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Everything posted by Fascinating

  1. Fascinating

    all who are interested to join its free to and were going to working as a group in standard civilian payments as well if your a clan that wish to guard an area we are fine not to cause trouble but we will defend our clients if they wish not to pay tax's to fields
  2. Hello altis we wish to be a new contracting company called white suits joining the Australian community and bringing security to all were here to have a professional and active guard group altis whitesuits.docx
  3. Fascinating

    man theres lots of rules that arnt followed that messes up rp it would be cool if like you could be set rp persons in town and stuff and possible make it easyer to start upa little shop or something im hoping to rp alot if i become a lawyer but like as medic the outher day we gathered around and went down to market and tried some rp of beening health instructors and got a few people doing push ups and was fun but a cop came down and told us were getting paid by the goverment so nic off back to the hospital even no there was no call outs and we still had an active medic?
  4. Fascinating

    well dudes its simple cost of things gone hectic and not friendly to new players inless there in a group these days man theres no dimond mining like there ust to be for simple easish money so bud i dont see a problem with keeping one account as in kinda role play you can say your an officer not in work and stuff and man would mess medics up if this was going to be implmented i think in cop you would need pay by rank including super cheap items and like base price would have to be 5k medic tho its too hard as its not easy to get up in ranks but aye?