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Everything posted by TrickyT1964

  1. TrickyT1964

    is it still broken??
  2. TrickyT1964

    with the shipwreck mission we need a smaller area as 3 attempts at it we havent found a crate, ship, or anything as we have to dive about 250m underwater with next to no light, this is a good idea yet its semi broken atm. another suggestion would be better skins like more camo flauging ones, (i can learn how to make em if need be) plane crashes that are lootable would also be nice (like drug shipments) maybe a more diverse mining system (more minerals) buildable bases is a big one that id like to see, there is a mod that i forgot the name to, but ik its possible but wed have to see
  3. TrickyT1964

    evening i am just wondering, firstly, what happened to the tanoa life RP server, and then secondly what i can do about getting my money and vehicles out of that server and transfering it to altis. i assume the game files and saves from the server havent been deleted yet so im just wondering if someone could maybe go check them quickly and tell me if i can get my money back at least? i had at least 3.2 mill and at most 4.5 mill. btw i am just mainly curious about what happened and trying to rescue what i can from the other server, thanks whoever can give me any advise