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Posts posted by Jeb

  1. I wouldn't mind, you can do it on your own, or join VPT because we could always use more members xd. If you were to do one I would focus on roleplay, and some cinematic.

    • Like 1

  2. 2.9 - You must declare on a person before you can restrain or knock them out

    2.9.1 - Police are exempt from this rule when checking licenses or ticketing.

    So, you have to dec before you restrain them for any other reason. In the police protocols, there is also something along the lines of this.

    9.2 Officers are to give warnings before tasing.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, luke_ said:

    Yeah cause the devs should be spending their time adding stuff to cop.

    True, this could be made within Police Command, but anything dev side souldn't be focused on this, and on the big update coming Soon™️
