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Everything posted by BulletL

  1. I can't wait for the Jet DLC I'm dying for some change. Hopefully, it will bring some much-needed changes to the Jets. Things from the Apex DLC are yet to be added and I'm still waiting for the Falcon to be added back in.
  2. In addition to what you said FBI, the level of difficulty to spot players who may have ghillies and are masked with so much terrain in comparison to a loud Jet which you can hear and identify from so far. You can be hiding anywhere and all you need is an average backpack or 2 well-placed AA rockets to rip apart a Jet. Imagine 3-4 players all with AA part of a nice big Opfor Squad Each with backpacks full of AA. Everyone who says I am only good at OP Jets, please join Independent with a small group, a stacked Opfor/Blufor controlling the airfield and buy a Jet. Let's see how long you last and how fast you need to rearm.
  3. Nothing should be over the price of 100k, vehicles are supposed to give an advantage and those skilled enough to have mastered them gain a superior advantage. Jets and air support play a large role in taking over certain areas and with a good pilot can give a great advantage. The real problem is air vehicles on Opfor and Blufor as they have so many players to support them. A jet on Inde is nothing in comparison to a jet on Opfor. The jet on Opfor will have the airfield secure by 10 or so players in addition to central Stratis which gives great AA vantage points such as the radio tower and other tall structures. A Jet on Inde has to combat all the Opfor/Blufor AA which is extremely difficult if you factor a number of flares the Wipeout gets. Hence why no one flys on Inde. With the top tier Launchers being so easy to obtain, making air vehicles overpriced and not worth for certain teams would mean players not using air vehicles. However, these price changes NEED to be team specific. Jets on Blufor should be as much if not less than the same on Opfor(provided you increase the price to something higher) as Blufor is generally fighting the stacked Opfor team and should definitely not be the same price as Inde as you need to factor in they actually need the Airfield. Vehicles shouldn't be edited at all. The more vehicles you add the more the game gets interesting adds new kinds of threats. I hope to see the Falcon back in at 60k or something reasonable as now there is not rearm heli.
  4. Ad fog at 1.5k up, If playing long range to be effective in Blackfoot, Kaj you need to be like 2k up with fog it will encourage close range attack, something that requires 2 skilled crew member to be effective.
  5. BulletL

    Pilot slots would not work for Inde, understandble for Opfor/Bluefor this is similar to role assignment.
  6. I know this has been long awaited by many... Enjoy. Any feedback would be great, likes/dislikes help aswell, thanks.
  7. BulletL

    Until you killed BulletL and he came back with wire guided DAGRs and put an ended to the mortar and ammunition truck
  8. BulletL

    Thank you! I will try to make some more, glad to know you enjoyed it. My channel has some other content, I recommend you have a look to see if anything sparks your interest. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEgU7hfvQ__mYZcL4joU5cQ
  9. SO I have been playing Wasteland for a while some may remember me although others may not, nonetheless here is a video I created in two days of gameplay. kthxbai To be honest this is mainly just a test I'm trying to get some feedback on my editing/content, some of my friends have recently got this and I am back into Arma 3. I was wondering if I could get some feedback, anything at all would be wonderful!
  10. BulletL

    Thank you, I appreciate that a lot!
  11. BulletL

    Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the support dude, I really appreciate it!