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Everything posted by Nova

  1. should do the Q n A in game
  2. Nova

    that mission was based on just cause 3 btw
  3. Nova

    That would be a no. People already complain when killed by a Zeus. Plus this is also a coop server so it wouldn't make much sense
  4. Nova

    we sometimes do FOB defense missions or convoy protection missions
  5. Nova

    I would imagine that at some point wasteland would would get their own giveaways too
  6. Nova

    Australian resident wowee
  7. Nova

    spawn area needs a revamp dont ya think?
  8. Nova

    as saundo has said. the ai are either retarded or terminators
  9. Nova

    27/04/17 Changes: Gestures have now been added to the server. Hold Shift and press any of the numpad numbers and you will get a gesture that is associated with that button. Known Issues While holstered some of the gestures do not work. There is a double up of one of the gestures which will be fixed next restart
  10. Nova

    so australia is a state of new zealand now? sweet
  11. Nova

    l8tr bolt your bants will be missed
  12. Nova

    Zombine was talking about it being on the server
  13. Nova

    CUP isnt on the server....
  14. Nova

    pretty disappointing that it doesnt have an interior. hopefully in the full release there will be one like with a back ramp an all
  15. Nova

    that FOV tho
  16. yea something like that. its going to be mostly helis landing on the carrier anyway. plus the UAV. you arent really meant to fly jets anyway if you aren't experienced in it. we'll see how it goes first before we decide to put any rules inplace
  17. Nova

    nicely done brodie
  18. Nova

    you should uh let me make them
  19. Nova

    so you made the cringe damn daniel part?
  20. Nova

    but you said it was made by you in your video production app?
  21. Nova

    if they dont add the current jets to AL i highly doubt they will add the DLC jets