one AND "farming" isnt hard. Helps living in New Zealand as I can play for a few hours in the morning when no one is on and build up my $$$ ha ha ha

    Take care and catch you on the server



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