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Posts posted by Bow

  1. Also another idea to expand on this is to include clothing items or other inventory items? As these two tend to be more tedious to obtain in comparison to weapons.

    But maybe reduce those tocken prices a little mentioned above, or make Tokens easier to get rather than just infantry kills.

    • Like 1

  2. DLC: 



    I can live without the Laws Of War DLC, i can definitely live without the Tac-Ops DLC. However, the Tank DLC is a neccesary and essential DLC for a players Arma 3 life, it as quite literally rolled into our Arma 3 experience; this very experience is a must have. Also i am broke as shit so fingers crossed dad :monkamega:



  3. Just some little memes ive made and uploaded over the past few months on teamspeak, the ones im allowed to upload anyways :wesmart:

    If any are offensive to you let me know, otherwise ill be updating this list. 



    • Like 6
    • Haha 2

  4. @officeladyjacob Love you bby, this is why you shouldnt show off your guns and betray my trust. I am a lovely and friendly officer but i can be very salty hah!

    Shame Jacobs reaction to me lying about the 700k bounty and it being 1.5mil+ wasnt recorded, or all the spam messages, pokes and texts :pogchamp:
    But thanks for all the sups and weapons, couldnt of got them without ya buddy :heart:


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1

  5. Due to the lack of information and effort not being sufficent enough for your blacklist appeal to be accepted, it will be denied.
    However i do encourage you to place another appeal with more information and details.
    If you want to further discuss your appeal or have any questions to the matter feel free to contact me on teamspeak.

  6. 2 hours ago, Nevetos said:

    As of this moment, what looks to be the case is that the regular skins will be very low resolution and as such wont improve. However, as we will have a 'StrayaLife DLC', we can make these textures much, much better for those that are using the DLC.

    Free DLC xD ? 

    • Like 1
    • Wesmart 1
    • lul 1

  7. Was just a suggestion, i am a casual on the server so maybe on once or twice a week, ive never seen the civilian thing but i guess i am not looking. Doesn't help i am always flying or CAS. 
    And yes while the ROEs state you can not engage strategically valued targets, theres nothing about the buildings themselves in the manner ive suggested

    55 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    Kinda seems like you trying to get some ez rep

    And that wasn't a necessary comment from a I&A admin man.

    • Triggered 1
    • reee 1

  8. I am unsure if this has been discussed prior but i have two interesting ideas that could be added on a small scale to build on AO/Side dynamics through the introduction of ROEs (Rules Of Engagement) that need to be considered before flattening everything inside a AO/Side.

    1. Introduction of free roaming Civilian AI on foot, in vehicles, and/or in helicopters and planes. I understand that this would generate the possibility of more lag on the server but implementing this on a smaller scale either with the max of 10-20 Civilian AI on the map, respawned with every new AO or even have them attatched near the AO for when a new AO spawns, Civilians will spawn around it as well. Its possible and would add the aspect of Civilian casualties and the oppertuunity to punish or stat track players who kill these Civilians, adding a extra a new depth to the mode of I&A.

    2. Introduction of building destruction penalties. This would be harder to implement but a deterrence for blowing up literally the whole town/city would be different. Almost every AO i go to, Bluefor forces leave it just about fully destroyed. If we can add this to every AO or maybe a select few AOs than this would be a massive game changer. And if every building is too extreme, than enforce penalties for high value buildings such as hospitals, churches, construction sites, ATC buildings, solar towers ect. These penalties can be applied after the completion of the AO or even as a side objective. I am unsure about the nature of these penalites or even adding them as side objectives for the AO as there are already so many, but something like this would be a great idea to add and would further mix up the dynamics of the mode and how players take on a AO.


    I would love for these ideas to be discussed in the comments and hopefully considered by the developers. Even if this can be introduced on a small scale to 1/4 of the AO/Side missions i do believe that it would add a nice change in the mode and make it necessary for players to not only consider what they are shooting and blowing up, but also get players to read their mission briefs.

  9. 18 hours ago, Lotza said:

    Following on from this, in the recent AL staff meeting. We have decided to change 2 additional rules.
    This will be the removal of rule 8.1.1 and the addition of rule 13.5.2


    8.1.1 Safe zones extend 50m outside the meshed area with rebel safe zones extending to 150m outside the meshed areas.

    So you can now rob civs anywhere in SYD and not just in like 3 spots.. praise the lord, it was annoying always checking if you were 50m away from a safe zone.

    • Seems Good 1