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Connor McGregor

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Everything posted by Connor McGregor

  1. Connor McGregor

  2. Connor McGregor

    lol i doubt he will do something @Jewbacca seeming he is corrupt himself.
  3. Connor McGregor

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .....
  4. Connor McGregor

    That's my Nev
  5. Connor McGregor

    !!CHECK VIDEO DESCRIPTION!! Hope you boys enjoy.
  6. Connor McGregor

    @Joshua_ What do you mean I've been on the server for 4 coming up to 5 years now and every single member of my gangs and just players in general have been posting non-stop on how the community and the server can change but noone has listened im not complaining im just stating that staff had put up posts like you saying ''How can we help change straya" we give opinion's and its not good enough because it doesn't meet Management's Standard on whats good for the server, When i was a moderator i did alot of talking alot of posting something that i wasnt good at doing but i did it cause the community needs a change and "F*ck syndey right off that shit was a hell hole it was a place for cops/civilians to break rules and a chaos for staff in general". If the staff team seriously want to help go back to my Suggestions 7 Months back and start from there.
  7. Connor McGregor

    What did the cops have whilst attending the fed, Cause every small/big gang that tried doing it cops would bring HMG's Navids, Lynx APDS, SPMG, Zaf's, RPG's, And they wouldnt even push they would wait and wait up to 1 hour.
  8. Connor McGregor

    How was your experience with fed? Cause i guarantee if you did fed around last month you wouldn't even think of trying to drive out of fed with a HEMTT full of gold or even tryna store it.
  9. Connor McGregor

    What's the point of loading a HEMTT full of gold knowing that it can despawn at any time and can be blown up by some kid sitting on cement hill, When you can leave it in the vault?
  10. Connor McGregor

    ?.. i dont wanna be rude or an ass-hole which isn't my intention, But have any of you actually done a federal reserve at all...
  11. Connor McGregor

    Let's just drive out of fed with gold in a HEMMIT whilst 20+ cops online seems smart?????????????????????
  12. Connor McGregor

  13. Connor McGregor

  14. Connor McGregor

    I'll eventually make some...
  15. Connor McGregor

    Get'em @Jewbacca
  16. Connor McGregor

    Well obviously there is something wrong if people dont wanna work together which needs to be fixed and when it does happen instead of coming together to resolve it the staff do nothing to fix the issue at hand so than in the future when this does happen again instead of the staff going back to the same situation they had previously they just hand out bans because they think its gonna solve the issue but in reality it only makes things worse like Red said to me when we were talking earlier today. @James32
  17. Connor McGregor

    These are all point's we brought up in the previous months about change to Altis Life about Runs, Banks, KOS, etc. and still nothing has happend what do you honestly expect? +1 for the TYPE 115
  18. Connor McGregor

  19. Connor McGregor

    I have written this post to basically be a reminder to the Altis Life Staff, Recently i have decided to come back to the community due to several reason's but that isn't the case at this present time i have currently been talking with multiple community member's about what they think about the server and where StrayaGaming will be in a year's time let's look back on March when i posted my Suggestion's multiple people have commented on the post about what they wanna see within month's time, So whoever want's to comment on what you think or how the Staff can impress the server after year's of asking for what the community want dont be afraid to comment down below. So here are not only my Suggestions but the Community's Suggestions. Civilian. - Capture Points inside Small towns such as, (Alikampos), (Poliakko), (Rodopoli), (Katalaki) to gain discounts on Certain Weapons/Gear/Vehicles. - Weapons Shipment (KOS) (Capture a Weapons Shipment to gain guns than to Transport the Shipment to a Weapons Dealer to gain Money, Cops and Contractor’s are able to respond to try take over to seize weapons and gain either money or the weapons for themselves). - Weapons Dealer (Sell the weapons that you obtain from the Weapons Shipment or use them for personal use). - Airdrops: Add more Valuable stuff such as (Navid Mags, MX SW 100rnd Mags, Lynx Mags (APDS), MAR-10 Rounds), (SPMG). - Armoured Vehicle Drop (The vehicle will be exactly like an Airdrop the server will be Alerted its were about on the map, Once it lands inside ''KOS'' you are limited to a certain amount of ammunition and you will have to Lock-pick it to obtain the Vehicle you are also able to Chop-shop it for Cash). - Make drug shipments worth fighting for (Currently all the drugs in them are worth about 2.5mil at max) gangs and cartels don’t bother going to them anymore because its (1. A waste of time) and (2. You don't have enough to split between gang members.) However it is useful to the players that only roll around either by themselves or in a 2 - 3 man gang. - Increasing Drug Prices (As we know the amount of drugs that you get from runs such as (Weed, Cocaine, Heroine etc) is quite low at the moment and Cartels don't really bother to take control because the amount of money receive from doing it. And it feels like if people made more money off a smaller amounts it would make drug back to been a main thing and something else that rebels and cops to take care of and even contractors and get involved. And make it so don’t need to spend over $500k in heils in order to make any type of profit on your run. Eg: make it so you can do a run in a Pawnee/Hummingbird make it somewhat worth it. (This also ties into the last point about drug shipments). Legal Runs (Make legal run more worth doing (As we know doing apple and/or peach's is a poor way to make money has they don’t sell for that much. Now for people that have been playing on the server for a long time now have least over 10mil and they don't and they start to not (if they ever did) care about apple and/or peach’s more than likely they are doing illegal drugs or arms dealing. Which end if they and unlucky they will be caught by the police. So to make Legal runs more worth doing weather that is adding more legal ways to make money). Kidney Consequences (Add back in once you have been robbed of your Kidney you are unable to run). Increase Paychecks (Increase Paychecks from 3.6k to 6.6k). EMS. Medical Taru (Transport) (So EMS are able to transport Kidney’s, Hearts, As well as them being able to do Medical Missions and them receiving money once they successfully deliver to other cities (.ex Sydney to Melbourne 95k - Sydney to Brisbane 140k). Add in Surf Life Saving Quad Bikes (Because I’m sure EMS would like to bring back Surf Life Saving). Kidney Transplants (Make players able to go into Sydney Hospital to receive Kidney Transplant after being robbed of their Kidney which will cost up to 25k - 30k). Remember these are just Suggestions from Myself and other Community members that have taken the time to talk to me about different Idea’s they would like to see on the Server, So please if anyone has any suggestions on what you think would be nice to have on the server feel free to put in your personal opinions. If people start to fight or put inappropriate messages in the Comment Section the post will be Immediately Locked, These are Suggestions and for people to give Opinions not to argue. Please take a hard look about this post PLEASE THE COMMUNITY WANT A CHANGE SO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT.......
  20. Connor McGregor

    Cops will always meta game nothing can stop them cause COP = STAFF
  21. Connor McGregor

    Yeah ill be back in 22 days boys C Y @ than.
  22. Connor McGregor

    Hey guys im here to share my cringe montages with you guys thanks <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=107&v=78FGqHWTa3c
  23. Connor McGregor

    Good Evening, I have made this post today to unfortunately announce that i have stepped down from Altis Life Moderator due to my inactivity with Issue's and just generally helping people up in In-game aswell as in Assistance channels and teaching the Support team of what i know aswell as starting my new job which is holding me back with what i need to do and other reasons which i cannot state, So cheers for the fun times boys and i hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon.
  24. Connor McGregor

  25. Connor McGregor

    Leaving me already </3 @Excel. I wish you all the luck in the future buddy it hurts to see you go.