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Everything posted by Holski.

  1. Holski.

    He plays very often and gets the job done, he's a capable person and has a good understanding of protocols and procedures.
  2. Person was being processed and had dropped all items/gear. The processing officer, a recruit, had disconnected from internet issues and all of the gear had disappeared. AO didn't seize the gear either. Officers that witnessed are, Holski, Bodyboarder and NotAustraliaDay.
  3. Holski.

    Perhaps the wisest words i've ever heard. Also a tip for op, use your keyboard a lot and outsmart the enemy. Tactical awareness can win you a lot more than just aim.
  4. Holski.

    We need to land this missile in the ocean
  5. Holski.

    But will they have access to a jet or armed helicopter?