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Everything posted by real

  1. real

    if you can build lego, you can build a pc. *dodgeball voice* seriously, be calm, take your time, do your research and be confident. if you're not sure, check again.
  2. real

    Some Hurons to join the family. Once this lot are all done, i'll do some woodland ones, then maybe look at the hellcats and the tiger ghosthawk
  3. real

    they'll likely just respawn before the pod arrives. I like the idea
  4. what's the collective noun for a group of mohawks?
  5. real

    thanks Rog. mate, if you're new to skins and texturing i'd seriously recommend that you stay away from the Mohawk. Infact i'd tell anyone to avoid it like the plague. I may have mentioned that it's a bastard, but that really doesn't get across just how shitty it is to work on. the ghost hawk is a fair bit easier, but easier still would be the marshall. All the textures are available in the game, you just need to download the 'arma tools', including the 'pbo manager' from arma workshop. I'm pretty sure there will be some templates online too. don't the straya gaming design guys have some templates? I'm happy to help with a tut, but i'm not sure how easy that is without me seeing what you're doing, or vise versa. there are some very good youtube videos on photoshop (i'm assuming you have photoshop; is this what you're using?) and some specifically for arma retexturing. i'll have a look if I can find some good links for you.
  6. real

    and here's the current Mohawk wip. there's still a bit of work to do, (the Mohawk is a bastard to work on), but it's getting there
  7. real

    @Tracuer so, early evening then? no good for me, unfortunately
  8. real

    the Mohawk i'm working on is similarly coloured, so you'd better like it
  9. real

    ok, so I was never really happy with the first version as I think it looked like an over ripe banana, so I've tweaked the camo and changed the colours. opinions are welcome/requested, DEMANDED!
  10. real

    i'm happy to be pilot or auto rifleman. can you give an indication of the time you plan to run the missions?
  11. real


    I'm happy to do it if someone asks
  12. real

    I like tfr. would like to see it working
  13. real

    nah, eazy, we like landing. it would be good though. i'd like to see rappelling too
  14. real

    sorry Fitz, I didn't realise you'd already created some camos, and camos with flags. I went ahead and started looking at the flags yesterday, then got carried away and messed around with some camo ideas. are uniform skins something that strayagaming are looking for?
  15. real

    well, i'm in conversation about some vehicle skins at the moment, which I think you're looking to include on the server sometime this week. i'm sure I could look at throwing a flag on a uniform for you
  16. real

    You could change the flags on any of the uniforms using the original texture, it really wouldn't take much effort at all to implement.
  17. isn't it this one? armor_f_epc\MBT_01\data
  18. armor_f_epc and armor_f_gamma both have MBT-01 files. I think the latter may be the one you want.
  19. real

    thanks guys
  20. ha, yeah, nice! I think most of my camo will be this style, as it's my favourite. though I have one or two other styles that i'm working on.
  21. I'm glad you like them. I should be on later. you should know there's only one skin at the moment, as I abandoned the 'darker' light blue, as I didn't like it. it's exactly the same camo, so if you really wanted it I could resurrect it. personally, I wouldn't bother. if you want more skins on the neophron, in different colours, then i'll make them. I think different camo patterns would be better than just recolouring the same camo as that would look a bit, well you know..
  22. ok, here's the light blue version, which I prefer. I've added the last little details and well I think it's finished. I hope you like it. Now, to get the skin on the server, does it need to be a .paa and wrapped up in a a pbo?
  23. I've been away and busy this last week or so, but spent a bit of time tonight and pretty much finished the neophron. I think I might change the light blue colour for a lighter blue as it was on my original.
  24. thanks mate. still a bit of work to do lining up some graphics and a few other bits and pieces.
  25. how do you like my inspection stand? sorry, parko, still not a Kuma or slammer/