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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Nova

    alaska but then tanoa when its released
  2. Nova

    as cool as the australia map would be its too big and you wouldnt find players that often
  3. Nova

    depends on your specs. theres an issue with the Unreal 4 engine that has terrible performance on AMD pc's
  4. oh okay thanks for the info
  5. could someone explain what a headless client is
  6. Nova

    pretty unlikely since its an early access game that was just released on steam
  7. Nova

    the problem with this is that if you want to do side mission as a team there will have to be a rule that you need to be on the team to do it. coz otherwise you will go to do a POW mission and a random will come along and shoot civs
  8. Nova

    oh nice. next pc will purely be built for star citizen and arma 3. hopefully getting the saitek X52 pro aswell maybe with trackIR
  9. Nova

    I have the Mustang alpha
  10. Nova

    oh wow that 970 is carrying your pc. all my parts are extremely average and below average. im lucky to get 30 fps in the hanger and 20 in the arena commander
  11. Nova

    what are your system specs? like what frames do you run the game at?
  12. Nova

    have you played star citizen 2.0 yet? i hear the constellation is in
  13. Nova

    nice. i'm gonna get the Constellation Taurus
  14. Nova

    just go watch some of the ship commericial. or search up robert space industries on google
  15. Nova

    its a crowd funded space sim
  16. the roleplay on the server is definitely getting better. today we had a full on riot at the hospital before the cops turned up to disband it
  17. Nova

    i can barely run Arena commander let alone 2.0 need to upgrade
  18. Nova

    nah its not its still pretty far out but looking good i'm thinking of cargo and escorting. im not good at dogfighting
  19. Nova

    next time ill record it
  20. Nova

    it has been disabled as far as i know
  21. Nova

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpWhxlNZzcxPr_gaceDMIjA there ya go
  22. Nova

    good to have you back
  23. Nova

    @Elliott in his cage
  24. Nova

    oh okay what are you going for? exploration, military, cargo, piracy?
  25. Nova

    oh shit. i could barely afford what i got because of the terrible exchange rate. we should get a Strayagaming corp or group together when the persistent universe comes out