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Everything posted by Kat.

  1. Kat.

    Accidentally listed as minor instead of trivial.
  2. The issue now isn't Sydney, as Connor mentioned, people are dedicating their time to the end of year studies. After the server wiped, it was impossible to get a spot in the 120/120 server. This was also during school holidays. Activity will always bounce around and there isn't much we can do to alleviate that. Changing to Brisbane was a good change, it allowed us to experience some other part of the map while retaining the servers quality. Sure, Sydney was awesome but it had its flaws. We are always looking for feedback and are also open to suggestions either by putting them in the Suggestions sub-forum or as a feature request through the Bug Tracker.
  3. You mention that with this new system you need to drive outside of fed with the gold straight away... I'm suggesting you hold your ground after loading it up and kill the cops so you can get out?
  4. You can load the gold, sit in fed and kill the cops, no?
  5. From what I know from memory Tear Gas Other coloured smokes other than Blue and White That's pretty much it. Noticed you fixed the store with scopes also, so this wasn't as big as I thought it'd be/
  6. Kat.

    ^ In addition to this, if they disconnect before they respawn, they will keep the charges.
  7. Kat.

    @DanM8 This isn't localised to the server. Run your game in 64 bit.
  8. Kat.

    I don't think cops can buy everything they want with 250k starting money
  9. Kat.

  10. Kat.

    [IOTC] again lads?
  11. Kat.

    Kill confirm/downed box

    Perhaps add a box to where you see fit, maybe on the top right of your screen when you get a kill with the following information: Downed! (or Incapacitation or whatever you see fit). Player: %NAME Distance: %DISTANCE Weapon: %WEAPON And if you get killed, the same box, appears but with this information: You were downed! (or whatever word you pick, same as before). Player: %NAME Weapon: %WEAPON The reason why it doesn't have distance for if you get shot is so you can't metagame their distance and tell your friends on TS, etc. Hope you consider it!
  12. Kat.

    Goodbye you magnificent person
  13. Kat.

    All pistols and all sub-machine except for the Vermin are legal inside city limits. Anything bigger and then you'll be breaching server rules.
  14. Kat.

    I don't see the need in replying to a thread with replies more than 2 months old other than to raise your postcount.
  15. Kat.

    I don't mind playing DICE games on low, still looks good aside from some particles and water.
  16. Kat.

    Wonder how it'll perform on my 2013 780 Ti
  17. Kat.

    What settings @ what FPS?
  18. Kat.

    Am I watching Transformers? Also, what graphics card you got?
  19. Kat.

    I believe when you try to message someone and you press send and close the menu too fast, the message doesn’t send.
  20. You can still restrain people or use Windows Key actions while in restraints yourself: Some examples: Cops cannot restrain people while restrained, however civilians can.
  21. Kat.

    You're that guy that drives 300 down main road and kills anything E: Aha, I was misinformed, you can ignore my comment. Welcome back if you are coming back.
  22. Kat.

    Last I checked, I believe sidearm dropping is intentional but I'm not too sure about them de-spawning after primaries are picked up as I haven't experienced that yet.
  23. Kat.

    Retraining them to check licenses or send them a ticket as a cop, not a dec. Restraining them for any other reasons than the above, a dec.
  24. Kat.

    Hey there Chadd gamer, pleased to have you in the community.