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About WobMinerJames

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  1. WobMinerJames

    I think a Arma2 server I played on way back when had an auto-balance script, hopefully there is something that can be picked up around the arma forums/sites?
  2. WobMinerJames

    This topic isnt an attack on the staff who have done it. I am asking if its possible to change the way in which the team switches have been handled, as offering 100k comp to any negatively effected by the change doesn't seem practical! Especially when many people leave the server with negative thoughts in their heads. Team balancing is needed, but the last 2-3 times its happened there was a LOAD of salt flying about in the wind as to how poorly it was implemented. Even those involved realized it was not a great thing to occur, even though necessary.
  3. Over the last few days I have been involved in, or heard about, 3 different occasions of an admin or moderator getting multiple people on teamspeak (on OpFor) to change to BluFor for a team balance due to a stacked OpFor. This is a great idea, but seems to be operated in a way that causes many people to feel cheated and wronged by the staff members. Currently what has occurred 2 times, once a few days prior and once again today around 13:00, a group of OpFor are switched to BluFor on the airfield so that they can keep their vehicles. Whilst keeping vehicles on a team change is just bad in itself, the players than obliterate their ex-teammates on OpFor as they jump back into their tanks, helis and jets after spawning in and take complete control of the area. If one player was to do this by himself they would be called a metagamer and a cheater, then be banned and those that lost their gear be comp'd for it. Yet this is happening with an entire squad from teamspeak (the players that do really well and are often at the top of the leaderboards) with absolutely no downsides of switching teams other than a few seconds of not being in the server, this is causing many people to outright leave the server in despair. - I can say from my experience of this the server dropped from 50 players to 30 within minutes of the team balance conducted 3 or so days ago (I myself said "Fuck it" and left the server after having spent hours building up a good hold on the airfield.) There is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to do these team balances, currently spawning in with all your gear and jumping back in armored vehicles is just the wrong way, especially when you know WHERE your ex-teammates were operating and logging in practically meters away from them... Team Balance is needed. But causing several players to be given grief over the matter isn't good. You can say "Well screw the OpFor team for being so stacked" - but many of the players on that team didn't join it when it was stacked, and defiantly don't deserve to have all their hard work and Vehicles/Bases/Cash blown up and taken by their ex-teammates. There was no warning given at all in my experience, the 2nd time I haven't really heard how it happened, and this 3rd time today there was a message given in side chat (OpFor) that nobody actually noticed and then once more in global as the newly joined BluFor members are jumping into their vehicles. I can understand why team balance occurs, but when it happens like this its jut a disgusting occurrence for most people involved. Any ideas and suggestions to how it should be done would probably be a good thing to pop in the comments! Admins and Mods have kept the server flow great in my few weeks of playing so I hope this issue can be figured out Cheers ~ Wob